Альманах www-iii alligator smilе
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_________ Content
The causal detention center
p. 3
Dmitry Kovrigin
p. 11
Zinaida Palaya
My brains are awry today...
p. 12
Evgeny Glushkov
When would people become people...
p. 13
The world is topsy-turvy
Variations of lyrics
by Bruno Peltier
Larisa Mironova
Alligator smile
p. 68
(текст приведён в сокращении)
Cause-and-effect detention center
There are different moments throughout the life of any creature. Let's consider human events as closer and more understandable to us.
We do not pay attention and do not attach the essence to acci-dents, taking them into account as an unintentional confluence of cir-cumstances, committed for some outside reasons, but played a signifi-cant role in our lives. Sometimes these accidents seem insignificant, such as if you stumbled and did not have time to get on the bus, and it would seem that these accidents have weight for only a second or a day, but this even a second phenomenon may change the whole subsequent life. Stumbling in front of the bus and it left without you, you delayed the development of some events, but a chain of others immediately un-folded.
Or maybe the bus that you didn't get on was something like a Ti-tanic car, that is, the road to oblivion and after a couple of blocks it just gets into a terrible accident, and then the question arises: if this or that random event changes so much, then maybe it's not random at all, but the very concept of randomness is just an illusion? Then the term fate remains. And what is fate?
That's right, this is the inevitability of events. But are they so in-evitable? Yes, they are inevitable, but their consequences can be leveled, not always, but it is possible. For example, not getting to the right bus in a timely manner sometimes, it is possible to leave by taxi or by met-ro. Some part of the path will be changed, and then everything will re-turn to its course. In other words, fate has no force in the usual concept: the judge is just a free choice, and it becomes inevitable when the event has already happened, but no one took part in it.
prospects for you?
And yet, random events are nothing more than providing an addi-tional chance to change something in your life. And how to dispose of this opportunity is up to you. Sometimes the most ridiculous little thing can make you pay attention to another person at this moment, who may become your friend for life. So the only choice is yours – but there are always a lot of variations. It remains either to accept them or reject them. Life seems unpredictable to us; it may be so.
After all, in the details, because nowhere is it spelled out in detail (in the order mode) - to whom, how and how long to live. In the end, only our choice decides all this. Your fate is in your hands. And those who blame their own past, because events are not always subject to your choice, it is worth remembering that no one promised that you have a choice to dispose of someone else's fate.
Refers to random events in your opinion, you need to calmly and not build any illusions about how much your life can change for this reason, and when such a thing happens, then you suddenly find your-self at a crossroads. Some things just don't make sense. And the ques-tion of how significant many accidents are on a global scale will remain open - that is, with an unknown answer, just as if one were to ask whether these supposedly random events are so random. Everyone finds the answer independently. But few people have noticed, but acci-dents happen in different ways.
There are special ones when at the moment of the beginning of their events, even if they are seconds, time seems to slow down in our consciousness, it seems that they last for a long time in the first mo-ment, where there is an opportunity to influence them, but sometimes it happens when, as if against your will, the action takes place. Your body must work without your participation, although nothing can af-fect it. So what is our final answer to Chamberlain?
An innocent accident or the consequences of karma? And if so, then chance is a pseudonym of God, and Fate, in this case, a set of ac-cidents? Or is it still a conscious choice? I will try to reason in a slight-ly different way.
Randomness is, at least, a reason to think. "Fatal coincidence", "lucky" - "unlucky" and the like can often be heard when something un-expected happens. At the same time, it is not so important whether the surprise is pleasant or unpleasant, it is often perceived as something accidental. When a person wins a bag of money in the lottery, people will immediately say that he was just lucky. But is this really the case? Does everything happen by chance and is it so, this "everything" is not conditioned by anything?
Look around – Nature is a great teacher. What does she teach us? Grass – perseverance, wood – patience, birds – diligence and optimism, water – tranquility…
Dmitry Kovrigin
I watched the flow of Stones
They flowed faster, faster... stronger!
They squeezed the life of my Soul
And someone almost decided for me .......
And it was only at sunset that I realized
What do these two different stones mean...
the box emptied too quickly
And the field has shrunk - there is nowhere to go
The yoke of my scales swung
And the Thread trembled shiveringly....
I watched the flow of Stones ......
And the dance of Kings, Elephants, Horses...
And... slowly walked somewhere
Sad Wanderer ....
....with a torn bag ..... Urim... Thummim ...
Empty longing torment
I kept trying to keep track of Him....
01.01.20 - 10.07. 20. Vladivostok
© Copyright: Dmitry E. Kovrigin, 2023
Zinaida Palaya
My brains are awry today...
My brains are awry today,
and it's not clear –
what makes me so happy?
All because the exuberant lilac
completely reigned over the fences.
There are no fallen pillars,
no rotted crossbars and picket fence,
and, as once, the first love
through the thickets of oblivion of many years
winked at me with the blue eye
of an unknown and forbidden flower.
And this fragrance – how familiar it is! –
desires of the subtle, cherished…
I'm sitting on a lopsided bench
by an old barrel with a rusted rim.
Nettles creep up to the garage.
A piece of wire sticks out from under the ground.
There is a dandelion parachute in the garden.
I'm breathing and living... and to hell with it!
© Copyright: Zinaida Palaya, 2023
Evgeny Glushkov
When would people become people...
When would people become people,
And good would become a law for them,
You wouldn't shout at me:
– Go away! Go away! –
Scaring me with legal darkness.
But, as before, the miracle is good,
You would have leaned towards me,
Feeling sorry for me,
And whispered that love was gone
Through the dawn, where the stars and the alley;
That it makes no sense to call out to the fugitive,
And there is no urine to wait for her back...
I would follow our love,
Wanting into the deserted twilight of the night.
© Copyright: Evgeny Glushkov, 2023
The world is topsy-turvy
Variations of lyrics
by Bruno Peltier
Canada, Quebec
There is an interesting definition of translation: "Translation as a woman – if true, then ugly (non-rhymed), and if beautiful (in rhyme), then incorrect." It is simply impossible to observe both the fidelity and the beauty of the textual translation of Bruno Peltier's songs on the native francais, they are so densely saturated with feeling in all the variety of shades. That is why it is preferable to translate images and meanings from one language system to another, and it will be even more true if it is translated in non-rhymed ("ugly") white verse.
You're leaving
Tu pars
My eyes are wet with tears,
and all the words,
What I was preparing to tell you,
Absorbed this gentle moisture.
From now on,
I am a man who has lost his footing,
You've lost the very purpose.
The way to the land
of our dreams is endless,
But nothing scares me anymore,
I am full of energy
and patiently waiting for my time,
When your hand
wakes me from my sleep.
In the meantime – when you leave,
All I can do is wind…
And I just wrote down all those words,
What I should have told you a long time ago.
Your laughter gently recedes,
And I feel my skin getting cold.
This is covered with ice on my island.
But if you ever get
Scared or cold, who will dry your tears?
In my soul of an ancient poet
No more images are born,
Only ridiculous inventions live there
The result of a waste of time.
Do you remember me, how are you there?
Your departure is the collapse
of the empire we have built.
My heart is tearing apart
The cruelty of such a relationship.
And yet my desperately lively thought –
Who will calm your crying?
Remember me…
My only love is leaving
Mon seul amour s'en va
Drops are creeping on the glass
of lonely pale windows,
Hands, weakening,
slide along the smooth damp wall.
The only name in the whole universe!
And everything happens
Larisa Mironova
Alligator smile
Swimming against the current meets
alligator smile
How an alligator differs from a crocodile, few people know, mistakenly thinking that it is the same animal. But this is not so, there is a significant difference between an alligator and a crocodile: a crocodile attacks its victim from the front, and it, this unfortunate creature, can always see its enemy "in the face", which cannot be said about an alligator that always attacks from behind. And only those swimming against the current can see the unprecedented - the smile of an alligator. But will it be a conso-lation to him? There are two types of alligators – North Ameri-can and Chinese.
Part 1. Escape Attempt
The description of the appearance also gradually began to coincide, but the collective mind was actively searching for more and more new proofs of Eddie's unconditional existence. All this would resemble a gathering in a provincial psychiatric hospital, when the general idea constantly changes form and content, as if according to patterns set in advance by someone, if you look at this matter distantly. Someone suddenly advised to contact a non-profit foundation for help. There were also several opinions about the route. Everyone, as if the ancient Greeks experienced in art, began to advise Lacey - namely, his intrusion into the company sitting peacefully on the shore and caused this heated discussion - to visit this or that local attraction, but he pretended to be greatly embarrassed by such attention, without saying goodbye, suddenly quickly he left. After all, when he asked about his friend Eddie, whom he was supposedly looking for, he called the first name that came across in the memory sieve. It's amazing how gullible people are!
Свидетельство о публикации №223061401211
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Книге ISBN 978-620-0-49361-3Almanac WWW – III Alligator smile присвоена цена 26.90 евро.
Книге ISBN 978-620-3-84910-3 Альманах WWW-III была присвоена цена 26.90 евро
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