Preface Purpose of this self-assessment

I"m concious of myself being an elementary unit in the Israeli Jewish Mass (IJM).

I"m concious in that this concentration of Jews was carried out in a situation of growing confrontation between the global structures of the "Western world" and the "anti-West". The "Western world" is states and populations with a "Judeo-Christian" culture; "anti-West" - countries and populations with a different culture (Iran, Arab countries, China, Russia, ...).

The grow of confrontation leads to the possibility that the armed forces of the "anti-West" will go to the "West" with a world war through the relatively small State of Israel. And the balance of power is such that little Israel will be destroyed, despite possible heroic and skillful military resistance; after the deaths of Israeli militants there will be, as historical precedents show, an bacchanalia of mocking and killing of civilians.

Obviously, different levels of awareness and the ability to be guided by awareness give rise to different moods of "units" or groups in this IJM.

My intention is to finally spend my modest personality resources and personal ones of the Russian-speaking person 80+ to contribute to the common effort to prevent the catastrophic destruction of the IJM.

I assume that there is a set of people in the IJM environment who are aware of or feel to one level or another Israel's existential problems :

- from the global-strategic "Israel under the feet of the opposing global giants"

- to the regional-strategic "Israel surrounded by hostile neighbors using the support of distant interests"

- and to the regional-tactical "Israel irritating the *Palestinian* Arabs").

Among this set, there are subsets ready, in one way or another, to use themselves in a common effort to prevent the catastrophic destruction of the IJM.

The target audience of the conducted introspection is those who sincerely want to use themselves to provide a life perspective of social groups or cells:

- his family,
- its people, IEM,
- "Western World".

In other words, those who are motivated to live in helping to solve the problem of survival of the IEM as a whole are coupled with the impulses to promote the survival and good living of other social groups or specific other people as well.

Examples of "other social groups" are the worldwide community of Mountain Jews; a community of Mountain Jews in America; the Mountain Jews of Israel; Samaritans; ...

Examples of "specific other people" - family, friendly circle, ...

In these cases, people have to solve the problem of choosing a ratio in the distribution of their limited efforts in these areas - taking into account, namely, the interdependence of possible results in all directions. For example, an Israeli soldier, in the circumstances of a mortal combat on the way of the "anti-Western" giant to a direct battle with the "Western" military force, is forced to decide how to contribute to the survival of three significant "interested parties" at the cost of his life:

- his family,
- its people, IEM,
- "Western World".

====   The Coveted "Optimum" for a Combat-Ready Israeli Jew

In Israel, where families from different countries "fuse" the elderly, there are, more than anywhere else, almost lonely 70+, 80+. Most often, lonely in the sense that they are deprived of deep personal obligations to specific other people (this does not prevent, in everyday communication, to worry and show concern for specific other people).  The "lonely" can devote themselves entirely to complicity in solving the problem of survival of EJMass as a whole.

In this context, the theoretically coveted behavioral "optimum" for a combat-ready Israeli Jew:

- in proportion to the significance of the performance by the warrior (TOGETHER WITH the soldiers of the corps of the regular army of the "West" sent to the front of the IJMass) of his purpose, that is, the degree of CONTRIBUTION TO THE WEAKENING of the "anti-Western" NACAT and the level of "costs" incurred - the return of life, wounds, fatigue,

- Grateful IEM and "Western World" PROVIDE FOR THE WARRIOR'S FAMILY. In case of strategic expediency, after the expenditure in whole or in part, of the military component of the IEEE, the remnants of the military contingent and equipment + wholly or partially the civilian population are withdrawn "to pre-prepared positions", on the territory of the "Western world"; the warrior's family is evacuated in a timely and arranged manner.

That is, the optimum in the system is provided:

- The Life of a Warrior from IJM,
- the life of his family,
- survival of IJM,
- The security of the "Western world".

A significant obstacle to the provision of such an optimum is the SPECIFICally rooted in the Jewish environment, the conscious or subconscious willingness of some to solve their problems at the expense of others. The non-Jewish world has accumulated a powerful historical experience of using this feature of the Jewish mentality. And any manifestations of Jews are evaluated by interested parties on the grounds of this readiness - for use of it. Behind any beautiful declarations - devotion to Zionism, Jewish statehood, scientific truth, etc. - one can see the presence of this readiness. And on this readiness, the "game" with the Jews is built.

At the individual level, such readiness can be damped by the educating influence of individual circumstances of life, purposeful educational influence, and self-education.

When, indeed, a REAL = NATURAL Zionist, a patriot of Israel, is needed, a scientific expert - the self-proclaimed bearer of such competence should be checked for OBJECTIVE signs that he is "REAL".

====    Tested on myself

I tried to test the possibility of forming and presenting evidence of REAL personal competence on myself.

Due to the psychological deprivation generated by the WW2 drama, the USUAL own life failed. The compensatory manifestation was the search for meaning and the living of the elements of the Big Life, the assertion of oneself through self-actualization, and not self-realization and imitation/imaginative.

Somewhere in a 13-14-year-old boy passed through the yard (there were no modern cultivated squares between the houses then); a group of girls from neighboring houses sat on a bench. The father of one of them, after the liberation of the city from Nazi occupation, was sentenced to 25 years for serving in the local police under the Nazis and participating in the extermination of "Soviet citizens" (mainly Jews). I heard the girls talking about me. And I heard an assessment from the daughter of a former policeman - "aah ..., neither fish, no meat ...".

Perhaps other episodes, stored or not stored in memory, gave rise to a feeling and, to some extent, an awareness of their inferiority. And perhaps there were na;ve and stupid attempts to "pretend to be" something. But, looking back, I look at attempts to know something SUBSTANTIAL PRESENT and myself to be some kind of "REAL".

When my "revelations" of irregularities in the work of the department or the entire institute sufficiently "annoyed" the leadership and began to form the first reprimand on the party line, the secretary of the party organization of the department (together they went to the patronage of the state farm, to the forest for mushrooms on a truck from the institute's garage, sat in feasts on holidays and birthdays), artistically throwing out his hands, asked: 

- I don't understand, well, what do you want?!

And I involuntarily vomited:


Only later did I realize that there was no prospect of changing anything in the current state of affairs and I could only not obediently outlive myself according to the prescribed forms, but live MY OWN life. That I am a PERSON was explained to me later; as you know, from the outside - it’s more visible. The same reaction from the living environment to MY manifestations made it possible to realistically assess the modest level of personal abilities of :).

In 2013, trying to join the Jewish, in particular and especially Israeli, problems and equipped with the general idea that Jews are always persecuted and beaten, "gave rise" to the idea:

- Jews, on an individual level, must become self-responsible in their perception of the world and in their behavior.

With a critical processing of any proposals from applicants to teach, to lead. Certainly not critical.

It passed 10 years.

First of all, I got acquainted with a socially close circle to me - Russian-speaking immigrants with Soviet "scientific" degrees; clubs of older persons who suffered (to varying degrees) in the Holocaust; with a politicized bureaucracy running this circle.

On this basis, he developed his own conceptual understanding of the existential problem of the Israeli Jewish Mass.

In this process, I only randomly met and fragmentarily reviewed the publications of Zionist leaders, primarily intellectual leaders.

Today I keep in sight some - which took place in past centuries, decades and years - attempts of the IRRELIGIOUS!  determining what the identity of a Jew must be in order for the continuous series of oppression and beatings to cease since ancient times.

In the sphere of religious ideas, the individual was significantly impoverished by the conditional delegation of responsibility to some Almighty and that gave rise to speculative leadership in the Jewish community; the environment saw the readiness of leaders to hand over the followers in order to gain indulgences for themselves. That’s provoked environment to attempts to rot and beat Jews.

I’m not well-read up to the level of awareness of any meaningful projects to restore the ability of the Jewish mass to normal coexistence with the social environment – of projects that include identification and definition of 1.the person that is able to initiate and to lead the process of restoration; 2.the potential ability of Jewish mass to be in process of restoration; 3.the content of those process.

The experience that I’ve got led to the following ideas.

1.At the individual level, one can achieve objective self-understanding and purposefully honest self-presentation in social relations. Within the limits of the objective possibilities of self-actualization - one’s own personal influence on life.

2.The Jewish mass, as an integral subject of common being, is heterogeneous within itself and provocatively  vulnerable to neighbors in existence by that some Jews are ready to hand over others to be beaten by their neighbors, buying indulgences for themselves.   

3.In an Jewish environment it worth to trust only where there are reliable demonstrations of worthy motives and real instrumental competencies (knowledge – skills – habitual skills – holistic vision at the level on the complexity of the problem to be solved).

Active stay in the environment of the late Soviet and  post-Soviet Russian-speaking migration to Israel and other countries of the world of “Western civilization” had shown:

- the main inferiority of people in this category is the tendency to deceive, often based on being coupled with self-deception, in representing their intellectual and moral  competence.
This is illustrated by my analytical notes - see collections:

- Афера в среде русскоязычных израильтян. Имитация. Средиземное море моё.
- Они нас имеют. Нас дурят! Поезд в смерть.
- Евреи «Маяковские» и «Лермонтовы».  Авигдор Либерман и форумные русские. Многогранная Массада.
- Воображули становятся опаснее. Проблема выживания современного Израиля. Так,  быть или не быть? Израиль 2016 заговор обреченных. Силен ли израиль. Крутые забияки Израиля … and others.
Real, non-imitative, complicity in the search for an existential perspective for the Israeli Jewish Mass can only be manifested by those who HONESTLY, without self-deception, are aware of themselves and HONESTLY, without false imitation, present themselves.
Naturally, such HONESTY should not be presented declaratively, but through the presentation of evidentiary materials - direct behavioral acts and documented facts.

In this collection, with reference to other collections, I try to test on my own personality the possibility of proving the HONESTY OF SELF-PRESENTATION.   

====    An example of some achievement in self-actualization

The danger of malicious iteresters using the moral inferiority (imitation, stealing) of Russian-speaking pseudo-intellectuals

For example, in the intense global “industry of Holocaust”, under the guise of concern about the non-recurrence of similar beatings of Jews, specific events are intensively held in two directions of shocks of the imagination of the wide world population:

1. descriptions of the suffering of the victims of the Holocaust,
2. descriptions of the heroism of the Jews and those who were with them,

attention is diverted from the study of the nature of the centuries-old provoking weakness of the Jews. Weaknesses "the division of Jewish groups - communities, parties, institutions and organizations, families and friendly companies ... - into the higher/intelligent ones and the others - lower/stupid ones, and the higher surrender the lower/stupid ones to a selfish environment in order to receive indulgences for themselves when beaten by this environment".

Look the chapter «Hitler rightly called the Jews doomed   Гитлер обоснованно называл евреев обреченными».

Both the "West" and the "anti-West", as civilizational giants, have an incomparably higher power than the dwarf state of IEMassy. Including the power of analyzing the content of complex problem situations and ways to resolve them.
In the chapter "The deadly game of four", I drew attention to the fact that the "West", which created the modern state of Israel from the beaten and expelled from everywhere Jewish masses , - effectively restrains the progress of Israelis towards a systemic-holistic vision of their existential problem. This supports the state of the IJM as a doomed distant outpost against the maturing attack of the "anti-West" to the "West".

====       Conclusion

1.In this collection, with reference to other collections, I try to test on my own personality the possibility of a documented presentation of the HONESTY OF SELF-REPRESENTATION.

2.It seems that in all countries the trajectory of the development of manifestations of a "* Russian * scientist or a high specialist, administrator" is standard:

- picks up an idea somewhere or generates his own, seemingly promising - steals additives to the design of the "idea", not seeing the essence, but guided by the apparent consistency of the "idea" and the additives being stolen - the theft being intensified and turns into a conscious purposeful simulation of the viability of oneself, of the "idea" and of the accumulated "result".

3. A stronger Israel is such that it will be able to impose on its CREATOR - the "West" the recognition of Israeli Jewry and the Ethiopian "Jews" attracted by Israeli Jews (not the "West") - to impose recognition of them by its kindred part. Such recognition implies a large-scale complicity of the “West” in the defense of Israeli territory, and, if necessary, large-scale well-equipped evacuation of civilians, and – if it would be required by the situation – the withdrawal of military units from the Palestinian geographical region to “pre-prepared positions”, to the “Western” positions.

4.On the “Western” side Israel is “being played” by a system that gently but harmoniously unites the “think tanks” - influentially serving the structures of state leadership, and think tanks - serving various wealthy stakeholders in their influence on the mood and behavior of the public. This system created the statehood of Israel and supports the saturation of the state with human resources - for to be used as an advanced SACRIFICIAL barrier on the likely path of the anti-"Western" civilizational attack. The attack of the pan-Arabist, attack of pan-Islamist "jihadist", perhaps attack of Chinese or some other ...

5.Real, non-imitative, complicity in the search for an existential perspective for the Israeli Jewish Mass can only be manifested by those who are HONESTLY, without self-delusion, conscious of themselves and present themselves HONESTLY, without false imitation. Naturally, such HONESTY should not be presented declaratively, but through the presentation of evidentiary materials - direct behavioral acts and documented facts.
