Article 40. We study Kalagiya. We think the Future

Good day to readers of my articles! Together with you, I continue to study the book of A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya". We continue to study 19 amon.

"2. The information-energy field or, let's say, the pressure of the density wave of Time, which carries information, is formed by the release of Fire from energy. It is appropriate to say this again: Thought is Light returning from the Time Point Future through the inner space of Matter Illusions of the Past in the Memory of the Spirit. The movement of Thought changes entropy, that is, it releases Fire from energy. As a result, a wave of Time density arises in the outer space of Matter. This wave, or rather its pressure, has a corresponding effect on Matter, on its entropy, in the form of action - the transition of Fire, released from energy, from the outer space of Matter into the inner space, into the substance Time. Together with Fire, Information also passes here. Then the Three Points of Time come out, as their manifestation, from the substance Time, and the already known action begins. But to this I must say: in any case, during concentrated thinking, or even just during concentrated attention, a high liberation of Fire, the space is discharged, the weight of the organism decreases due to the discharge of its Matter. During perception, everything happens the other way around. When the organism is discharged, it is very sensitive to the pressure of the Time density wave. Even the density wave of Time, caused by the creaking of door hinges, produces a shudder of the whole organism, like a "falling through" into space. At such a moment, they usually say: the soul falls into the heels. Of course, this phenomenon of "falling through" into space, that is, a sharp change in entropy caused by the pressure of the Time density wave, looks like an instantaneous convection of the Body's Matter - all Three Forms of Matter are set in motion by the redistribution of energies in them (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow . 1992) [1].

"In the broad sense in which the word is often used in everyday life, entropy means a measure of the complexity, chaos or uncertainty of the system: the less the elements of the system are subject to any order, the higher the entropy. The opposite of entropy is called negentropy or, more rarely, extropy".

From 2 pramon 19 amon we learn that the pressure of the density wave of Time is, in its essence, an information-energetic field formed from the release of Fire from energy. This wave carries information. And it releases Fire from the energy of Thought. Thought is Light - tension (one of the five points of the information-energy field (waves of the density of Time), which carries information), "returning from the Time Point Future through the inner space of Matter to the Illusion of the Past in the Memory of the Spirit." Such is the Evolution of the Eternal Spirit. At first, It "crumbles" into parts, manifesting itself - the Involution of the Spirit, and then in the form of Thought-Light returns from the Future to the Illusion of the Past in the Memory of the Spirit - gathering, centrifugal development. Matter itself is inert, but it has a potential inherent a priori, which is activated by the movement of Thought, that is, by the imbalance of Matter, releasing Fire from energy in the inner space (for example, in the Human Biocomputer in the process of thinking). By the pressure of the arisen wave of the density of Time, there is an influence in the form of an action - the entropy of Matter occurs, while the energy is released from the outer space, being transformed into the inner one and forming the substance of Time. It seems to me that there is an external universal information and energy field in which there is a general program, and there is an internal information and energy field (personal Time and the corresponding development program). Maybe the Light coming from the Future in the form of a Thought first activates the inner space of a person, and then a wave of the density of Time is created, activating one of the variants of the outer space, depending on the quality of this Thought. The situation that was in the general program is turned on, which affects the internal processes of the human monad

Together with Fire, Information passes into the inner space of Matter, and Time begins to manifest itself through three Points: Past, Present and Future. That is, the program unfolds already in a person's personal Time. A person attracts from the possible variants of quantum reality those parts of the program that correspond to the level of the Thought Form.

""In connection with such a construction, a person can be influenced by thought images that have risen to the high Levels of the Hierarchy, and the potential of which has begun to exceed the potential of the person himself, that is, such thought forms are even able to control him. He himself can use only those thought forms, the potential of which is lower than his own or equal to him "(L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors). Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017 The official website of the Authors[2].

"Further, the Authors describe such a phenomenon as the exchange of thought forms between people. These thought forms are developed by the people themselves and are in the information field of the Earth. Each person contacts his Level of development of thought images, and then exchanges them with an opponent. Thought is the real-life basis of each plane of Existence , bringing all the action and having a goal.The structure of the thoughtform is similar to the structure of the human mental field and the accumulated energies of this body.Each Essence gains its own composite of energies in the process of evolution, therefore everyone thinks in their own categories: the philosopher is one, and the mathematician is another.Also, the thoughtform is colored by the energies of the others shells, making it unique and individual.Any thought is a copy of a person in terms of its constituent energies.

Further, we read in the book that a person feeds the strength and power of a thought form with energies from his energy base. The process of the origin of the mental image of the Essence is similar to the transmission of impulse-code information from the Determinant. The mental image, as well as the impulse-code message, is deciphered through concepts accessible to a person, information and its decoding corresponds to the Level at which the individual is located. For example, at one Level they give only superficial information about something, and at the next the same topic is revealed very deeply. Each thought enters the cell of the matrix of the general system of the Hierarchy corresponding to its quantitative and qualitative energy components, creating a "layer of numerical potential constructions" that fill the matrix through a "special mechanism for compacting numerical constructions". Thought belongs both to the individual and to the whole Volume and corresponds to the Spirit of the times. "Filling the matrix with a variety of energies allows you to create a thought-form structure of different textures. Its power is made up of the total capacities of energetics of different quality. It continues to progress due to the circulation links established between the thought-form and the individual" [2]
Further, the author of "Kalagiya" gives an example when a person thinks intently or concentrates his attention on something. In this case, the Thought also releases Fire in its inner space, which is discharged and the body loses weight. In the process of perception, on the contrary, a rarefied human organism becomes very sensitive to the pressure of the Time density wave. Entropy (release of energy) occurring at the same time looks like an instantaneous convection of the Matter of an organism. At the same time, in the Three Forms of Matter there is a redistribution (of the physical and subtle bodies of a person).


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Convection (from Latin convecti; - “transfer”) is a type of heat transfer (heat transfer), in which internal energy is transferred by jets and flows of the substance itself. There is a so-called natural convection, which occurs spontaneously in a substance when it is heated unevenly in a gravitational field. With such convection, the lower layers of matter heat up, become lighter and float, while the upper layers, on the contrary, cool down, become heavier and sink down, after which the process repeats again and again. Under certain conditions, the mixing process self-organizes into the structure of individual vortices and a more or less regular lattice of convection cells is obtained"

3. Point of Time The future is in charge of the realization of the future. When a person releases Fire from energies, this Fire takes Information and the content of Thought into the substance of Time, into the Memory of the Spirit. At this Time, the Time Point Future, located in the outer space of Matter, as its manifestation, reacts appropriately to this Information, is polarized by it, and when it is returned to the inner space of Matter, it will begin to determine the course of future events. It affects the flow and tension of Time, in which Information is already embedded, and it, like a magnet, focuses events. Events are formed by the outflow of Information into the outer space of Matter.

Thus, thinking is the recollection of the future; it is necessary to follow the content of the Thought, because what a person thinks about, that he becomes, then it will happen to him in a combination of events. That is why the discipline of the Spirit - Meditation - is so important.

Therefore, any Teaching that leads to the stage of evolution puts forward the requirement - proper nutrition, proper breathing, correct thinking and behavior, correct ... everything is correct! This means that everything that is crooked in your life you should straighten yourself. And there is no need to resort to such false teachings as, say, the "science" of Dietology - it is a deliberately stillborn old woman, the wife of Satan. All recommendations must be drawn from the sources of spirituality, but not from the sources of debauchery and darkness" [1].

The third pramon explains to us the complex mechanism for the realization of the Future. Being in the Present Time Point, thanks to thinking (work with Thought), a person strains the inner space of Matter (the space inside himself), releasing Fire, which takes the Information and the content of Thought to the Illusion of the Past in the Memory of the Spirit. Point of Time Future is located in the outer space of Matter and is a manifestation of this Matter. The Future reacts to the Information flowing from a person, polarizes in accordance with the qualities of outgoing energies (that is, there are options in the Future, but only those corresponding to messages from a person are activated), returns to the inner space of Matter and determines the course of future events. That is, the Future Time Point affects the flow and intensity of the flow of Time, in which Information is already embedded. This Information, like a magnet, attracts and focuses events that are formed by the outflow of Information into the outer space of Matter.

"We also learn from the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" that Everything that exists in the Volume of the Absolute is created by thought and is guided by it. It is the goal-guiding basis of any form of existence. Thought develops and determines the prospects for the development of any energy formation in the Universe. " The law of thought formation is the law that ensures the movement of vital principles and promotes endless perfection. Thought and everything that it accompanies in progressing, connect polysyllabic progressions that embody it in real actions and forms" [2]. forms, occurs in different ways at different Levels of the Hierarchy.A thought has the greater power, the higher the Level it belongs to.

Such a development of thinking shows its different progressive forms at different Levels, and individuals possess a certain form of thinking, depending on the Level of development. There are the following types of thinking: light, energy, impulse-digital, figurative. Each thinking is made up of identical charges. Man has imaginative thinking. You can learn about this mindset by reading the previous article.
There are many Hierarchies in the Hierarchy of the Absolute, and one of them is the Hierarchy of Time and the Hierarchy of Thought. All of them consist of Essences - developing and spiritualized Beings. And when we talk about the flow of Time or a wave of density of Time, then we can imagine a living Essence that belongs to a higher Level of Hierarchy than the one on which our World is located, because this Essence of Time directively controls all the processes occurring inside the space Peace. In its structure, this Essence, like each of us, has a particle of the Eternal Spirit, but since It developed according to other programs, it does not have the same structure as other living spiritual Beings. Essences from the Hierarchy of Time are also embodied in our World (perhaps they are still at the low Levels of the Hierarchy of Time). According to my research, these are strong-willed and punctual people. In the Mythology of all peoples there is a God of Time, which has its own characteristics. For example, Chronos or Saturn. Even in "Kalagia" the Higher Essences describe to us in a very exemplary form such a grandiose process of the Universe as the flow of Time. At our Level of understanding, the Higher Essences have to convey information in some form. The authors say that the 6th race will already have impulse-code thinking, and accordingly, they will more accurately understand the mechanism of the work of Time, while having a higher energy potential and intelligence than people of the 5th race, they will even be able to control to some extent Time. What is written in "Kalagia" only introduces the structure of the Universe and the future possibilities of people. Technologies will be opened only after the cleansing of the population, a radical restructuring of society (raising the bar of moral and ethical standards) and retraining of the remaining people of the 5th race. It sounds very pessimistic, but it is a fact. The coefficient of awareness, and even more rationality, among the bulk of the population of our World and this reality is very low. Just look around...what people have turned into...Goodness to all and new insights!
