Дневник Сумасшедшего 1379


It took me the whole week to get through all recorded inaugural addresses of US presidents. Have I learned something about public speaking? Well, no more than a kid learns about martial arts by watching movies with Van Damme. Now, it’s time to reassess my purpose. I’m studying public speaking because I need to attract people to my youtube channel. I practice self-talk almost every day, and I’ve uploaded more than 800 videos. I think it’s gonna take another few years to reach the level which is gonna be sufficient to talk about important things. So far as my serious studies began just four years ago, whatever I say in my videos sounds like the mumbling of a four-year-old kid. However, taking into account that the kid sets up mind-boggling tasks and accomplishes them without being disturbed by silly games, in fact, considering these tasks as a game and being ready to play this game for months, years, decades – not expecting any reward but the mere possibility of continuing to play the game – there are good chances that the mumbling is gonna turn into comprehensive speech sooner than it’s anticipated.

Now, with regard to the latest speeches I watched, I wanna say a few words about Trump and Obama. I can’t decide which one of them is a better public speaker. Both are very persuasive, and both appear as if they truly believed in whatever they say. Trump seems to be a better actor. He skillfully uses pitch and intonation, raising and lowering his voice to make a profound impact on his listeners. Although he is a fraud, he is perfect as an actor. We are all frauds anyway, whatever we may think about ourselves. I’m not judging him. My research on public speaking is just starting off, so, probably, none of the US presidents would be included in my list of the top five windbags, competing for dominance in cyberspace, and I wouldn’t have a need to choose between them.

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