Repetition is the mother of learning...

Do you think I'll get tired of speaking the truth?

 Do not console yourself with vain hope, for me the future of mankind is higher than your contempt and hatred...

 Therefore, for me, and, I hope, for all reasonable people on earth, a world where blood is constantly shed and hatred is pulled out of people for the sake of money, for the crazy profits of monopolies - there will always be shit!

 It is necessary to change this rotten, vicious structure of the world, implicated in insatiable private property, for a normal, honest and just one!

 There is only one problem - who, when and how will be able to do it!?

 Such forces are not yet visible, and while we sit on the stove, the world will slide into the abyss ... of a nuclear apocalypse ...

 What I want?

 I want one thing to be heard by millions, billions of ordinary people, the rest for me are not people, but animals for whom to fill their belly with billions of dollars on our blood, just spit ...
