The movement of a rotating spiral of energy. Fire

Good day, Friends! We continue to study 21 amon of the book of the Russian sorcerer Alexander Naumkin "Kalagiya".

"10. Any viable construction is achieved by the movement of a rotating spiral of energy. Condensation of energy, that is, its injection, is carried out in the same way. In general, any life is built by the movement of a rotating spiral: whether it is energy or a substance that is composed of energy.

If the centripetal movement of the incoming energy directs the Fire to one place, namely to the Channel of the movement of Fire, which achieves the rarefaction of the density of Time and the compaction of Matter (Space) by this Fire, then the centrifugal movement of the incoming energy directs the Fire into radial radiation from the Center of Its Movement, which achieves the intensification of the density Time and rarefaction of Matter (Space).

Both of these cases should be considered in relation to the Center of the Movement of Fire, and not to something abstract" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992) [1].

From the previous pramons of this amon, we learned that the centripetal movement (right-handed rotation) condenses Time and discharges Matter, leading the practice to concentrate the Movement of Fire on oneself, and the centrifugal movement (left-handed spin), on the contrary, discharges Time, condenses Space and expands the Consciousness of the Seeker to cosmic limits . An important condition for the emergence of paranormal abilities is the introduction of Secondary Matter - the fluid counterpart of a person into Tertiary Matter (physical).

In the laws of the Universe, the following is written about the importance of compacting energy:


"Concentration expresses the compaction of the content in the existing form" with a subsequent stage of accumulation, "as the process of development implies a quantitative increase in volume" (L.A. Seklitova, L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017) [ 2]. The law of concentration unites and condenses the content of any form and state, regardless of the type of matter - whether it is gross or subtle.

Further, the Authors in their book [2] say that for the formation of any volume, the law contributes to maximum compression, which is necessary for the maximum possible combination of certain qualitative foundations in some forms, which are taken as a mini-volume in a larger structure, affecting it. The form of concentration depends on the building that will be formed, for example, a composite of the Soul with its various qualitative characteristics, the inner part of which will be condensed in the process of concentration to the maximum possible content. It is important that the volume be filled with all the necessary components, since in the absence of at least one of the components, defective development may occur and the Essence will have degradative moods in behavior "((L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. The laws of the Universe or the foundations Existence of the Divine Hierarchy, Volume 1. Moscow, 2017 Official website of the Authors soderzhaniya-12-15 [2].

There is a simple test on how to quickly determine the orientation of a person's attention - outward or inward. Watch healthy lifestyle lovers running in the stadium in the morning. The bulk of the runners move in the centrifugal direction and only 1-2 people in the right-hand direction of movement. So in our life, the majority of the population moves into outer space, comprehending the Tertiary matter - Illusion. And only a small percentage goes into their internal states, sorting out the basements of the subconscious and building reality in the new space of 40D resolution. I think that any transition between dimensions can be carried out after folding the space of the previous dimension in the form of accumulated experience (centripetal movement) - various qualities of energy, which first quantitatively transform into certain qualities, and then condense in the corresponding cells of the Soul matrix. Then, in fact, the transition to a new dimension takes place, and here again "the centrifugal movement of the incoming energy directs the Fire into radial radiation from the Center of Its Movement, which achieves the pressure of the density of Time and the discharge of Matter (Space)". The same processes apparently occur during the change of dimension during the disembodiment of the Soul.

And since "any viable construction is achieved by the movement of a rotating spiral of energy," then you need to master your inner spaces, and through them new realities, with the help of spiritual practices, which are described in a great variety in various spiritual currents. The rotation of energy around the body, inside the head, abdomen and others contributes to the improvement of the design of thin ones, the transformation of blocks in the psyche (and therefore a more uniform movement of energy) and, thanks to this, the emergence of new opportunities for a person. For example, I will show 2 pages from the book "Taoist Yoga for Women" by the author of CHOM, published in Oryol in 2002.

I can't upload pictures here. You can see them on the website
The subsequent pramons describe the mechanism of action of this process, in particular, from 11-14 pramons we learn how energies are distributed inside the space of the Movement of Fire and beyond. These two opposite directions must eventually be combined. Moreover, "the more concentrated the Circle of Influence of Energy, the more expanded, deeper and more intense the actions take place in the Center of the Movement of Fire and outside the Circle of Influence of Energies", that is, the greater the energy potential the practitioner has at the time of such work, the greater the external influence.

"11. Thus, with the centripetal movement of energy, Matter (Space) is condensed, and the density of Time is discharged in the Center of the Movement of Fire. In the Circle of Influence of Energy, in this case, Matter (Space) is discharged, and the density of Time is pumped; behind the Circle of Influence of Energy, Matter (Space) is condensed , and the density of Time is discharged.

12. During the centrifugal movement of energy, Matter (Space) is discharged, and the density of Time is pumped up in the Center of Fire Movement. In the Circle of Influence Energy in this case the Matter (Space) is condensed, and the density of Time is discharged; Beyond the circumference of Energy Influence, Matter (Space) is discharged, and the density of Time is pumped" [1].

That is, during the spiral movement in both directions, 2 spheres are formed - internal and external. With centripetal, the density of Time in the Inner Sphere decreases (Matter becomes denser at the same time), and the reverse process occurs in the External Sphere. With centrifugal rotation, the opposite happens. Apparently, this is necessary to create a potential difference and pumping (compacting) energy.

"13. The more concentrated the Circle of Influence of Energy, the more expanded, deeper and more intense the actions take place in the Center of the Movement of Fire and outside the Circle of Influence of Energies.

14. When Fire is released from the Center of Its Movement, the centripetal and centrifugal movement of energy add up. Consciousness occupies a place in the circle of Influence of Energy. Thought acquires the Form of Fire and movement in the Center of the Movement of Fire, and, concentrating here, unites with Fire. Fire goes beyond the Circle of Influence of Energy and unites in Spatial Fire. This achieves the Connection of Thought to the Spatial Fire and the implementation of a two-way connection of a person with the Cosmos, since the Spatial Fire is the Cosmic Consciousness.

And since the Consciousness has entered the Circle of Energy Influence, it can now directly control both the energies and the Thought, which has acquired the Form of Fire. And since the Thought now has movement in the Center of the Movement of Fire, and this Center is the Control Center of Possibility, Ability and Skill, the Consciousness, controlling the Thought, is already acting in the Space of the Eternal Spirit, that is, in Nirvana or Vidzhl-Space, through the Center of the Movement of Fire , which is everywhere, and its circumference is Infinity.

Thus, the Thought becomes the central character, and the content of the Thought determines the further course of events" [1].

It turns out that during practice it is possible to rotate the energy in two directions at the same time, and after the release of Fire from the center of movement, Fire will be released and the union of multidirectional energies will occur, and Consciousness will take its place in the circle of Energy Influence. “Thought acquires the Form of Fire and movement in the Center of the Movement of Fire, and, concentrating here, unites with Fire. Fire goes beyond the Circle of Influence of Energy and unites in Spatial Fire. Fire is the Cosmic Consciousness" [1]. The Consciousness, which is in the Sphere of Influence, governs the Thought, which has acquired the Form of Fire. An interesting moment! Those who have been engaged in spiritual practices know that at such moments the Thought and truth exist and guide the process, but it has a completely different quality. It turns out that the Thought moving in the Center of the Movement of Fire (in the Control Center of Possibility, Ability and Skill), is controlled by the Consciousness and acts in the Space of the Eternal Spirit (Vidzhl-Space, Nirvana), "through the Center of the Movement of Fire, which is everywhere, and its circumference there is Infinity.

Thus, the Thought becomes the central character, and the content of the Thought determines the further course of events" [1].

Now we know how to reach the Control Center of Possibilities, Abilities and Skills, that is, these 3 potentials are revealed most effectively in practices with spiraling energy rotations. In the above book "Taoist Yoga for Women" the author of CHOM reveals the secrets of comprehension of the art of Tao by women. Thanks to the Tao of love, they comprehended the energy of YIN, working in pairs, and then the energy of YANG was cultivated. In the practices of "DAO of Love" and "Sexual Tantra" rotational movements of energy between partners are also used, which expands the Consciousness and has a beneficial effect on health. In women, in the process of accumulating Yang energy, the menstrual cycle stopped (but it could be restored if desired), various paranormal abilities appeared (levitation, flights, the creation of gold from mercury), up to a complete transformation of the body. Taoist yoga for women just included work with rotating energies. Alexander Naumkin also claims that the complete transformation of the physical body is possible thanks to the practices that he gives. The only "BUT", there are no keys in the book for their use. But the book "Kalagiya" gives a very powerful impetus to spiritual work. I think that it is possible to practice accessible methods that are widely available, for example, various types of yoga. But first you need to work out the psychological blocks and expand the scope of understanding. Thus one can overcome the Illusion of the Third World and learn to control it.

At the beginning of the first part of the book "Kalagiya" there are such poetic lines:



Our mind must be wise

As in a mirror, we see it in the Soul.

Keep your mind and soul clean

Then prosperity will be wise.


These empty arguments

Because the Void is eternal.

And what can appear in the Void,

When there is no Dust, and there is nothing to gather dust?


Both of you are wrong now and forever,

Just because you want to know.

Better live carefree

How to assert your ignorance [1].
