Ah, the joys of being a happy slave!

      «Ah, the joys of being a happy slave! »

       Note: The use of sarcasm in this poem is intended to highlight the
       absurdity of the rules and behaviors described, and to criticize the idea
       of willingly embracing a state of servitude. The author does not actually
       endorse or support these rules or behaviors in any way.

Ah, the joys of being a happy slave!
Just follow these rules, it's not that grave.
Consume, consume, consume, don't hesitate,
Materialism's the key, don't contemplate!

Mindless entertainment is your best friend,
Deep thoughts? Nah, that's just a dead end.
Authority knows best, don't question a thing,
Just obey, conform, and let them pull the string!

Drink that fluoridated water, it's all fine,
Who cares about health risks, just toe the line.
Junk food's your ally, forget being fit,
Indulge in all that processed crap, don't quit!

Live in fear, it's the way to go,
Don't question, just panic, let it show.
Your group is superior, others are fools,
Close your mind, stay in your narrow pools!

Be selfish always, the golden rule,
Forget compassion, be a selfish tool.
Embrace these rules, path to bliss so bright,
Forget humanity, be a mindless sheep in sight.


       Penticton is the place to stay forever, 2005.

«Ah, the joys of being a happy slave! »

Note: The use of sarcasm in this poem is intended to highlight the
absurdity of the rules and behaviors described, and to criticize the idea
of willingly embracing a state of servitude. The author does not actually
endorse or support these rules or behaviors in any way.
Ah, the joys of being a happy slave! According to Frederick Douglass, when a slave becomes content, they've truly embraced their humanity. But who needs that pesky humanity anyway when you can just follow these simple rules and be a blissful servant to the system?
Rule number 1: Consume, consume, consume! The key to happiness is materialism, my friends. The more you consume, the happier you become. Don't worry about the impact on the environment or your own well-being, just keep buying and consuming everything in sight. Happiness is always just around the corner, in that shiny new gadget or that expensive pair of shoes.
Rule number 2: Mindless entertainment is your best friend. Don't waste your precious brainpower on meaningful thoughts or critical thinking. Instead, focus on the truly important things in life, like celebrity gossip, dumb reality shows, and superficiality. Who needs to engage in deep conversations or read thought-provoking books when you can just fill your mind with empty drama and narcissistic behavior? It's the recipe for a happy, fulfilling life!
Rule number 3: Authority knows best. Don't bother questioning authority or thinking for yourself. Just blindly follow the rules and regulations set by those in power. They know what's best for you, after all. Don't bother challenging the status quo or standing up for your rights. Just keep your head down, obey the rules, and be a good little slave.
Rule number 4: Drink that fluoridated water! Who cares about the potential health risks or the fact that your government is prioritizing your dental hygiene over other pressing issues? It's all about those pearly whites, right? So, gulp down that fluoride and trust that your government has your dental health as their top priority. Who needs critical thinking or skepticism anyway?
Rule number 5: Junk food is your friend. Forget about eating healthy or taking care of your body. Just indulge in all the greasy, sugary, processed foods you can find. It may make you unhealthy and fat, but who cares? As long as it tastes good and looks nice, it's worth sacrificing your well-being for, right? Your body is just a vessel for all that junk food, after all!
Rule number 6: Live in fear as much as possible. Fear is the fuel that keeps the system running smoothly. Don't question the motives behind fear-mongering or critically analyze the information fed to you by the media. Just let fear dictate your actions and decisions. It's much easier to be a compliant and obedient slave when you're constantly scared of the unknown.
Rule number 7: Your group is always better. Forget about embracing diversity or treating everyone with respect. Your group is the best, and everyone else is inferior. Don't bother with empathy or understanding towards people from different backgrounds or perspectives. Just stick to your own bubble and be close-minded. It's so much easier that way!
Rule number 8: Be selfish, always. The happiness of a slave depends on their selfishness. Don't bother with compassion or altruism. Just think about yourself and your own happiness at all times. Who cares about the well-being of others or contributing to the greater good? It's every slave for themselves in this dog-eat-dog world!
So, there you have it. Embrace these rules with open arms, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a truly happy slave. Who needs their humanity anyway when you can just mindlessly consume, avoid critical thinking, live in fear, and be selfish? So go on, my fellow slaves, and relinquish all that makes you human. The system is waiting with open arms to embrace you into a state of blissful ignorance. Happy enslavement!

Владимир Васильевич Хлынинъ   10.04.2023 04:30     Заявить о нарушении