А. Дельвиг Соловей мой соловей... перевод на англ

Nightingale, my nightingale,
vociferous nightingale!
Would you flying not so far,
there singing all night, all?
Some one sorrowful like me,
would be listening to you,
she'll be crying, not asleep,
sinking down in her tears?
Fly away, my nightingale,
to the places, far away,
over distant stormy seas,
to unknown, foreign shores;
visit all the countries, all,
do not miss a settlement:
can’t you find away nowhere
some one sorrowful like me!
I am young and have the pearls -
precious necklace on my chest,
I am young and have the ring
With a diamond, on my hand...
I am young and fell in love
with a wrong and handsome man
And it was one autumn day,
Pearls were fading on my chest,
And it was a winter day,
when was broke my diamond ring.
And alas, this very spring,
My beloved, abandoned me...
