Яков Полонский, Неотвязная, перевод на английский


Every word you say - a lie!
Chase me off - I don’t believe you,
Being faithful so! And I
while alive, will never leave you,...

Let them curse me, so do call
Cruel, evil and persistent!
Love, I swear, not at all -
Entertainment, I insiste it!

I was blind, to trust your words,
Of oath eternal, and sincere!
No one rival brake the cords -
Love that bind us, now and here...

Hardened by your neglect,
Thrown out of top-drawer,
What advice, could I expect,
From the fallen ones, and over

Even if my sorrows rise,
Calculating foe enjoy it...
Love’ll be saved for any price
all my losses I can avoid...

Kill me, beat me black and blue,
Always yours, till the last hour...
Only tender love to you,
Worth for me as highest power...

Search the place, for you, to hide
Fondle other ones, my dear,
In this world, at any site,
As a horst, I will be near...

Act dispite heavenly sign,
Change for women just for laughter,
Till the death you will be main,
So will stay and ever after...
