Дневник Сумасшедшего 1402


Things are getting out of control. This is phenomenal! For half of the night I couldn’t fall asleep. Firstly, I recalled everything I was doing throughout the day. It wasn’t just a sequence of events; I clearly remembered and was able to describe the content of the book I read and the lectures I watched. I thought a lot about thinking itself and came up with the idea of different levels of thinking. Secondly, I recalled the experience I had in lucid dreams, looking for an analogy to compare it to the “real life” experience. Lastly, I played with the idea of an English Speaking Community of Kaluga. I talked in my mind to an imaginary audience, explaining what this community is gonna be like and how I’m gonna build it.

I have no idea when I fell asleep, but then there was something totally novel and unexpected. This strongly reminded me of the experience I had back in 2008. So, I had a dream where I recalled another unbelievably vivid dream but was unable to figure out when it happened. It seemed that this vivid dream was part of my life experience. However, when I woke up, it was clear that nothing like that had ever happened to me. Yet, the dream was so vivid and emotionally rich – there is no way I could have forgotten it. In this dream, I smoke and got deepest, brightest insights into the nature of reality. What is told by those who take psychedelics sounds like a clumsy noise in comparison with the state of mind I had in this dream. It definitely must have had a huge impact on my life, but I don’t even remember when this dream took place. I have a few guesses. One is that it may have happened when I was in X, since I remember the music from the dream and the last time I thought about this music was when I was in X. Another guess is that it’s a forgotten dream from 2008, the golden age of lucid dreaming. I even suspect that this dream could have caused what happened in 2008.

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