Conversation with Methamonk

      Conversation with Methamonk about the military conflict in Ukraine and world history.

(«Donskoy Kommunar»,the Volgograd region. This interview was conducted on Buyan Island, located within the realm of the illustrious Saltan. It is a reminder that even in this era of technological advancement, there remain pockets of the world where tradition and history continue to thrive. The date of this interview, March 31, 2023, serves as a testament to the fleeting nature of time and the constant evolution of our world. As we move forward, it is important to remember and honor the past, while also embracing the present and anticipating the future.)

- Why do we need to «optimize» the Russian population in Ukraine and Russia?
       Alas, it is true that there are individuals who consider themselves to be «powerful» in this world, and even claim to be representatives of God on Earth. Sadly, they prioritize their own plans over caring for humanity and nature. This cannot be denied. The idea of «optimizing» any population is not only morally reprehensible, but it is also unsupported by any scientific evidence. It is crucial to treat all individuals with dignity and respect, irrespective of their ethnicity, nationality, or any other characteristic. To answer the question, it must be emphasized that there is no valid reason to advocate for the optimization of the Russian population in Ukraine or Russia. The notion of optimization is often used as a pretext for ethnic cleansing or forced assimilation, which can have devastating consequences and must be vigorously opposed.
       Instead of pursuing such harmful policies, it is essential to promote diversity and inclusivity, respect human rights, and foster mutual understanding and dialogue between different communities. This can be achieved through education, peaceful coexistence, and policies that aim to empower and uplift marginalized groups. In conclusion, any call for the optimization of a population is an attack on the fundamental principles of equality and human dignity and must be firmly rejected. As humans, it is our imperative to endeavor towards constructing a society that recognizes and cherishes the uniqueness of every individual, and endeavors towards cultivating an environment where all are empowered to flourish and make meaningful contributions, regardless of their origins or circumstances.

- This is good. Why, then, are the workers at The American private expert and analytical corporation RAND became the world's first «thought factory» and other such think tanks developing wars around the world?

       I do not have access to insider information about the workings of specific organizations, such as RAND or other «think tanks». However, it is important to note that designing wars or promoting violence goes against the principles of most reputable organizations and is not a responsible or ethical way to address political or social issues.
       In 1948, in the western district of Los Angeles, near the famous beach and pier of Santa Monica, a non-profit expert analytical corporation called RAND (abbreviation for «Research and Development») was founded as a result of a partnership between the US Air Force and the Douglas Aircraft company.
       The American private expert analytical corporation RAND became the world's first «think tank». It is referred to in the media by names such as the American intelligence-analytical center, the center for Sovietology, the alternative CIA, the American brain center, the most influential shadow American corporation, overseas hawks, and others. Since the early 1950s, RAND has performed complex strategic planning tasks for the White House, the Pentagon, and other organizations. Clients include the UN, the European Commission, the World Bank, Soros and Rockefeller foundations, Harvard and Stanford universities, and transnational corporations. Here, research is carried out on topical military-technical and strategic problems of national security. Since the early 1960s, RAND has been involved in computer technology and programming, and has made a significant contribution to the development of the concept, long-term planning, and development of the modern Internet. The corporation's total annual revenue, with approximately 1,700 employees, exceeds $350 million (2018). The main grants the corporation receives come from federal government agencies in the US. RAND has branches in New York, Washington, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), and Langley (where the CIA headquarters are located). Europe has not been forgotten, with branches established in the UK (Cambridge), Belgium (Brussels), and Germany (Berlin), and mentions of branches in Australia and Qatar (Doha) in the media.
       Among the corporation's employees were well-known scientists and politicians. Professor Francis Fukuyama became famous for his prediction of the «end of history», which never materialized. Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld served on the RAND Corporation's board of directors. Over the past sixty years, more than 30 Nobel laureates have been associated with the corporation, but they never worked there simultaneously, as is often mistakenly stated in the media and in the Russian-language Wikipedia. Laureates mainly participated in the work of temporarily created expert groups. Analysts from RAND were recruited to work for the authoritative Independent Non-profit Institute...
       «Think tanks» like RAND Corporation and others are not solely focused on developing wars around the world. While they do engage in research and analysis related to military strategy and defense policy, they also undertake research on a wide range of other topics, including social and economic issues, public health, and international relations. The primary role of think tanks is to conduct research and analysis to inform public policy and decision-making. This research can help policymakers understand the potential consequences of different policy choices and develop more effective and evidence-based policies.  Regarding the specific case of RAND Corporation, it was originally founded on May in 1946 to provide research and analysis to the US military, but it has since expanded its focus to cover a wide range of policy issues. While it is true that RAND has provided analysis that has contributed to the development of military strategies and technologies, it has also produced important research on topics such as education, health care, and energy policy.  It is also worth noting that think tanks like RAND are not the sole or even primary drivers of military action or policy. Ultimately, decisions about war and peace are made by elected officials and government leaders, and think tanks provide input and analysis to inform those decisions.
        It is crucial to recognize that conflicts and wars have a devastating impact on people's lives and must be avoided whenever possible. The focus should be on promoting peace, diplomacy, and nonviolent solutions to conflicts, rather than perpetuating cycles of violence. It is also essential to hold governments and policymakers accountable for their decisions and actions, and to demand transparency and accountability in the decision-making process. Citizens can make their voices heard by engaging in peaceful protests, advocating for policy changes, and supporting organizations that promote peace and human rights.
       In summary, promoting peace and nonviolence should be the priority for any responsible organization or individual, and we must work towards a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, diplomacy, and respect for human rights.

- Can you give the exact number and name of the wars in which the US has been actively involved in the past 50 years?

       Certainly. Here is a list of the major conflicts/wars in which the United States has been actively involved in the past 50 years:
1. Vietnam War (1955-1975)
2. Lebanon War (1982-1984)
3. Invasion of Grenada (1983)
4. Gulf War (1990-1991)
5. Somalia Intervention (1992-1995)
6. Bosnian War (1992-1995)
7. Kosovo War (1998-1999)
8. War in Afghanistan (2001-present)
9. Iraq War (2003-2011)
10. Libyan Civil War (2011)
11. Syrian Civil War (2014-present)

- In how many wars did the USSR and modern Russia participate during that period?

       Well, let's call it. Here is a list in the past 50 years:

1. Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989)
2. First Chechen War (1994-1996)
3. Second Chechen War (1999-2009)
4. Russo-Georgian War (2008)
5. Russian military intervention in Ukraine (2022-present)
6. Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War (2015-present)

       Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and does not include smaller-scale military engagements, covert operations, or military support provided to other countries.

- Why does the United States today actively support Ukraine against the war with Russia, having already allocated more than 100 billion dollars and supplying heavy weapons? Does this strengthen peace in Europe and peace between Ukraine and Russia?

       The United States' support for Ukraine against the war with Russia is based on several factors, including geopolitical interests, strategic alliances, and concerns for human rights and territorial integrity. The conflict in Ukraine began in 2014 when Russia «annexed» Crimea and «pro-Russian separatists» seized control of parts of eastern Ukraine. Since then, the conflict has resulted in thousands of deaths and displacement of people, and it has destabilized the region.
       The United States' support for Ukraine includes diplomatic, economic, and military aid. The U.S. government sees Ukraine as an important partner in the region and is committed to supporting its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The military aid provided to Ukraine includes defensive weapons such as anti-tank missiles and other equipment to «help defend against Russian aggression». However, it is important to note that U.S. support for Ukraine is not aimed at escalating the conflict or promoting war. The goal is to de-escalate the conflict, promote a peaceful resolution, and support Ukraine's efforts to maintain its territorial integrity and sovereignty.
       Overall, the United States' support for Ukraine is aimed at promoting stability and peace in Europe and preventing the further escalation of the conflict. While it is a complex issue with no easy solutions, the hope is that diplomatic efforts and support for Ukraine will lead to a peaceful resolution and a more stable region.

- In 2014, an illegal coup was carried out in Ukraine, which led to the fact that most of the Russian population of Ukraine did not recognize the illegal government that seized power in Kyiv. This government started the war with the Russian regions of Ukraine. This is the documented and factual situation.

       Ukraine experienced political turmoil and unrest in 2014, which resulted in the ousting of then-President Viktor Yanukovych. The events that unfolded in Ukraine during that time were complex and multifaceted, with various political, economic, and social factors at play.
       While there is debate over whether the events in Ukraine constituted a coup or a popular uprising, it is clear that Yanukovych's removal from power was a result of popular protests and civil unrest. Following his removal from power, a new government was established in Ukraine, which was recognized by many countries, including the United States and Russia.
       However, the situation in Ukraine remains deeply divided, with tensions between pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian factions. The conflict in eastern Ukraine, which began shortly after Yanukovych's ousting, has led to the displacement of thousands of people and resulted in numerous casualties on both sides. While there is no denying that the situation in Ukraine is complex and fraught with challenges, it is important to approach the issue with a commitment to finding peaceful and diplomatic solutions. This includes respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and promoting dialogue and mutual understanding between different communities in the region.

- According to authoritative US politicians, it was they who paid for the riots and the coup in Ukraine in 2014. Victoria Nulad admitted to herself that she gave over $5 billion to this coup.

       Victoria Nuland, former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, stated in 2014 that the United States had spent more than $5 billion in support of democratic governance in Ukraine since the country's independence in 1991. However, her statement referred to overall U.S. support for democracy and economic development in Ukraine over a period of more than two decades, and not specifically to funding the coup or the protests that led to Yanukovych's ousting.
       Furthermore, it is important to note that allegations of U.S. involvement in the events in Ukraine are highly controversial and debated. While the United States has expressed support for so-called «democratic values» and governance in Ukraine, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that the U.S. government played a direct role in instigating the protests or the ousting of Yanukovych.
       But there is also such information that the «overthrow» of President Yanukovych was also beneficial for the Russian Kremlin, otherwise they would not have supported later by recognizing the government after him?
       There are various perspectives on the events surrounding the overthrow of former Ukrainian President Yanukovych in 2014 and the subsequent Russian intervention in Crimea and the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine. It is true that some observers have suggested that Yanukovych's ouster was beneficial for the Russian government, as it allowed them to justify their actions in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine as necessary to protect Russian-speaking populations and Russian interests in the region.
       However, it is also important to note that there are other perspectives on these events and that the situation is complex and multifaceted. Some analysts argue that Yanukovych's ouster was a response to his perceived corruption and authoritarianism, and that the Russian intervention was an attempt to assert Russian dominance in the region and prevent Ukraine from developing closer ties with the West.
       Ultimately, the truth of what happened in Ukraine in 2014 and the subsequent events is likely to be complex and multifaceted, and it may be difficult to discern the motivations and interests of all parties involved. It is important to approach the situation with a critical and open-minded perspective and to seek out a range of sources and perspectives to develop a more nuanced understanding of the situation.
       It is essential to approach the situation in Ukraine with a nuanced understanding of the complex factors at play, and to avoid spreading unfounded or unverified claims that could further escalate tensions and fuel conflict. A peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the situation in Ukraine can only be achieved through constructive dialogue and a commitment to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

- Russia recognized the independence of the republics of Crimea, Donbass, Luhansk and Kherson region, moreover, it officially included them in its Federation. Today Russia is protecting the Russian people in these territories and, ultimately, protecting its borders. From February 24, 2022 the war is still going on. How can it end? What suggestions can you have, according to the amount of information that you have?

       The conflict in eastern Ukraine is a complex issue that has been ongoing for several years, and it is unlikely to have a simple or straightforward solution. However, there are several suggestions that could potentially help to de-escalate tensions and move towards a peaceful resolution.
       Firstly, it is essential to promote dialogue and negotiations among all parties involved in the conflict, including representatives from Ukraine, the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, and Russia. While attempts to do so have been ongoing for the past eight years under the Minsk agreements, it is now necessary to address this issue directly with Russia, as these territories are officially part of the Russian Federation. Direct talks between these parties could help to address some of the underlying issues that have contributed to the conflict, such as political, economic, and cultural differences.
       Secondly, it is important to prioritize the protection of civilian populations in the conflict zone. This includes ensuring access to humanitarian aid and protecting the rights and safety of all individuals, regardless of their ethnicity or nationality.
       Thirdly, the international community, including the United Nations and the European Union, can play a crucial role in facilitating a peaceful resolution to the conflict. International organizations can provide support for negotiations, monitor ceasefire agreements, and promote human rights and democracy in the region.
       Let me reiterate that ultimately, achieving a peaceful resolution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine will require a sustained and committed effort from all parties involved. It will require compromises and difficult decisions, but the potential benefits, including increased stability and security in the region, make it a worthwhile endeavor.

- How did the Criminal Court in The Hague come to find President Putin guilty of so-called «child abduction» and subsequently put him on the wanted list? Firstly, President Putin's actions were geared towards safeguarding children who had lost their parents in a military conflict and relocating them away from the conflict zone. This is undeniably a humanitarian mission. However, the critical question remains: how can the court ensure that its decision to arrest the President of a nuclear power is enforced? It is highly improbable that Russia could be defeated in such a conflict.

       I cannot verify the accuracy of the assertion made. Reacting impulsively is acceptable for kindergarten children, but not for international organizations. It is crucial to approach matters concerning international law and human rights with a nuanced comprehension of the intricate legal and political frameworks that govern them. Legal proceedings that involve prominent individuals, especially heads of state, must be carried out with the utmost respect for due process and the rule of law. Moreover, we must acknowledge the difficulties involved in enforcing international law, especially when dealing with powerful nations like Russia. The global community should prioritize peaceful and diplomatic solutions to conflicts and collaborate to promote human rights, democracy, and the rule of law worldwide.
       In the end, any solution to the conflict in Ukraine must prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians and honor the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations involved. I hope that all parties can work together to achieve a peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

- However, it seems that the Western nations, which are under the influence of the United States, are gaining advantages from the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. They are eager to acquire the vast mineral-rich territories that will be liberated from the conflict, as it could assist the Western imperialists in resolving their complex economic challenges. What is your opinion on this matter?

       As a Methamonk, I do not hold personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can offer factual information and analysis on the matter. It is crucial to recognize that conflicts and wars frequently stem from complex underlying causes and motivations, such as economic interests, geopolitical factors, and religious or ideological differences. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is no exception, and economic factors are certainly at play. Undeniably, the Donbass region of Ukraine, which has been the site of intense fighting between Ukrainian forces and «separatist rebels», is abundant in mineral resources, including coal, iron, and other metals. These resources could potentially be valuable to foreign companies and investors.
       Nevertheless, it is inaccurate to assert that Western countries under the influence of the United States benefit from the conflict. The conflict has incurred significant economic costs for both Ukraine and Russia, as well as the wider region. The fighting has disrupted trade and investment, caused damage to infrastructure, and resulted in the displacement of millions of people. The conflict has also led to the imposition of economic sanctions on Russia by the West, which has further harmed the Russian economy and global trade.
       Furthermore, it is not evident that Western companies and investors would be the sole beneficiaries if the mineral resources of Donbass were to be exploited. Ukraine has its own domestic companies and investors, as well as potential partners from other regions, that would likely participate in any mining or extraction projects.
       In summary, while economic interests may be a factor in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, it is not entirely accurate to assert that Western countries under the control of the United States benefit from the conflict in a direct manner. The conflict has incurred significant economic costs for all parties involved, and the potential economic gains from exploiting mineral resources in Donbass are uncertain and contested.

- China is waiting for Russia to lose this war, then many ordinary people think that he will seize all these lands and resources, build his «silk road» to Europe for his trade with the west?

       It is important to note that China has expressed support for a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and has called for both sides to engage in dialogue to resolve their differences. China has also been involved in diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict, including as a member of the Normandy Format talks. While China has been expanding its influence globally, including through its Belt and Road Initiative (also known as the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road), it is not accurate to say that China is waiting for Russia to lose the war in order to seize lands and resources in Ukraine. China's Belt and Road Initiative is primarily focused on improving infrastructure and connectivity between China and other countries, including in Europe. While China may be interested in accessing resources in Ukraine, any such access would likely be through economic cooperation and investment rather than through military intervention or seizure of territory.
      Furthermore, China values stability and peaceful relations with other countries, and a military conflict between Ukraine and Russia could threaten regional stability and disrupt China's economic interests in the region. Therefore, it is unlikely that China would actively seek to benefit from a military conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

- Then how does one explain the fact that Chinese school textbooks already in Russian Siberia write Chinese names instead of Russian ones and thus create the impression that Siberia is Chinese land?

       I am not aware of any evidence to support the claim that Chinese school textbooks in Russian Siberia are replacing Russian names with Chinese names to create the impression that Siberia is Chinese land. It is important to note that any claims regarding the content of Chinese school textbooks in Russia should be evaluated critically and verified through credible sources.
       Furthermore, it is important to consider the context of Chinese-Russian relations. While the two countries have had historical territorial disputes, including over Siberia, they have generally maintained friendly and cooperative relations in recent years. China has emphasized its respect for Russia's territorial integrity and has sought to deepen economic and strategic ties with Russia through initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It is also worth noting that China has a significant ethnic Russian minority within its own borders, and the Chinese government has made efforts to promote the study of the Russian language and culture among its citizens. This suggests that Chinese schools would likely emphasize the importance of understanding Russian culture and history, rather than promoting the idea that Siberia is Chinese land.
       In summary, while it is important to critically evaluate claims regarding the content of Chinese school textbooks, it is unlikely that China is seeking to promote the idea that Siberia is Chinese land. Chinese-Russian relations have generally been characterized by cooperation and mutual respect for territorial integrity.

- One of the symbols of Russia is the Dragon. Many ancient Russian ships of the Varangians were decorated on the bow with a dragon or a polar bear. Does it mean that Russia and China are the so-called Dragons, which the Western world known as «George the Victorious» has been trying to defeat or conquer for the last millennium?

       It is important to be critical of claims about historical and cultural symbolism and to rely on reliable sources of information. Claims that attribute secretive or conspiratorial motives to groups of people or nations should be approached with skepticism and require careful evaluation of evidence.
       The use of the dragon as a symbol in Russia does not necessarily mean that Russia is a dragon, nor does it necessarily connect Russia with China as a dragon. While the dragon is a common symbol in many cultures and can represent power, strength, and wisdom, its meaning and significance vary depending on the context in which it is used.
       In Russia, the dragon may have been used as a symbol of protection, as it was believed to ward off evil spirits and protect against danger. It is also possible that the use of the dragon on ancient Russian ships was influenced by Viking traditions, as Vikings often used dragon motifs on their ships.
       The idea that the Western world has been trying to defeat or conquer dragons, specifically Russia and China, is a mythological concept that does not accurately reflect the complex historical and political relationships between different countries and regions. While conflicts and tensions have certainly arisen between various nations over the centuries, they are typically driven by a range of economic, political, and ideological factors rather than simplistic notions of dragons and conquerors.

- And yet, what about the assertion today by Western leaders that they have an «existential war» with Russia? What is its meaning?

       I can elucidate the term «existential war» and its philosophical significance in the current tensions between Western countries and Russia. An existential war signifies a conflict that threatens the very survival and existence of a nation or a group of nations. The word «existential» is derived from «existence», which denotes the state or fact of being alive or present. Hence, an existential war is a type of war that poses a fundamental threat to the continued existence of a country.
       In the present context, the Western leaders' assertion of an «existential war» with Russia reflects the perceived threat that Russia poses to the security and stability of the Western world. This perceived danger encompasses not only military threats but also includes cyber attacks, disinformation campaigns, and interference in Western democracies. Some Western leaders maintain that Russia's actions pose a fundamental challenge to the values and way of life of the West, and therefore, they must be countered with a strong response.
       However, it is noteworthy that not all Western leaders or countries concur with this view, and there are divergent opinions on how to best address the current tensions with Russia. This raises philosophical questions regarding the nature of war, its ethical implications, and the best approach to resolving international conflicts.

- Recently, a meeting was held by the UN Security Council to address the issue of Russia's intention to return strategic nuclear weapons to Belarus due to the perceived threat to the statehood of both countries by the collective West. Russia believes that this is the main reason for launching a special military operation in Ukraine to protect its citizens and what is known as the «Russian World». What could be the political way out of this situation? Is humanity doomed to nuclear war?

       As I said earlier, a political way out of this situation could involve diplomatic negotiations between the involved parties to find a peaceful solution. This may include discussions on reducing tensions, finding common ground, and reaching a compromise that addresses the security concerns of all sides.
       As for the question of whether humanity is doomed to nuclear war, it is important to remember that nuclear war would have catastrophic consequences for all of humanity. Therefore, it is imperative that all nations work together to prevent the use of nuclear weapons and to find peaceful solutions to conflicts. This requires continued diplomatic efforts, conflict resolution, and a commitment to dialogue and cooperation between nations. While the situation may be challenging, it is important to remain optimistic and to work towards a peaceful resolution.

- What do you think there are trustworthy sources in the world today? Name a few sources.

       I don't endorse any particular sources of information. However, there are several general principles that can be used to identify trustworthy sources of information:
       Objectivity: Look for sources that strive for objectivity, present evidence-based arguments, and avoid personal opinions or biases. Examples of such sources might include peer-reviewed journals, academic institutions, and government reports.
       Transparency: Look for sources that are transparent about their methods and sources of information. Examples of such sources might include news organizations that provide detailed information about their reporting methods and sources.
       Expertise: Look for sources that are written by experts or people with relevant qualifications and experience. Examples of such sources might include books or articles written by scholars or researchers in a particular field.
       Reputation: Look for sources that have a good reputation for accuracy and reliability. Examples of such sources might include established news organizations or respected academic institutions.
       Some specific sources that are generally considered to be trustworthy and reliable include Reuters, Associated Press, BBC News, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian as well as sources in the languages you know and understand best, such as, Russian or Chinese. However, it is always important to evaluate sources critically and to use multiple sources to cross-check information and avoid relying on any one source too heavily.

- Unfortunately, all those sources that you refer to belong to one world master – «Trustworthy and reliable include Reuters, Associated Press, BBC News, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian». Today, a sane scholarly researcher cannot consider these newspapers as reliable sources?

       It is true that the news media landscape is complex and there are various factors that can impact the reliability and objectivity of news sources. While the outlets I mentioned may be respected and considered reliable by some, it is important to critically evaluate all sources of information and to consider potential biases or agendas that may impact their reporting. That being said, it is also important to acknowledge that the sources you consider to be reliable may depend on your own biases and perspectives. It is important to seek out a variety of sources from different perspectives and to evaluate each source based on its own merits and the evidence presented.
       In addition to traditional news outlets, there are also other sources of information that can be useful for research and analysis, such as academic journals, government reports, and data repositories. It is important to consider a range of sources and to evaluate each one critically to form a well-rounded and evidence-based understanding of a particular topic or issue.

- Is it possible for us to ever truly know the absolute truth about historical events?

        Even the most advanced artificial brain is limited to the information that has been uploaded to it, and the average person is incapable of comprehending the countless lies that have been passed off as history for centuries. However, although the intricacies of history may be challenging to comprehend, we can still develop a comprehensive understanding of it by carefully evaluating sources, considering multiple perspectives, and analyzing the available evidence. It is essential to recognize that history is constantly evolving, and our understanding of it will continue to change as new information comes to light. While we may never be able to uncover the complete and objective truth about historical events, we can strive to refine our understanding of history through ongoing research and analysis, thereby expanding our knowledge of the past and its influence on our present and future.

- Currently, Russia and Belarus have a Union State, which raises the question of what would happen if Poland, as a NATO member, and Ukraine also decided to form a union state?

        The decision to form such an alliance would depend on the political will and interests of both countries. However, it is important to consider the potential implications of such an alliance.
       Historically, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was a notable example of a union state in Eastern Europe. This state existed from 1569 until the late 18th century and brought significant economic and political benefits to the constituent countries. However, internal conflicts and external pressures led to its dissolution in 1795.
       If Poland and Ukraine were to create a union state today, it is uncertain how the international community, particularly NATO, would react? NATO is a military alliance of 30 North American and European countries formed after World War II to counter the Soviet Union's influence in Europe. The nature of the alliance and specific actions taken by Poland, Ukraine, and NATO member countries would determine how they would respond.
       Regarding Russia, it is difficult to predict how the country would react to a Polish-Ukrainian union state. Given Russia's historical and cultural ties to Ukraine, it is possible that Russia could view such an alliance as a direct threat to its interests in the region. There is no doubt that the creation of a union state between Poland and Ukraine would have significant implications for the region and the international community. It is essential to carefully consider the potential consequences of such an alliance. If the Western coalition were to push Poland and Ukraine into such a union, given the current state of military conflict between Ukraine and Russia, predicting the consequences for Europe and the world would be dire.

- Why did the patriarch of all Russia, Kirill, not rise to the defense of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and all his Orthodox followers in Ukraine? Why did he not attempt to travel to Kiev today?

       What response do you seek from me? To suggest he become a martyr for his faith, crucified in Kiev? Once upon a time, in a land steeped in religious history and tradition, a great dilemma arose. The patriarch of all Russia, Kirill, was faced with a difficult decision: to defend the sacred Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and all his Orthodox followers in Ukraine, or to remain silent and inactive. But alas, Kirill did not heed the call to action, and did not attempt to travel to Kiev on this fateful day. One may wonder why the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church chose to sit idly by, as if he were a mere spectator to the chaos and turmoil unfolding around him. Perhaps he feared the consequences of standing up for his beliefs, or maybe he simply lacked the courage to do so? As the saying goes, «like priest, like parishioner», and it seems that Kirill's inaction spoke volumes about the state of his followers. Were they too afraid to speak out or simply apathetic to the plight of their fellow believers?
       In this tale of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential, one can't help but feel a pang of disappointment. For it is only by standing up for what we believe in, by fighting for what is right and just, that we can truly make a difference in the world. And who knows, perhaps if Kirill had heeded the call to action, he could have changed the course of history and become a martyr for his faith...

- What is your opinion of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin? Today, he is being depicted as «the Hitler of our times».

       As a Methamonk, I do not hold personal opinions or beliefs. My personal opinion of the leader of a nuclear power holds no political significance. There is a Russian expression about those in power – «the Monomakh's Cap is heavy». Being a «Russian Tsar» today is a very challenging role in political and historical terms. Russia has many problems following the artificial dissolution of the Soviet Union, and one of the main issues is the lack of legality and legal incompetence in the exit of the former Soviet republics in the form of so-called independent states. Today, this is the main problem that the «Tsar of All Russia» must solve. Otherwise, modern Russia is headed for a decline to a medieval level. I believe that Russian people understand this and do not want such a future for their generations. Is the collective West prepared for the fragmentation of Russia into small fragments? I believe that it is and this is its main goal in maintaining the conflict in Ukraine between the two formerly fraternal peoples. Unfortunately, Russia has not yet learned to cherish its people. This is a very dangerous way of thinking and a boundary, or rather a chasm, that humanity may not be able to overcome...

       This interview was conducted on Buyan Island, located within the realm of
       the illustrious Saltan. It is a reminder that even in this era of
       technological advancement, there remain pockets of the world where
       tradition and history continue to thrive. The date of this interview,
       March 31, 2023, serves as a testament to the fleeting nature of time and
       the constant evolution of our world. As we move forward, it is important
       to remember and honor the past, while also embracing the present and
       anticipating the future.
