Summer in Vlora


How to survive summer in Vlora without air-conditioner and water twice a day?

I had that experience. I tried to avoid it explaining the Municipality Project Director Jurgan, that I need some important information about my property which got under “Eminent Domain” by government public use. Then I could move to my comfortable small apartment in beautiful city Ohrid

That plan did not work

At spring without any notice government intruded my property, destroying the newly built fence, damaged water pump and the whole system  for watering plans, demolished garage, leaving its foundation in total mess, cut a lot of land and built a low betony fence. All that was done on one side of the territory, which situated on the corner. The other side remained untouched. The place now had no privacy. I expressed my worry to somebody who gave orders to workers. Probably workers’s supervisor. He said not to worry as they would do one more meter up from  wood. Sounded good, but we didn’t discuss when they would do it.


Time went by. The English speaking engineer only shrugged his shoulders when I asked questions and answered smiling "Welcome to Albania"

First I waited, then I started to worry as other people did the upper part for privacy on their own. The worker who did my new fence before intrusion was enthusiastic to do that also, but the price for that temporary solution was too high, considering that the another side was not done. It was as putting money to the garbage…again. I prepared long wooden sticks to attach them to fence and could do the rest myself. The neighbor, who used to help me with small issues got into a trouble in that time. Once I saw neighbors with a drill and asked their help. They promised. I waited. They did not come.


Nobody came to finish roads and nobody came to finish work on second side of my property. Then I went to Municipality. Talked to a nice woman. Then the Project Director enthusiastically offered to solve 3 of my issues

1 attaching wooden sticks, so I’d have privacy
2 answer questions about municipality invasion (when and how much)
3 laws about reconstruction or rebuilding the defected house

I especially explained to him that after getting that needed and important information I could leave those terrible conditions I exist with and go to Ohrid. Director made some calls and enthusiastically promised to solve everything, sending me home to wait for worker to make sticks and to inspector to tell me the needed info
I rushed home and started to wait... I did not go to Ohrid.

 Now it’s a winter and a new year and I’m still waiting.
Yesterday the Mayor of the city finally responded to my numerous messages with lovely question
“I do not understand what you want from Municipality???”
And I realized that  I'll get the Answers to my Questions probably not before than pigs start to fly
And Avash-Avash means just two weeks after never


But at least I’ve learn some new life skills or rather refreshed the old one. If you are stuck in a house without water, betony roof and no air-conditioning, waiting for the Municipality workers that is what you should do.
Wet towel over the fan
Wet towel on your head and around shoulders
Foil on the windows and washing the floor often
For hot water use sun

I did survive physically that summer, partly returning to the time of socialistic reality with its materialistic disadvantages.
However, mentally it had a huge affect
