Qigong. The third moon


The third encounter with dragons took place deep underground.

I knew that it was hard and uncomfortable for the guardian shaman here, but the words of sympathy stuck in my throat as soon as I looked Ta-Ku the dragon in the eyes. The old dragon's eyes burned with inspiration, and, moreover, it seemed to me that the dragon was pleased that I visited her. However, we didn't talk about it. We talked about something else. About my unfulfilled desires, about who I could become and who I did not become. The dream, which was not destined to come true, became a stone. The stone was tied to my neck and pulled me to the bottom. The bottom of life was darker than the shaman's cave, it was full of snakes of envy, snakes of self-criticism, which devoured me from the inside and poisoned my life. Shaman Ta-Ku wanted me to understand that one must live in the present. It remains to be seen what would have happened if my dreams had come true. Would I be happy?

Or yearn for the life I lead now?

By blowing on one of the walls of the cave, the dragon lit up the image painted on the wall! The portrait of a little fox was carved in stone and painted. It seemed that the fox was ready to come to life and jump to the ground. The image was so realistic! In the Shak empire, foxes were responsible for reincarnation. This was the third people who, side by side, along with humans and dragons, lived in the territory of Shak. Moreover, foxes were an intermediate step between people and animals. The main duty of foxes was entertainment. Foxes did not know how to sing and dance, but they were excellent dramatic actors. During the performance, the foxes turned into people right in front of the audience. Moreover, they were already dressed in costumes that were needed for the performance. The profession of foxes was highly valued by people and was in demand. When the empire fell, some of the foxes died in the fire that engulfed the great city. A small number of foxes were able to save the dragons.

Dragons did not distinguish between humans and foxes and saved both equally. And part of the foxes fled in different directions, and gradually became wild. However, tribal memory is a terrible thing! Sometimes she does this! And this applies not only to people, but also to animals.

The shaman took a breath and gargled her throat with fire. I'm not entirely sure that the shaman was trying to compare the fate of the fox, which will be discussed later, with mine. But if not, then why did she tell me this story?

The fox, which will now be discussed, was called Odalis and the story about her will be in the first person. On behalf of the fox

“I was born a mangy fox. The training of the mother fox irritated me. I was six months old when I finally realized what I wanted! I wanted to be closer to people. I needed human food, the warmth of a human home. I liked people's speech. I didn't understand what they were talking about, but their voices sounded like music. The yapping of my sisters and brothers infuriated me. Six months later, it only got worse. Only a short bark of my mother could bring me to my senses, and even then not always. Sometimes I would pass out and wake up bitten and dirty. So brothers and sisters paid me for neglect. My wounds healed quickly. I didn't get angry at my family. I understood their feelings. But I did not understand my feelings and desires. The blackouts became more frequent and longer. I well remember one of the returns from the world of twilight. Nora was shrouded in darkness and the smell of fear. My eyes didn't want to open no matter how hard I tried. Finally, after blinking, and with a lot of effort, I opened my eyelids. My whole family is huddled in a corner.

Mom growled menacingly, brothers and sisters whimpered helplessly. I turned to the entrance, deciding that danger threatened us from outside. But the hole was quite deep and it was not easy to get here to us. I turned back to my family. As I took a step toward my mother, I heard her growl intensify. I didn't make any more attempts. Everything became clear to me. They are afraid of me! There is no greater danger for my family now than the danger posed by me, a member of their family. I curled up in one of the corners and closed my eyes. The whining and growling coming from the opposite corner also soon subsided. My pack was asleep. But sleep didn't come to me. The howl of the wolf carried the air of the night to me. Anxiety and ancient instinct made me jump to my feet. However, looking at my mother, I tried to calm down. Mom slept, although her sleep was not sound. In her sleep, she barked and growled softly.

The howl of the wolf came even closer. Foxes are not afraid of wolves. Even the hungriest year cannot make us fight the wolves. Why did I suddenly feel so anxious? Suddenly shots were heard. These sounds could not be confused with anything!

My flock immediately woke up! We foxes hate the sounds that iron sticks make, but even more we hate the renegades who were once part of our pack. Domestic dogs have never been distantly related to wild wolves. Dogs are descended from foxes. The mind of the dogs was clouded when one of the first dogs agreed to voluntary slavery. People began to consider dogs as members of their pack, and dogs happily entered the new pack. And everyone forgothow to live not just for a long time, but for a very long time, and we, together with all the achievements of science and technology, live at best 100 years, and at worst 50-60 years?! We are looking for the elixir of immortality, but it is already ready, it is inside us. Just a little effort in training is enough, and five to ten minutes a day, and you are provided with health and longevity. Of course, we won’t live five hundred years, the ecology is now much worse than in the time of Shak-Ma, but one hundred and fifty to two hundred years is a real period that a woman can live, having mastered the knowledge of Shak-Ma and her mother! When I woke up in the morning, I began to write down everything that I experienced in a dream. Moreover, being afraid to lose at least a grain of the acquired knowledge, I decided right there in the morning to write down the exercises that Shak-Ma gave me in a dream! There was only one exercise, but once I have mastered it, I can break it down into many smaller, more detailed exercises.
