2. What do blowjob and cunnilingus mean?


- Pah, Kozubay! Look, how we screwed up yesterday? Shame on us!
- What's happen?
- It turns out in our village lot of people already pretty informed about  blowjob and cunnilingus. And some of them, it turns out, even practice such things. How disgusting!
- Well, what is it?
- Better for you not to know about if you still don’t know and you haven’t been told.
  Can you imagine, when yesterday we were talking about it in these hills, some kids who grazed their sheep nearby, heard,it turns out,the devils,about our conversations. And now, just imagine, almost entire our village talking about it, chewing on this  matter and information with gusto.
And now, as soon as someone sees me, he looks with a laugh, or even secretly giggles after me. Such things, you know, - the most scariest things in the world for me. Its mean now everyone will whisper that if I'm interested in this, then I'm doing it myself?
- Yes, what the hell is this?
- Better for you don't know at all, dude! After all, that  is the worst in the world, when around find out those  who go too far and too deep in anything.
Likewise with this damn blowjob and cunnilingus. And for me, even if the most beautiful and purest woman in the world, well, a real angel, even if she smears her body from top to bottom with honey and a pound of it puts in this very place, I will never do such thing, for any price in the world. And in the same way, if the richest man in the world or the coolest president of a great country asks and demands to do this and says that he will give me  millions of bucks, or starts threatening and torturing, I still won't do it. In worst case, I'll rip that his thing off with my teeth!
  Pah, pah and pah! Another thing - fuck a woman in a natural way - both in front and behind - without all these perversions.
To be honest,I am now deeply distrustful and disappointed in our Parliament. If people raise such topics and questions there,it means that everything will goes very bad and hellish ways for us.
It should be much better dealt and thought about economy and good jobs for people  - not about blowjobs and cunnilingus.

Well, since such conversations have begun, you also need to benefit from this.
I met our local priest, moldo, yesterday, who is my relative and he told me frankly that instead of being interested in such vicious things,I should atone now my sins and go to the mosque. Namaz is the best purification, he told and recommended me.

Of course, it is, maybe.  But  I really don’t like the pose in which everyone is standing when they perform a collective prayer, raising their butts up. There is something humiliating about this too.
Of course, blowjobs and cunnilingus are bad, but this collectively emerging multiple asses in the square is also not so good picture, is'n it? And in general, they wash one place with their hands three times a day. It's so disgusting and that's why even greet them after that and hand shaking so abominable.
- Yeah, but don't tell anyone about this. Believers will be killed you  immediately. Although they are momuns, the quiet persons in the world, they go to pray every day and stand in this position, but if you say something against them, such a loudest hi-wai may start or even a war... So it’s better not to joke with them. It will be even worse than blowjob and cunnilingus.
But you not explained me - what's the hell is it?
