Article 42 Centripetal and centrifugal rotation of

Good day, Friends! Today we are starting to study 21 amons of the most wonderful book by A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya".

"1. It has already been said: "The energy potential will correspond to the degree of its compaction. Condensation of energy is carried out by forcing it into one place, with the application of torque.

This pramon should be expanded, then amon in the process of understanding will become Tarot - a guide to action.

2. Making the rotation of energy at a specific point in Space for a certain time, with the forward movement of energy, the accumulation and compaction of energy in this place is carried out. Due to this process, the density of Time is discharged, but the density of Matter (Space) is compacted.

3. Rotation has two forms of motion - centripetal and centrifugal.

4. Under the action of the progressive movement of the Thought, with concentrated attention on its movement, the centripetal movement of the incoming energy is carried out. This achieves the penetration of the pressure of the density of Time, the discharge of its density, but the densification of Matter (Space).

5. Under the action of the translational movement of the Thought, with the concentrated perception of its movement, the centrifugal movement of the incoming energy is carried out, and, accordingly, the density of Time is pumped, but the discharge of Matter (Space)" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992) [1].

To understand these pramons, I recommend that you carefully read article 18. It contains drawings from the appendix of the book, which shows one of the rotational movements of the Kundalini energy, in which such effects as compaction or rarefaction of Time are possible. The book we are studying deals with working with energies in 4th and 5th density. When the properties of quantum reality are fully studied, the keys to the book "Kalagiya" will be given and people will be able to use these practices. At this stage of our development, we are just getting acquainted with the possibilities, properties and qualities of the 4th dimension.

"Time is a connecting element of matter during its development and movement. Could matter develop without time? It could, but chaotically and spontaneously, since it belongs to a low level of the hierarchy of matter. And time regulates development, makes it fit into certain to achieve the required result within the planned timeframe. Time accelerates the development of matter in one place of our Universe and slows it down in another. And this has its own secret meaning of docking moments of separate spaces and different fine-structured materials. Slowing down one development, time produces a small build-up of matter (development is always an increase); by forcing something to move rapidly in development (and this is accompanied by an accelerated passage of time), it contributes to the growth of new matter in a significant amount. , while in the other it slows down ("b"), but on average the masses ("c" and "k") are aligned due to the incremental values (" a" and "b"). Their tops ("n" and "m") reach the same level. Therefore, time forms spatial forms, volumes, configurations as required by the general development program. It is compiled by the Higher Personalities in advance according to the plans of God for certain spatial volumes and worlds. A goal is set at the head of such a program, to which everyone who is in a given world volume obeys "(L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Riddles of time. Moscow. 2014. Official website of the Authors [2].

The same book says that within the general time, private volumes develop each in its own time, depending on the personal program - who needs to increase volumes rapidly, and someone needs to be in a slow state.

"And the most important thing that does not allow an organism to exist in one time is that the microstructures that make it up must constantly renew this organism, otherwise it will quickly grow old and will not be able to live the allotted time. And in order to renew the body, microstructures must " to be born", that is, to be created, after which they must reach maturity, reproduce what supports the common organism, and also give "offspring", that is, reproduce exactly the same new structure, and then collapse. reproduction of the new, replacing it with the old. And for such a renewal, the time of the microstructure must flow many hundreds and thousands of times faster than the total time of the macrostructure. The more often the rejuvenation of the macrostructure (or maintaining it in some equilibrium state) will occur" [2].

"... a person with high consciousness is able to work without supervision and control of the boss, so particles of a high order of subtle matter are able to open the process, acting not under the control of particles of time, but due to high energy potential. The same for people corresponds to the concept of" high consciousness ". They themselves unfold the program given to them in the direction of evolution and themselves turn it off when necessary" [2].

Based on these quotes, we can conclude that our low world exists under the strict action of the program of the general Time of the World. Each of us has a personal program for which a certain amount of Time is allocated as a resource. What we read about in "Kalagia" was given to people in 1992, so to speak, "for growth." Alexander Petrovich in his work reveals to us the secrets of 4-5 dimensions, how you can manage your personal Time. All these subtleties have always been known to the elite, for example, yoga ascetics living far from people, and this knowledge is also stored in the recesses of various esoteric societies. In fact, we are now receiving instructions for working in trance states with personal Time.

In the previous 20 months, the Teacher System showed us that with the help of Thought in meditation it is possible to correct the Future Time Point, because this is just a potential and there are various options for it in quantum reality. Today we learn from 21 amons that in the process of such spiritual practice as the rotation of energy we condense energy, which leads to the discharge of the density of Time, but the densification of Matter. And here are two nuances. If we follow the movement of the Thought, as if we force the process of rotation, then there is a centripetal movement of the incoming energy. At the same time, “the penetration of the pressure of the density of Time is achieved, but the discharge of Matter (Space) in a given place”, and if we turn on the process of concentrated perception during spiritual practice, then there is a centrifugal movement of the incoming energy and, as a result, “the injection of the density of Time, but the discharge of Matter (Spaces".

In the first case, we concentrate on ourselves and our inner space. Condensation of Matter leads the organism to transmutation - metabolic processes are accelerated, which leads to health and longevity. Also, the author of "Kalagia" says that the immortality of the body is also possible, if "the Secondary Matter" is introduced into the Channel of Movement of Centripeting Fire, which for a person is "linga-shariram" (fluids). LINGA SHARIRAH (Skt.) "Body", i.e. ethereal symbol of the body. This term refers to the doppelg;nger or "astral body" of a person or animal. This is the eidolon of the Greeks, the vital and prototype body; reflection of a man made of flesh. It is born earlier, and dies or disappears with the disappearance of the last atom of the body. Source: Blavatsky H.P. - Theosophical Dictionary. Source: Blavatsky H.P. - Key to Theosophy, Dictionary.

This is some kind of secret, but the author gives a hint. Only the initiates know how to work with the ethereal double, and I think that such practices should be done under the guidance of an experienced mentor. From experience I can say that I have seen such people. They had some degree of initiation in some Order. They practiced working with mirrors and the ethereal double.

In the second case, when perceiving the Spatial Information that a person receives through the "Fire of the pressure of the density of Time", which is essentially the "News in the chain of the Cosmic Hierarchy", and initially it comes from the Eternal Spirit. In the centrifugal perception of Space, Consciousness expands to cosmic quality, and thereby the Possibility, Ability and Skill increase to that Level of Hierarchy, which the Seeker has reached in terms of its parameters. Also, in the book we are studying, it is said that with the centrifugal rotation of energy, the disclosure of paranormal abilities is possible, including levitation and transition to other Worlds, but on condition that Secondary Matter is introduced into the Channel of Movement of the Fire of Thought - an ethereal double. in 7 pramon 21 amon it is also said: "By combining these two types of energy, the evolution of homeostasis is achieved, that is, the sublimation of the energies and substances of the organism, the sublimation of the physical organism itself, belonging to the third World, in the organism of the fluidic ethereal World or in the organism of a being of a higher planetary body" [1 ]. In fact, this is a recipe for those who yearn for ascension. Only in order to reach such a level of practice, you need, like Alexander Naumkin, to sit for 30 years in the Altai mountains, to keep severe austerities, to work hard and the desire of the Highest Teachers to help in such a transmutation. Alexander Naumkin himself told his friend that the transmutation of the body is very painful. That is, our organism belongs to the Tertiary Matter, and the etheric double belongs to the Secondary. Such practices should replace the energies and substances of the body, and the physical body should become ethereal only with other qualities. These practices are described in great detail in the books of Carlos Castaneda. Don Genaro's selection of his double was precisely the combination of the energies of centripetal and centrifugal rotation of energies, and thanks to the ability to control the assemblage point at will, the magician was able to achieve the evolution of homeostasis - dynamic balance.

"Homeosta;z (ancient Greek ;;;;;;;;;;; from ;;;;;; "same, similar" + ;;;;;; "standing; immobility") - self-regulation, ability of an open system to maintain the constancy of its internal state through coordinated reactions aimed at maintaining dynamic balance.The system's desire to reproduce itself, restore lost balance, overcome the resistance of the external environment "

"6. Let's remember that energy is generated by the combination of Possibility, Ability and Skill, which are the Seeker, the Seeker and the Search.

7. So we can acquire energy of two types - discharging the density of Time, but condensing Matter (Space); and forcing density of Time, but discharging Matter (Space).

In the first case, there is a transmutation of the existing state of Matter (Space) - an organism, for example, an increase, an accumulation of qualities due to a deepening of the process of metabolism and energies. This will be the realization of the desire to live long. The physical immortality of the organism is achieved in the same way, if the Secondary Matter is introduced into the Channel of Movement of the Centripeting Fire of Thought: in the human body - "linga-shariram", namely fluids.

In the second case, the perception of the Spatial Information, sounded by the Fire of the pressure of the density of Time, is achieved. This Spatial Information is the Message in the chain of the Cosmic Hierarchy; originally it comes from the Spirit of the Eternal. This is how the expansion of Consciousness to cosmic quality is achieved. In addition, this way increases the Possibility, Ability and Skill along the chain of position of the Cosmic Hierarchy. In the same way, levitation and transition from one World to another is achieved, according to one's own conscious desire, again, if Secondary Matter is introduced into the Channel of Movement of the centrifugally moving fire of Thought.

By combining these two types of energy, the evolution of homeostasis is achieved, that is, the sublimation of the energies and substances of the organism, the sublimation of the physical organism proper, belonging to the third World, in the organism of the fluidic ethereal World or into the organism of a being of a higher planetary body.

8. Stanislav Lem spoke cosmically about this: "Homeostasis is the desire for balance, that is, for existence in spite of changes."

9. Opportunity, Ability and Skill in their combination reveal and determine the quality of energy [1].

And in the 9th pramone, in one sentence, a huge work of magicians, hermits and other practitioners is formulated, which preceded the appearance of paranormal abilities in them, contrary to the way of this World. Opportunity is what is provided in the program as a super task, but it exists. Ability is the experience of the Seeker from past incarnations, and Skill is hard work and austerities in this incarnation in order to master some spiritual techniques. I think in the 6th race children will be taught such techniques already at school. They will most likely live in communities, which will help the development of the breadth of Consciousness to the Cosmic. The trouble with the traditional family format is the limited information, where the blindness of the parents prevents the child from looking for a new one, and he is attached to the family in the most productive period of his life from 0 to 21 years old !!! Therefore, in the 5th race, such gaps in spiritual development, I hope, will be eliminated. Although what is the request of society - to grow a consumer, such is the answer of the family in the education of their chat - a terry consumer for a parasitic system. Let's see how the Creators of this World will implement their plan with the golden race of humanity. Sophoos says in his chens that the destructive Saturnian civilizations are already leaving and are being replaced by Jupiterian ones. So there is hope for a brighter future...
