Conversations with the Teacher. Answers of Alexand

Good day, Friends! After the information received from Alexander Namkin in the process of chatting on the telegram channel "Kalagiya: Power over Time", I am rethinking many established Truths regarding the structure of the Universe in which we live and develop. In today's article, with the consent of Alexander and the owner of the above telegram channel Igor, I publish other answers of Alexander Naumkin in order to systematize, save information and continue to reflect on its meanings in the future. Practices and reviews on the book "Kalagiya" can be found on the website: Alexander Naumkin also has new publications that are very interesting: "In addition to Kalagia and Synergetics, the following my works turned out to be in the public domain, that is, on the Internet:" Wushu Karate - the secret teaching of the Taoists Tai "," A fairy tale for an adult reader ", "Chestyarat Vedas" (eight Vedas), "Gifts of Miroving" - eight chapters, " Ethereal technologies". These works were published under my real name. Maybe there was something else, but I don’t remember anymore "https: / / Alexander Naumkin in the chat under the nickname Bilingas Blake.

"Hello everyone!
Everything that Sidorov explains is the purest truth, of course, only what he feels in his introspection. As for the rest, let him judge himself. It is only expressed in the figurative language of symbols. He speaks of principles by applying other words and personifications to them. Colors and names are, of course, symbolisms. But he is very perceptive, and lays down the principles quite accurately. Some people think that he does not offer practice in this video. Well, the implementation of principles is practice. Thus, he offers only practice, the direction of which is indicated by symbols. The language of symbols and personifications makes it easier to present any information, even the most accurate, than the dry language of analytics. This is both easier and faster. But the inserts in his explanations made by someone are the essence of deceit and nonsense. All the talk about the universe is talking about nothing. Know yourself, and then think - to talk about the universe or not to talk. Self-knowledge is the highest knowledge. It alone reveals all kinds of knowledge. And they are not in textbooks.
Gref's chatter is inserted at the end of G. Sidorov's video. Gref is very mistaken, thinking that stupid people are easier to manage. It is easy to negotiate with a smart, educated person, but in principle it is impossible with a stupid one. A stupid person will not even work for money, because he does not know why he needs them. This smart person knows why he needs money - at least in order to realize his knowledge and skills. Therefore, a smart person works with passion and agrees to be managed, because in this case he can more accurately realize himself in a team. It is impossible to trust a foolish person with anything at all - he will ruin any business. And he is greatly mistaken about Kabbalah. Kabbalah is a selection made by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin when he worked in the imperial archives. On the instructions of the emperor, he gave this sample to a secret Jewish society in Paris. Over time, many additions were written to this sample by various authors. This process is still ongoing. So Gref had a multi-volume nonsense called "Kabbalah" on his bookshelf. Kabbalah repeats the path of the Zohar, which was also written by everyone and sundry.
A little bit about yourself. I am Alexander Naumkin, the one who painted Kalagia. Came to your group at the request of one of the participants. I will not refuse to answer questions and explain what interests you"

"Bilingas Blake, [12/01/2022 04:16 PM]
Katya, you asked two questions. These questions are probably of concern to many. Where did my knowledge come from? If I say that they came from above, then such an answer will be misunderstood. Why is that. You can draw an analogy. In Buddhism, it is said that Mount Kailash should be measured by its height. Believers go to the foot of Kailash, lie on their stomach, measure a line near their crown, rise, step over this line, lie on their stomach again, and again measure so many kilometers around Mount Kailash. Many die for this feat. They have not understood the teachings, so they are doing stupid things. But it is said that Mount Kailash is everywhere. So, you need to sit in padma-asana, see yourself in the cube. On the lower side you sit on the inside, and the upper side touches the top of the head with the inner side. From the entire volume of the lower face, from the lower edges of the cube, a pyramid inscribed in the cube rises. Its vertex rests on the center of the top face of the cube. This pyramid is Mount Kailash. And this is how you need to measure it with your height. For the purpose... And further in the text. And so I say that Kalagia came to me from Above. But is it possible to understand this correctly? After all, there is also spiritual growth. And this means that with spiritual growth, Mount Kailash increases in size. And in order to measure it with your spiritual growth, oh, and a lot of self-control and self-criticism is required.
The second question is about superpowers. Opportunities, abilities and skills are connected, and are not considered separately. All this is done with labor and work. This is a concrete practice and in practice - the result. Therefore, superpowers do not exist. What I got as a result of practice. See, hear, touch, smell what others cannot do without this practice. That's why I can do things that others can't. All this can be achieved by anyone who wants to, and for the sake of this, he does it. Therefore, this is not something super-possible, but a simple result of self-development."

Igor, [01.12.2022 16:19]
Quite right. This is what I am trying to convey. Practice to the best of your ability. Without fanaticism. And learn something.

Igor, [01.12.2022 16:32]
The mechanism of teleportation is described in Calagia.

Igor, [01.12.2022 16:33]
It remains quite a bit: to master it.

Igor', [01.12.2022 16:36] Chto kasayetsya demonstratsii, naprimer teleportatsii. Dlya etogo nuzhno nayti cheloveka, kotoryy eto umeyet delat'. Ugovorit' yego prodemonstrirovat' svoi umeniya. On pokazal. Vse pokhlopali v ladoshi i razoshlis' po svoim delam. Spektakl' okonchen. Shou bol'she ne budet. Ostayotsya vopros: na figa yemu eto nuzhno? Bilingas Bleyk, [01.12.2022 17:48] Po povodu teleportatsii. Indiyskiye yogi govoryat, chto oni mogut teleportirovat'sya, no tol'ko v dukhe, i nemnogim eto udayotsya. Eto bol'she pokhozhe na fantazirovaniye. Eto my vse umeyem delat'. YA vot tozhe teleportirovat'sya ne umeyu v bukval'nom smysle etogo ponimaniya. Ono i nevozmozhno, potomu chto grozit nevest' chem. V dukhe tozhe teleportirovat'sya nu nikak ne mogu, ne umeyu. Razve chto tol'ko v informatsionnom smysle, da i to tol'ko lish' strogo v opredelonnoye proshloye. Po neobkhodimosti. No eto vso na urovne soznaniya. Soznaniye khot' i nematerial'no, no veshchestvenno. Eto zhe samoye govorit Georgiy Sidorov v svoyom rolike. On govorit - voda v soyedinenii s ognom. Neveroyatno, no tak ono i yest'. Imeyutsya vvidu ne obychnyye voda i ogon', a Pervoelementy - Voda i Ogon'. V soyedinenii oni obrazuyut Soznaniye. Vot poetomu ono veshchestvenno. A raz veshchestvenno, to v nom i im mozhno peremeshchat'sya po informatsionnym prostoram. K etomu ya vyvel formulu - Chasheyu v Chashe s Chashey nad Chashey, kak Vso vo Vsom v Sebe s Soboyu. Pravil'noye ponimaniye etoy formuly stanovitsya klyuchom k iztinnoy teleportatsii v informatsionnykh urovnyakh Bytiya. No eto neveroyatnaya praktika. Trebuyet mnogo truda i mnogo raboty" "Bilingas Bleyk, [03.03.2023 9:56] Vsem zdraviya! Khochu pouchastvovat' v obsuzhdenii temy "ostanovka vnutrennego dialoga ". Khochu poyasnit'. Pri ostanovke vnutrennego dialoga normal'nyy chelovek soyti s uma vprintsipe ne mozhet. A skhodyat s uma tol'ko lish' te, kto rodilsya uzhe bezumnym. U takikh uma nikogda i ne bylo. No oni takzhe sebya schitayut normal'nymi. Oni pol'zuyutsya androidami, poetomu vyglyadyat kak normal'nyye. Androidy - eto zauchennyye frazy i ponyatiya, dobytyye ne putom razvitiya uma, a putom nataskivaniya i zapominaniya. Pri ostanovke vnutrennego dialoga oni srazu zhe perestayut kazat'sya normal'nymi, potomu chto prezhniye androidy utratili podpitku, a novyye yeshcho ne priobreteny. Pro takikh lyudey mozhno dal'she i ne razsuzhdat'. Povtoryayu, normal'nyy chelovek, a eto takoy chelovek, kotoryy khochet znat' i umet' i dlya etogo razvivayet svoy um na sobstvennom opyte, - printsipial'no soyti s uma ne mozhet pri otkaze ot vnutrennego dialoga. YA vot uzhe okolo 30-ti let myslenno nichego ne proiznoshu. YA otkazalsya ot vnutrennego dialoga v protsesse samopoznaniya. Kak vy ponimayete, samopoznaniye bez razmyshleniy na izbrannuyu temu nevozmozhno. Izsleduya sebya, ya obnaruzhil zabavnyy fakt: kogda chelovek proiznosit chto-libo myslenno, kak okazalos', on proiznosit slova sobstvennymi golosovymi svyazkami na neslyshimom dlya drugikh urovne. Dlya menya eto bylo grandioznoye otkrytiye: ya ponyal, chto slova mozhno proiznosit' tol'ko golosovymi svyazkami, a vnutri golovnogo mozga ikh netu, znachit, ya proiznoshu gorlom. Kogda ya eto khorosho izsledoval i ponyal, to samo soboy voznikli voprosy: pochemu ya eto delayu? dlya chego? po kakoy prichine? Na pervyy vopros otvet sam soboy sformulirovalsya: ya proiznoshu, tak skazat', myslenno dlya sebya po prichine sobstvennoy gluposti. Vot to, chto ya znayu, ozvuchivat' dlya sebya - eto prosto glupost'. A vot ozvuchivat' dlya sebya to, chego ya ne znayu, voobshche net nikakogo smysla. Chtoby znat', nuzhno postigat'. Vot kak tol'ko ya vso eto ponyal, tak srazu zhe i zamolchal, i s tekh por myslenno nichego ne proiznoshu. No prikhoditsya proiznosit' myslenno, kogda chto-to pishu. Mozhno, konechno, pouchit'sya pisat' ne prodiktovyvaya dlya sebya, no osobogo smysla ya v etom ne vizhu. Dostatochno togo, chto ya ne vedu myslennykh dialogov, a pishu redko.
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Igor, [01.12.2022 16:36]
As for the demonstration, such as teleportation. To do this, you need to find a person who knows how to do it. Persuade him to demonstrate his skills. He showed. Everyone clapped their hands and went about their business. The play is over. The show is no more. The question remains: why the hell does he need it?

Bilingas Blake, [01.12.2022 17:48]
About teleportation. Indian yogis say that they can teleport, but only in the spirit, and few succeed. It's more like fantasy. This is what we all know how to do. I, too, cannot teleport in the literal sense of this understanding. It is impossible, because it threatens God knows what. In the spirit, too, I can’t teleport, I don’t know how. Is that only in the informational sense, and even then only strictly in a certain past. Of necessity. But this is all at the level of consciousness. Consciousness, though not material, but material. Georgy Sidorov says the same thing in his video. He says - water in conjunction with fire. Unbelievable, but that's the way it is. This does not mean the usual water and fire, but the Primary Elements - Water and Fire. When combined, they form Consciousness. That is why it is real. And since it is real, then in it and they can move through the information spaces. To this I derived the formula - a Chalice in a Chalice with a Chalice over the Chalice, as All in All in Itself with Itself. Correct understanding of this formula becomes the key to true teleportation in the informational levels of Being. But it's an incredible practice. Requires a lot of work and a lot of work"

"Bilingas Blake, [03/03/2023 9:56]
All health!
I want to participate in the discussion of the topic "stopping the internal dialogue".
I want to explain. When the internal dialogue stops, a normal person cannot go crazy in principle. And only those who were born already insane go crazy. Such a mind never existed. But they also consider themselves normal. They use androids, so they look normal. Androids are memorized phrases and concepts, obtained not through the development of the mind, but through coaching and memorization. When the internal dialogue stops, they immediately cease to seem normal, because the old androids have lost their nourishment, and new ones have not yet been acquired. About such people it is possible further and not to argue. I repeat, a normal person, and this is a person who wants to know and be able and for this develops his mind on his own experience, cannot fundamentally go crazy if he refuses to have an internal dialogue.
I've been mentally silent for about 30 years now. I abandoned the internal dialogue in the process of self-discovery. As you understand, self-knowledge without reflection on the chosen topic is impossible. In self-examination, I discovered a funny fact: when a person says something mentally, as it turns out, he pronounces the words with his own vocal cords at a level inaudible to others. For me, it was a grandiose discovery: I realized that words can only be pronounced with the vocal cords, but there are none inside the brain, which means I pronounce it with my throat. When I studied this well and understood it, the questions naturally arose: why am I doing this? For what? for what reason? The answer to the first question was formulated by itself: I pronounce, so to speak, mentally for myself because of my own stupidity. Here's what I know, voicing for myself is just stupid. But voicing for myself what I do not know does not make any sense at all. To know, one must comprehend. As soon as I understood all this, I immediately fell silent, and since then I have not uttered anything mentally. But I have to say it mentally when I write something. You can, of course, learn to write without dictating for yourself, but I don’t see much point in this. It is enough that I do not conduct mental dialogues, but rarely write.

At first it was difficult to just take it and shut up. Because the long-term skills of mental chatter required nourishment, like the worst habit. Therefore, as soon as I started mental uncontrolled chatter, I immediately pinched the vocal cords with my throat muscles. So gradually I weaned myself from this evil habit. So, stopping the internal dialogue is not such a difficult undertaking. And what all kinds of great gurus write about this, writing mountains of paper, is all a scam. They just want a chic life and more fans, so that they have someone to mock and make fun of, appeasing their false conceit. It's all from the desire to be exalted.
A normal person, and this is one who develops his mind by his own experience, knows only what he knows, and does not know what he does not know. But he understands that in order to know this, you need to comprehend and independently develop in this direction. Everyone can analyze how normal he is. A normal person will not get lost when stopping the internal dialogue in the three pines. But the crazy person, when stopping the internal dialogue, will clearly show all the darkness of the absence of his mind. A normal person will only gain, and an abnormal person, in general, has nothing to lose.
If you have any questions for me, I will be happy to answer. What needs to be explained - I will explain"

Bilingas Blake, [3/3/2023 10:07 AM]
Indeed, at one time I wrote a book called "Avatar of Agni Yogi". I only told my friends about this book, but I did not give the manuscript to anyone. For some time the manuscript remained with me and I was thinking - to publish or not to publish? When I read in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita that manuscripts do not burn, I sent my manuscript to the stove. Crossed and sent. And immediately the dilemma - to publish or not to publish - disappeared. I folded my hands with my palms in the Kriya Shakti mudra and told Aaron - well, Charon, now my manuscript is in the sea-ocean, locked with seven locks, and you have the key to reading: whoever wants to read it, present it to him, let him read "https://

"Bilingas Blake, [03/03/2023 10:27]
Thought is immaterial. The creator of thought is material. In general, any carrier of information is material. But the actual information is intangible. Thought has no vocal cords. Therefore, without your participation, without the participation of your vocal cords, it is unpronounceable by anyone and nothing. You can remember at least your own thought, even someone else's - heard or read, and at the same time you can not voice it in words. Pay attention, if you remember something and do not voice it in words, then what you remember appears in your mind as a kind of mathematical expression. It can appear in the mind as a long process - it is remembered with difficulty, or instantly - both brightly and not very much, depending on the feelings with which it was imprinted in your mind. This is about remembering. In the waking state, your perceptual apparatus works continuously. Continuously in your mind there is a reaction to the perceived, including here both understanding and awareness. This continuous process is called thinking, with the emphasis on "s". But when you need to explain something to someone, so to speak, to present the semantic material, then and only then do you apply thinking. Thinking may or may not be accompanied by words. In the first case, it is long-term, and in the second case, it is instantaneous. In order to express this instantaneousness to someone, you again need words. So, thinking is absent only in the dead, and thinking, by the nature of its origin, is instantaneous. Well, those who have no thinking are called madmen. Therefore, thinking should not be stopped, but developed in order to be smarter every moment. But the internal dialogue is optional"

Igor, [03/03/2023 10:48]
On the question of thought: thought is material. Like a table or a wall. We just can't see it yet. But when I was in a group studying don Juan's teachings. By Carlos Castaneda. We practiced weather control. We could do whatever weather we wanted. For example, I erased cumulus clouds from the sky. Here is a cloud. Five minutes and he's gone.

Igor, [03/03/2023 12:44] to the question of practice. The essence of Calagia is to accumulate enough energy within oneself. From here will come the understanding of kalagia itself and other achievements. Here is a link to practices:

Bilingas Blake, [3/3/2023 12:58 PM]
Here you just need to dot all the ";". First you need to understand what materiality is. Matter has density and structure. It is always the sum of substances, moreover material substances. In a living organism, the entire periodic table. A living organism is assembled from molecules into fibers. We are made up entirely of muscle fibers. The nervous system, the so-called medulla, also consists of fibers, that is, it is structured from material substances. Metals and stones have a crystal lattice and also consist of molecules and atoms.
What is information, let's look at the example of a flash drive. The flash drive is completely material, it is impossible to erase it. It can be broken, and only. We write to a USB flash drive with a binary digital code, for example, an action-packed film - very colorful, filled with sounds and forms. We look at this flash drive, the film is recorded in it. We see the flash drive, but we don't see the movie. To watch a movie, we need another device with a screen. We insert a USB flash drive into this device and see breathtaking sights on the screen. These spectacles were recorded on a flash drive in binary code, namely a number. But on the screen, we perceive these figures in the form of charming pictures. So, these same pictures are nothing more than just one and zero, quickly replacing each other on the screen and turning to us on the screen with their different sides. A completely wild person might think that a malicious genie imprisoned not only people, but entire countries in this dirty box. So, the storage medium is material, in this case a flash drive. But the film, recorded in it with only two digits, is absolutely intangible. And the numbers themselves are intangible. They can be deleted from a flash drive without a trace, and it will be empty for us, like a tambourine. The tambourine is material, and the sound produced by it is immaterial.
In addition to material substances, there are also non-material substances. These are the Elements. Each of the Primary Elements cannot be structured as matter, they are fundamentally unstructured. They exist on their own and in their own way. But living matter can combine two Primary Elements for its own needs. Biological beings do this. Each of us, with the tips of our nerves, opens the Beyond, takes from there two Primary Elements - this is Fire and Water. These two Primary Elements at the tip of the nerve are combined into one structure. It looks like a standing spherical wave. The tip of the nerve is in the center of this wave. The connection of the two Primary Elements is carried out by the vibrational processes of the nerve. The primary elements Fire and Water, united together, become the consciousness of a living nerve. A person has a lot of sharp nerve endings. All of them combine Fire and Water into a single human consciousness. Therefore, each person is completely in the sphere of his consciousness. This ball is monolithic. It is material, but immaterial. But on the other hand, it is structured by a gigantic number of spherical waves. All of them have diffraction, and all of them are connected by differential and interference to each other into a single structure of human consciousness. So, the ball of consciousness is a flash drive - non-material, but material and structured. All human memory is inside this flash drive. The memory of a person is recorded in this flash drive by the vibrational path of the human nervous system. And it is written in binary digital code. There is no memory at all in the human brain. All his memory is in his mind. But the entire nervous system is a recording apparatus, as well as reading its own memory. The vibration of the nervous system imprinted in the consciousness is the memory of a person. The human nervous system is material, but the vibrations of the nervous system are intangible. These vibrations are like the trajectory of a flying bird. The bird is material, and the trajectory of its flight is intangible. But the bird is conscious and can repeat the trajectory of its flight.

Bilingas Blake, [3/3/2023 12:58 PM]
Or, for example, the letters printed in the book are material, but the meaning of these letters is non-material. But we know this meaning, so we can read the book letter by letter. If the book captivates us, we can empathize with the characters flowing from these letters, and even see these characters and everything that happens to them, precisely in our own minds. Pay attention, not inside the head, but around the head - in your own mind. There are only two numbers - a one and a zero, but we see in our minds what we read letter by letter in bright pictures, if we use our own feelings, that is, a mental attitude. We see exactly the thought of the author who wrote this book for us. With his book, like a bird, he flew through our consciousness and showed us all the richness of his thought with vivid pictures. But these pictures are intangible. This is just the trajectory of the life of the author of this book. It is for this trajectory that we love and read him. We cannot feel the trajectory, because it is intangible. But it is she who allows us to see and hear the inner voice of the author of this book. It is this voice that is his thought, expressed in letters in the book.
What is reflected in our face or in gestures is called ideomotor. When our thought of our own life trajectory flows through our body, we have ideomotor. You can learn to read it like a book and understand what it means. This can be done not only by people, but also by all living beings with their own consciousness. Naive people think it's telepathy. But this is not telepathy, but ordinary observation.

Bilingas Blake, [3/3/2023 02:29 PM]
Controlling the weather is, of course, powerful. It's like moving a filled glass across the countertop with your eyes. You can, looking at the cloud, make it fall apart and melt. But this does not prove or determine that thought is material. There are only two ways to eliminate the cloud. The first way is to control the Force. Strength is the second Primary Element, another name for this Primary Element is Water. A person can learn to control the flows of the Force. But all these methods are physical. What is Force - can be found in my publication "Alexander Naumkin, "Ethereal Technologies"". The second method is carried out out of ignorance - what is still happening. A person looks at a cloud and sees a cloud. He sees for the reason that the structured matter of the Universe flows in his line of sight. The Universe is a single consciousness of our World. In the line of his vision, a person can transmit any information, for example, his wishes. He looks at the cloud and wants it to fall apart. However, he does not physically use the Force. It would seem that if I do not use the Force, then I do not exercise physical influence on the cloud. I just look at the cloud and I want it to fall apart, I imagine how it happens. And wow - this is exactly what began to happen with the cloud: it fell apart and melted. It happened one day. But on another day, no matter how much I stared at such a cloud, for some reason it did not want to fall apart. Well, how to explain it?
Let's think about what a cloud is. We know that a cloud is just water vapor. But just like that, we know that the law of the distribution of water vapor, like any gas, is uniformity. Similarly, we know that our entire atmosphere is evenly humidified. But for some reason, heaps of water vapor appear in a uniformly humidified atmosphere. And for some reason they can be different colors. We know that water vapor is transparent and the whole atmosphere is saturated with water vapor, and it is transparent, but clouds are not. The fact is that heaps of substances of chaos get into our World from outside the atmosphere. This is a foreign matter. It has density and color. Along with this, it has cold properties. For this reason, water from our atmosphere condenses in these heaps of substances of chaos. In these heaps of substances of chaos there are also beings of chaos, in some heaps there are more, in some - less. And so the experimenter looks at the cloud and wants it to fall apart. Represents how it should be. In the line of sight of the experimenter, this information is transmitted to the cloud. There are creatures of chaos in the cloud. They begin to move inside the cloud in the directions in which the experimenter transmits in the line of sight, by way of representation. For these substances and beings, our World is alien, moreover, warm. The cloud is in a suspended state, it is unstable. The creatures of chaos are actively moving in this cloud, and if there are enough of them, they break this cloud apart. If there are not enough such creatures in another cloud, then they will not be able to destroy it. Therefore, the experimenter at some times succeeds, but at some times it does not work.

Bilingas Blake, [03/03/2023 5:45 PM]
Materialization may be possible, but for this you need to have the appropriate knowledge. In the meantime, you need to comprehend yourself - what opportunities you can have and what you cannot. If aerodynamics do not allow, then you will never be able to fly. You can materialize yourself. Well, that is, to acquire new opportunities, abilities and skills. Such materialization occurs by replacing the tissues of the body with new ones that are already suitable for the task. To do this, you need to develop your mind. The fact that such a materialization is possible, I checked on myself. It looks like the germination of a new self in the past. This process can happen quickly, sometimes violently. This process reveals a lot. What was hidden becomes clear. Reveals what remains a secret for the vast majority. Outwardly, this does not change in any way. In general, my goal was not to change outwardly. I needed only new properties and qualities. This is what I managed to get. Did what is described in Calagia. But not everything is described there. It takes individual thinking to go this way. Achieved opportunities do not go beyond the existing individual constitution. So, this is not evolution, but simply individual development with the processes of transmutation of body tissues. A person cannot be able to materialize not himself, but something else, because there is no such knowledge in the world, and it is not even known whether such a thing is possible. The well-known alchemical transmutation of the elements is not at all what an ignorant person might think. Read Flamel carefully. He strongly warns that we are not talking about vulgar metals, but about unusually noble ones. Lead can be made into gold, but they must be the very noble ones. And vulgar lead cannot be turned into either vulgar gold, or even more noble. And this is a very costly business. You will spend a lot of bank gold, and it must be said vulgar - until you get a gram of noble. And you need to start this path, according to Flamel, with the equipment of a very difficult forge. A simple forge is not suitable for this purpose. Thus, what is called the transmutation of the elements is not literally such. Most likely here we need to talk about pendants. The alchemists were encrypted. Therefore, they called the accumulation of pendants the transmutation of elements"

Bilingas Blake, [3/3/2023 10:07 AM]
Indeed, at one time I wrote a book called "Avatar of Agni Yogi". I only told my friends about this book, but I did not give the manuscript to anyone. For some time the manuscript remained with me and I was thinking - to publish or not to publish? When I read in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita that manuscripts do not burn, I sent my manuscript to the stove. Crossed and sent. And immediately the dilemma - to publish or not to publish - disappeared. I folded my hands with my palms in the Kriya Shakti mudra and told Aaron - well, Charon, now my manuscript is in the sea-ocean, locked with seven locks, and you have the key to reading: whoever wants to read it, present it to him, let him read "https://

Bilingas Blake, [03/04/2023 11:47]
The Roerichs wrote their own, and Elena his own, and Nikolai his own. Blavatsky wrote her own. Annie Besant wrote her own. Naumkin wrote his own. All these authors do not have compilations. The works of all these authors, as well as many others, do not fit in anything. They are neither continuations nor additions to neighboring works. Their work is completely independent. But when the reader does not have a system of distinctions, then he thinks that all these authors wrote about the same thing, and actually stole from each other. The letters are the same, the lexicons are the same, well, therefore, notorious thieves, plagiarists, and nothing more.
For everyone's notice. For Kalagia, for Synergetics and for my other publications, I did not receive a penny of money. I did not defend authorship and did not receive royalties. Well, why the hell did I compile and plagiarize then?!.. Ash?.. Ash?..
That's when you read something, first write down questions on a piece of paper: where does this book call?

what is it calling for?
what does it promise?
what gives?
A book promises one thing and delivers something completely different. And there are also books that promise, but do not give, but only take away. This is about the system of distinctions.

Bilingas Blake, [03/04/2023 12:07]
At that time, I did not have time to protect authorship. Lived in the forest. (It was the very beginning of the dashing 90s) I did not have the opportunity to go somewhere and take the manuscript. I didn’t want to publish at all and didn’t plan to, just like Synergetics. But Siyanov read the manuscript and persuaded it to be published. I gave him the manuscript. Well, that's all. Years later, I discovered that several publishing houses publish Kalagia, and not only in Russia, but throughout Europe and Australia. Once the authorship is not registered, then the fees may not be paid. Long live the freebie! From such a freebie, of course, I didn’t lose, but something weightless-material arrived. Other works I just published on the Internet, and that's it, not trusting editors and publishers"

Bilingas Blake, [03/28/2023 06:07 PM]
Good evening everyone.
The expression "Akasha Chronicles" is butter oil. Siyanov disoriented and confused many. And it was like that. Once I gave Siyanov some valuable information about the Unified Teaching in a handwritten version. He read it and asked me - where did you get it from? I said from Akash. He asked - what is Akasha? I answered - these are chronicles in the information fields. Not information fields, but actual chronicles in these fields. He did not understand, and already in his works he began to use the expression "Akasha Chronicles". For your information, Akasha is a northern Buddhist term. It means the same as the Universe. The Universe is a highly organized information field of our World. In the Universe there are Trees of Life of different communities. These Trees in northern Buddhism are called Akasha.
Don't be fooled by the reptilians. Look carefully on the Internet - when this designation first appeared, who first said so and in relation to whom. And it will become completely clear to you that the expression "reptilians" has only a figurative meaning. In the literal sense, such a race does not exist. And the one who used this word applied it in relation to global financiers, and nothing more. People tend to pick up all sorts of novelties and cook grandiose fakes out of them. Others believe these fakes and make false assumptions. This is how the myths of the new time are born as a result of collective universal creativity"

"Bilingas Blake, [3/28/2023 7:08 PM]
On the subtle plane, you meet with Illusion. In Buddhism and Hinduism it is Maya. The reptilians and snakes that you meet there can turn into anything not only according to their own, but also according to your desire. For example, stock up in case you meet them with something that pleases you. For example, tangerines, sweets, flowers, amazing pictures. And when they appear in front of you, take in your hand, for example, a tangerine (or whatever you choose) with anticipation, look at this tangerine with lust and with your attention convey the image of this tangerine to snakes and reptthoids. They will instantly turn into a large number of tangerines and will no longer scare you. In the European tradition, this method is called magic. All kinds of monsters that appear before you on the subtle plane and can even torment you, this is all just an Illusion. All this can turn at your will into anything you want - even into dandelions, even into roses. You just need to do it with good feelings, and everything will work out for you"

"Bilingas Blake, [03/28/2023 9:30 PM]
My assurances must be understood correctly. It must be understood that there is a gigantic difference between illusion and Illusion. If we talk about the Illusion, which is Maya, then the form that has arisen in it will be seen by everyone who is able to see, literally in the same way. But besides this form, which arose in Maya, there is also something objectified around it. The form will be seen by all those who see it in the same way, but everyone around it will see it differently. Illusion, that is, Maya, is not something played out in the imagination, but a really objectified subject. This subject is material, but intangible. And this subject, being non-material, but material, can take on a form and even condense to a certain degree of density. This subject may be as transparent as air, but this subject may thicken and become colored. That is, it can take any shape and be painted in any color - even in a stripe. And also, being intangible, it can easily pass through material walls of any thickness. This subject, since it can be condensed and colored, can be visible at will both for one person and for many - at their own choice. It may happen that several people can see him, but several people cannot, even though they are in the same company. Maya has the ability to influence human consciousness, so the form of Maya can only be seen by the person whose consciousness Maya has influenced. Maya is precisely an intangible substance that can take any form and be painted in any color. Stanislav Lem in "Solaris" very accurately described the property of this substance. Read thoughtfully and you will understand that in his work he describes the property of Maya. Stanislav Lem was one of the initiates and was well acquainted with this ubiquitous substance. So, all your reptilians and other horror stories, including travel in the astral plane, are all antics of Maya. You just don’t need to hurt your pride, but you need to improve your education in order to understand very well what you are dealing with and whether you need it. In Hinduism and Buddhism, even a system for fighting Maya has been developed. Probably not by chance. I don't want to offend anyone. I'm just warning. I also don't want to scare anyone. But I assure you - armed with knowledge, nothing will be frightened. Knowledge over faith. The believer is afraid. Only those who know have nothing to fear"

"Bilingas Blake, [3/29/2023 7:57 AM]
This is not telepathy. This is the chatter of parasites of consciousness. They, being in the field of your consciousness, easily read all your memory, therefore they know all the secrets about you. They, not being people, can speak humanly. They imitate human manners. Using the substance of Illusion, they can take on any form. They can portray your close relatives, acquaintances or enemies. They can pretend to be even angels, even gods, even the mother of God. You hear them because they are in the field of your consciousness. They can speak with any voice, they can imitate not only people, but also birds, and they can even perform any piece of music, imitating musical instruments so naturally that they cannot be distinguished from natural ones. They speak to you directly into the stuff of your consciousness, so you can hear them. And also you can see, because they are in the field of your consciousness. Consciousness is material, has volume and mass, physical dimensions. As a person ages, the physical size of consciousness increases, and the density of consciousness also increases, so the number of parasites of consciousness increases with age. The denser the consciousness of a person, the easier it is for the parasites of consciousness to stay in it and speak louder. To make sure that telepathy as such does not exist, you can conduct scientific experiments on telepathic contact with someone from close people who are interested in such an inquiry. It's not that hard. So you will decide and finally understand that the parasites of consciousness must be destroyed physically. Otherwise, they will fray all your nerves, make you old and kill you.

Parasites of consciousness that have connected to the consciousness of one person cannot switch to the consciousness of another person who is nearby, not to mention large distances. One mind parasite cannot connect to the minds of two people at the same time. If a certain number of parasites of consciousness have connected to your consciousness, then they can no longer connect to the consciousness of another person. They delve into memory, and it is all in your mind, interpret, model, distort, pervert. In general, they do everything possible to deceive, age and kill you"

"Bilingas Blake, [3/29/2023 10:46 AM]
Where did I get the information for writing Calagia and other works.
There is a Universe of our World. This is a complex material structure created by living people. Initially, the Universe was created by ensophic people. This is before the creation of matter. Ensophic people, in parallel with the Universe they created, created Metamerism, in which they subsequently created thousands of worlds through materialization. And by materializing themselves in large numbers, they moved to live in the worlds they created. By way of materialization, these ensophic people condensed the worlds they created to the state of the current density. And already living in these worlds, having become the first material people, just like us, we continued to consciously create the Universe. Along with this, they began to create all kinds of populations of living beings in all worlds, including plants. On some populations of their creation, they left for posterity, that is, for us, their eloquent autographs. Now we can see them. With their autographs on living populations, they told us who exactly created all life in all worlds. In order to create the living, they created the sciences necessary for this and many other mental ones, including the technical civilizational sciences - applied and theoretical. All this information was continuously recorded in the volumes of the Universe.
The universe, both then and now, is continuously created by living people. Therefore, each person must have complete responsibility for what he creates in space, because it will certainly affect the future. For the high organization of our intellect, the first earthly people gave us an imperishable Teaching called Alban. Above, I outlined its essence, it is completely contained in the Universe - in all areas and in all areas of human activity.
According to the type of activity of social associations and mental directions of people's development in the Universe, the Trees of Life of social associations arose. The principles of these Trees are called gods or diuses or devas, etc.
Each person who has determined his intellectual development is inevitably included in one of the Trees of Life in the Universe. And while alive, he continues the construction of this Tree with his whole life. Developing mentally, a person achieves unity with his Tree and already thinks in unity with him - with the level of hierarchy according to his intellectual development. Continuing his development, a person can rise higher in the hierarchy. At the end of earthly life, a person acquires eternal life in his Tree of Life in the Universe. Provided that a person in his mind creates the Tree of Life of his human image, which he himself creates with his mental creativity.
Communication with any representative of the Tree of Life, to which a person has addressed, is impossible by voice and visual means. Communication is achieved in the only way - namely by thinking, and nothing else - provided that a person consciously wants to think in unity with the god of his Tree of Life. Only in this case can a person accept information from his Tree of Life and write down this information on paper. There are no other ways. All those people who have adopted this method into their lives, consciously or unconsciously, can be distinguished by their work. But for this you need to think in unity with the god of your Tree of Life. Then the information from other Trees of Life, put down on paper by some people, will also be visible. It differs from mere fabrications by the perfect truth obtained in real works by its predecessors. To understand all the volumes of such information, one must strive to be universal. And for this you need to learn from the truth. And it is indistinguishable without physical labor and without physical work. Rational logical and analytical thinking is needed. And it is achieved truly with the hands and truly with the feet, in a creative attitude towards labor and work. Only in this way can a person achieve his perfections"
"Билингас Блейк, [29.03.2023 13:47]
Слово "Универсум" редкоупотребляемое. Вы просто читаете не те източники. Все здесь присутствующие вообще ничего не знают об Универсуме. Вы не только об Универсуме ничего не слышали, но что такое Энсоф никто из вас не знает. Но все вы говорите о Мироздании. При этом никто из вас не говорит - что же это такое? Как это выглядит технически, предметно? Ничего не зная об Энсоф, говорить о Мироздании не очень-то умно. Это слово звучит из ваших уст как междометие. Вы говорите об Иерархии, но что это такое и где она находится - вы даже не пытаетесь определить. Вы говорите об астрале и о путешествиях в нём, но что означает слово "астрал " - вы не знаете. И как технически выглядит астрал, вы не знаете. Вы подходите к зданию с той стороны, где нет дверей и мните о себе, что уже попали в него. Не зная, как устроен астрал технически, невозможно проникнуть в него. Солярис, который называется Майей, вы ошибочно принимаете за астрал и за информационные поля. Но и этого обьекта вы не знаете, поэтому легко путаете что-то с чем-то . Не преодолев самомнение, невозможно подойти к Вратам Знания. Тайное знание никто не собирается для вас описывать открытым текстом. Но описание всех тайных знаний есть во множестве. Все они изложены простыми текстами с скрытыми от вас смыслами. Таких текстов в Мире очень много. Многие из вас их читали, но тайных смыслов в них не обнаружили. Потому что вы не развиваете свой ум, не развиваете свою прозорливость и не хочете овладеть тайноведением. Вы не понимаете, что любой текст, какой бы вы ни читали, нужно обязательное подвергнуть дешифровке, чтобы способность дешифровывать у вас стала развиваться. Правды о себе боитесь. Гневаетесь на непонятное вам, вместо того, чтобы заняться самообразованием, самодисциплиной и закаливанием своей воли. К знанию не стремитесь, потому что ложное усваивается вами проще".

Оружие против паразитов описано не мной. Таких описаний много. Всё это технические конструкции. Для примера. Руставели, "Витязь в тигроовой шкуре ". Всем известные произведения Пушкина, произведения Гомера и Вергилия, "Конёк-горбунок " Ершова, произведения Николая Кузанского, христианские евангелия и многое-многое другое всем доступное. Только все эти произведения нужно подвергать дешифровке. Разумеется, все технические изделия, предназначенные для борьбы с паразитами сознания, изготавливаются из металла, своими ручками. А этому всему надо учиться, а не балдеть в "астрале "

"Билингас Блейк, [30.03.2023 10:56]
Изначально, кто такой Люцифер.
Есть планета Люцида. Мы её называем Венерой. Звезда ранняя и утренняя. По представлениям древних, каждая планета имеет своего владыку. Владыкой Венеры они придумали Люцифера. Слово "Люцида" имеет этруское произхождение. Мы все люци - это по-этруски, а по-русски - люди. Люцида - планета людей, то есть это наша планета. Мир, в котором мы живём, не является планетой. Но каждому человеку хочется иметь свою планету, поэтому древние утреннюю звезду назвали планетой людей. Люцифер - хозяин этой планеты. Сказать иначе, люци утренней планеты является её хозяином. Если в середине лета выйти из дома в четыре часа утра, то Венера будет высоко в небе на южной стороне неба. Если тщательно разсмотреть Венеру и что вокруг неё, то вы увидите, что Венера это светящийся шар. И, оказывается, этот шар лежит на столе, а стол стоит на движущейся платформе. Эта платформа скользит по верхней границе нашего астрала. Луна также находится на этой высоте. Она больше Венеры, приблизительно раза в три. Но так как Венера находится дальше Луны, хоть и на такой же высоте, то Луна нам кажется намного-намного больше. Я несколько лет наблюдаю за Венерой и часто вижу возле Венеры людей. Они такого же роста, как и мы. Изходя из этого, стол, на котором закреплена Венера, имеет длину метра два с половиной. Диаметр Венеры - сантиметров 60. Вот эти люди, что бывают возле Венеры, и есть Люцифер. То есть мужчины это люциферы, а женщины, соответственно, - люциды. Возле Венеры часто можно видеть и мужчин и женщин вместе. Поэтому древние эту планету назвали планетой любви. Это изначальное значение слова "Люцифер". Ну, а потом это слово стало удобным для применения его в разных мифах и даже в технических описаниях. Все звёзды и планеты находятся в нашем Универсуме выше астрала. А так как наш Универсум является единым нашим Сознанием, то мы можем видеть и разсматривать звёзды, планеты. Все они находятся в объёме нашего Универсума, а значит на небольшой высоте. Луна находится от наблюдателя на высоте 350-400 метров, Венера находится на этой же высоте. Когда Венера находится рядом с Луной, то от Луны до Венеры - метров 20-30. Звёзды находятся на высоте от трёх и, ориентировочно, до двадцати километров. Мы всё это видим не там, где они вдействительности находятся. Универсум к нам приближает изображения их. Но так или иначе, все звёзды и планеты являются металлическими сферами небольшого диаметра - сантиметров 60. Вот поэтому в огромные телескопы разсмотреть их невозможно, изображение размывается. Астрономы фокусируют телескопы не на то место, где вдействительности находятся объекты.
То, что я писал про Люцифера в Калагии, так это миф, по праву авторства. А чтобы выяснить, что заложено в этом мифе - нужно его дешифровать"

Bilingas Blake, [03/30/2023 11:10 AM]
In fact, a person, without aging, can live 2000 years, and even more. This is how we would all live. But the creatures of chaos mock us. They, having got into our World, become parasites of consciousness. We have a hydrocarbon life, and they have a silicon-hydrogen life. They need to be destroyed physically, because they kill us methodically, making us sick and old. Their substances and they themselves burn and burn in ionizers. Ionizers can be protected from them to some extent. But ionizers are needed with high efficiency. Greater efficiency is when the ionizer emitter is completely engulfed in blue fire. Only the plus of the generator must be connected to the emitter of the ionizer, and not the minus - as the slaves of the electrical theory do. The more ionizers in your home, the longer you will live. If so, please instruct me.

Bilingas Blake, [03/31/2023 9:28 AM]
Good day to all!
The frame with needles is the emitter. Above it is a frame without needles, this is a screen. The positive wire from the generator must be hooked up to the emitter. When the generator is on, you need to bring a neon lamp: it will light up on the plus, but not on the minus. But if the voltage is large, then it can also light up at the minus. Then the ends need to be spread, and it will not light up on the minus. Instead of neon, you can also use an LED with a ring coil of a small length of wire.
I see that the wire hooked to the emitter moves away from the resistor and has additional protection. So this is the positive wire. In addition, no one puts a resistor on minus. Although you can expect anything from cretins. It was the cretin who made this ionizer. I would have torn off his hands for such a fabrication. The efficiency of such an ionizer is about zero. As a protection against parasites of consciousness, this junk is not at all suitable. This is, of course, a thing, and like any thing, it speaks about the manufacturer. And what does she tell me? And the fact that the manufacturer is not only a cretin, but also a scoundrel. The external form is a concentrator of all rubbish and abomination. The internal structure is also a store of the same rubbish. The more a woman has such things, the more painful and longer her periods will be and the faster menopause will happen. Excuse me for the blunder. It's all the parasites of consciousness that suit women. They are chaos creatures, silicon-hydrogen creatures, and they hate us all. They don't get along better with men. You get up in the morning - your face is swollen, there is a stench in the mouth, and with age - exhausted. All this is arranged by parasites of consciousness. If you want to develop spiritually, then you simply have to protect yourself from all dirt and filth. And first you need to think about reliable protection. Ionizers need to be sought with high efficiency. They can also be cheap in terms of ease of manufacture. For whom the charaban works, he can make it himself. There is nothing complicated here. The main thing is the generator on one transistor. And I will help with the design of the emitter"

"Bilingas Blake, [3/31/2023 03:48 PM]
In vain, one of you thinks that the topic of protection from alien beings does not concern spiritual practices. On the contrary, if you want to have at least some spiritual achievements, be sure to defend yourself. And not by prayers and good thoughts, but by physical means of protection. Because they wanted to sneeze at all your prayers and good thoughts. They are just material. They have different frequency vibrations of organisms, so you don't see them. But you can see them if they want to. Those for whom they became visible, due to weakness of will, frailty of mind and character, became either quietly or violently mad. So, do not joke with these subjects and discard my recommendations. All diseases that exist in our World occur due to the attack of these reptiles. If you don't have suffering today, it doesn't mean you won't have it tomorrow. Teeth, for example, they spoil everyone. They simply won't let you have any spiritual attainments. They will definitely lead you away from your intended goal with their chatter in your mind and showing off using Solaris. As well as all possible diseases, including terrible ones. With age, the onslaught of these reptiles will increase. It is they who age people, torture and kill. They don't even spare babies. Medicine is pseudoscience. If you do not like my explanations - I repeat, you can ban me and continue to engage in self-deception and continue to run around doctors and pharmacies. These reptiles compress the sewage and Solaris substance into the human body. By doing this, they stop the thinking of a person, make him sick and zombified. I explained, and you do as you know"
