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Tiger shark is a fish with no brains

“The body parts of a Russian man eaten alive off a beach at an Egyptian resort have been found inside the shark that was then beaten to death 'in revenge'.”
И тогда люди стали мстить туше безмозглой рыбы - я так перевел. С БиБиСи на свой родной. Тигры тоже нападают, так что же теперь измываться над шкурами?
Рыба-каннибал в тигровой шкуре. Она красивая, акула - строение как чудо природы. Она же не знала, что он русский. Вот у нас в Анахейме после найн илевэн убили сикхов потому что думали, что мусульмане в чалме. Ошиблись. Вот и акула могла не понять и допустить ошибку. Я такое допускаю, но не в этом случае. В этом случае только экспромт. Чего им и написал.

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Orcas don’t eat humans and are not a fish
Reaching lengths of at least 18 feet (5.5 m) and 2000 pounds (nearly a metric tonne), the tiger shark is the fourth largest shark and second largest predatory shark, behind only the great white shark. Tiger sharks are aggressive predators, famous for eating just about anything they find or are able to capture.
Tiger sharks have been measured at over 7.4 metres, or 24 feet, though they very rarely get that big. White shark: The largest reliably measured great white shark was just over seven metres long – that's about 23 feet
Since tiger sharks are apex predators, they do not have many natural predators themselves. The only known predator of the tiger shark is the orca. Killer whales will sometimes force them to the surface and flip their body to drown the shark. They then rip off its fins and disembowel it for eating.”
What kind of sharks are in Santa Monica Bay?
The sharks were either great whites, blue tips, or white tips. Four other non-fatal attacks have been reported over the years, including one involving a mako shark. The specific number of shark attacks in Santa Monica Bay is unknown, but at least six are confirmed.
Tiger sharks are highly migratory and can be found in many oceans worldwide. They prefer warmer waters and can be found closer to the equator in cold months. They can be found close to all the state's beaches in California
