Tale of Gray

In one very, very distant and not our kingdom, there lived a prince.  He was very handsome and young.  Everyone knew about it.  And all the girls loved and wanted to be his wife.  Everything would be like in life or like in fairy tales.
But, in the wilderness of this kingdom lived an evil sorceress.  She also fell in love with the prince.
And she wanted to be his wife.

The prince lived in the king's palace.
He grew up carefree, lived in fun and games, wore very expensive and beautiful clothes.
It made him even more handsome.

The evil sorceress had no right to appear in the royal palace.
She conjured so that the prince himself would come to her forest.  And then she
can bewitch him.  And he loves her and wants her to be his wife.
And she succeeded.
Her sorcery began to work.
He went hunting and got lost.
He was alone in the forest.  He saw the path and followed.
She brought him to the house of the evil witch.  At first he was very happy and thought it would save him.
The prince entered the house.  The sorceress had been waiting for this moment for a long time and prepared well for the meeting with the prince.
She turned her house into a wonderful country summer palace.
There were no servants, and therefore no one answered his loud and demanding knock.  The prince gently pushed the door and it swung open.  Instantly, the whole house woke up and lit up with magnificent illumination.  Some lights flickered.
The prince realized that they were showing him the way.

And he walked around the world as if on a trail.
The prince didn't even turn his head to the side.
And, as it should be in fairy tales, the doors themselves slowly and majestically opened before him.  As if from nowhere, tables with fruit appeared.
The prince went through several rooms and felt well.  All meals were very tasty.
And he relaxed from the delicious treat.
The prince went on and found himself in a huge room.
There was a large pool with warm water.
He threw off his clothes and slowly entered the water.
He was very pleased to swim and dive. He felt at home.
Half an hour passed and the prince felt tired.
He got out of the pool.
The prince heard the splash of water and looked back.
A beautiful girl with red hair came out.
With her gaze, she invited the prince to return to the pool.

The girl looked the way the mistresses of the palace look at their guest.

The prince accepted the invitation of a beautiful and good-natured hostess.
He entered the water.
They swam and played like children..
But at some point, the prince stopped.  The girl looked at him very strangely.

And then she said she wanted to be his wife.
But the prince with dignity and respect said that he already had a bride.
He loves her and she will be his wife.
And then this beautiful and young girl instantly turned into an old one and listens to the sorceress.
She was a real and very evil witch.
But since he was a prince, she was afraid to do something bad to him.
And that other who dared to be better than her, she could do any evil.
And she did.
What did she come up with?
The sorceress bewitched the prince.
She made it and gave it to the gray wolf.
The prince understood what had happened to him.
He started calling his mom and dad for help.
But no one could hear him.
Because it was very far from his home.
But then the doors of the forest palace opened.
The prince found himself alone in a dark forest.
He wanted to call his mom and dad again, but he couldn't.
The prince was bewitched and could no longer speak like a man.
Instead, only the forest heard the wolf howl.
His body was covered with red hair.
She saved him from a very severe cold.
And now he was an ordinary wolf.
But, like a beast, he had an excellent sense of smell.
He helped him find the path.
It is the one that leads to the palace to mom and dad.
He followed her.
In his thoughts, the former prince was talking to mom and dad.
He asked them for forgiveness for his disobedience.  He was very ashamed.
He knew that mom and dad are very worried and even cry.

Soon he was near the palace.
He tried to enter it.  But they didn't let him in.
Because wolves are not allowed in the palace.
He began to walk around the palace.
The wolf saw little children.  He hid and began to watch how they play happily.
Top children saw a wolf and were not afraid.

They invited him to play with them.
So they started playing together.
The wolf helped the little ones a lot.
He never liked when little ones cry.

But it soon became dangerous for him.  He saw that the guards on the walls of the fortress noticed him.
They began to shout and call the children to return to the palace.

Then the wolf left.  He wanted the children to continue playing in the clearing.
Because I knew how great it was!
The wolf returned to the forest.  Now it has become his home.  The forest protected him from evil people.


But the wolf could not live without friends.
He loved them and loved to play with them.
So he would come and watch them play from afar.

And then one day, this is what happened.
The children were playing in the clearing, and he, as usual, was lying near a tall bush.
Suddenly I smelled a very bad smell.  He told him about the danger.
The wolf stood up and began to look around.
He saw several large dogs running towards the children very quickly.
They were evil.  And the wolf realized that the children were in great danger.
This was noticed by the soldiers on the walls of the fortress.
They tried to warn the kids.
But they were not heard.  The children were playing.
There was a lot of noise from their games and therefore they could not hear the soldiers.
The pack of dogs was already very close to the playing children.
And only now they noticed the danger and fled in different directions.
And only one girl was left sitting on the grass.
The wolf immediately recognized her as his bride.
He didn't have time to think what to do.
His legs were carried to the rescue of the girl.
He took a giant leap towards her.  But angry dogs have already surrounded the girl.  They slowly began to approach her.
The wolf jump over this ring of dogs.  He stood next to the girl.
His eyes burned so intensely that it seemed that they were not eyes, but two bright red torches were looking at the dogs.
The wolf showed them his teeth.  They were huge and could easily kill any dog ;;with one vinegar.
The wolf screamed and slowly walked towards the dogs.
Fear entered the hearts of those who saw and heard it.
The dogs stopped.  Then the wolf hit the biggest dog with his huge paw.  She answered and fell.
The rest of the dogs gave tails.  And in a second they scattered.
The soldiers saw it all.
And when the dogs ran away, they began to shout joyfully from the walls of the fortress.
The wolf made sure that all the dogs ran away.
He waited for the girl and licked her hand.
She stood up and gently hugged the wolf.
So they stood for a long time.
And suddenly the girl kissed the wolf right on his nose.
The soldiers silently watched this.
And there were already many people on the walls of the fortress.
They also watched in silence.
Everyone watching was not breathing.
And as soon as the girl kissed the wolf on the nose, he immediately turned into a prince.
He was recognized by the girl and everyone who watched them.
The joy was great!
And the prince and the girl went to the palace!
They held each other's hand.
Smiles and joy were on their faces!
And then for many many years they lived together!
And people have ceased to be afraid of wolves, both large and small.
Because they know this fairy tale and see them as enchanted handsome princes!
