В каждом сердце и на каждой земле

In every heart and every land.
(В каждом сердце и на каждой земле)

In the meadow by the hill,
A bird cherry stands so still,
Her blossoms white as snow,
Dancing in the breeze's flow.

Amidst the cherry's fragrant blooms,
A bird builds her cozy rooms,
A nest to hold her precious young,
As the sweet spring season's begun.

The cherry tree with branches high,
Whispers secrets to the sky,
And as the birds all sing and play,
The cherry blossoms sway and sway.

As summer sun shines bright and warm,
The cherry tree stands proud and strong,
Her fruits so ripe and juicy sweet,
A treat for all, a wondrous feat.

In autumn days, the cherry leaves,
Turn to gold and red, like fireflies,
And as the wind begins to blow,
The cherry's beauty starts to show.

And when the winter winds do blow,
And snowflakes cover all below,
The bird cherry sleeps in peace,
Until the spring's sweet release.

So here's to the bird cherry tree,
A symbol of life's mystery,
May she always stand so grand,
In every heart and every land.

                By Vladmir, march 03 2023
