Chekhov s pince-nez. A story for children about Se

Chekhov's pince-nez. A story for children about Seryozha.

From the Far Eastern city, Seryozha was returning to Central Russia by train.

Thanks to the concern for tourism, the train made long stops at memorable places.

One of the memorable settlements was the city where Anton Chekhov stayed during his trip to Sakhalin Island.

Chekhov's letters contain descriptions of the Siberian city and the river on the banks of which the city is located.

Seryozha does not mind to be like Chekhov. It can even help a political career.

Seryozha walked along the city streets and looked at the river from the embankment. Chekhov did exactly the same things during his trip ...

On the embankment, a boat tour specialist approached Seryozha. He offered Seryozha a short boat trip along the river.

Seryozha did not want to go on a boat. However, the boatman was very persuasive.

He emphasized that he had a license, a registration certificate, that he was a member of the boaters' association, and that he was included in the Register of boaters entitled to conduct excursions on the river. In addition, the boatman showed a Document confirming his recent attestation (as a boatman) in the prescribed order. Seryozha, however, continued to hesitate.

The boatman showed Seryozha the own dog: the dog was muzzled and on a leash.

The dog was chiped, vaccinated, entered in the Unified Register of Pets. The school student kept the dog on a leash. The schoolboy is registered in the Register of Dog Breeders, switched to a special taxation system, regularly pays taxes, has a patent. The Inspectorate comes to the parents of the school student and checks the fulfillment by them (parents) of their duties.

Everything looked convincing. The boatman was clearly a reliable domestic commodity producer (he managed to "break through"), the excursion promised to be successful.

The travel package included insurance for a moderate fee.

At that moment, another passenger of the train (on which Seryozha traveled) approached Seryozha and the boatman. The passenger was not against participation in the tour.

Together, they obviously will not disappear on an unfamiliar river!

Seryozha, his companion on the train and the boatman set sail.

The river was beautiful.

They could admire the coast and other tourist details.

Suddenly there was a sound of impact. The boat shook. Seryozha involuntarily closed his eyes.

Apparently, the boat stumbled upon a log floating under water.

The boat capsized. The participants of the excursion ended up in the water.

As luck would have it, at that moment an oil slick was floating by (pipelines cross rivers, and a various things can happen).

The boatman did not disappoint. All three swimmers were wearing life jackets.

Soon the participants of the excursion swam to the shore. The boat was carried away by the current, but the boatman hoped to save her.

Seryozha and his companion on the train examined each other. They were covered with fuel oil. In this form, they may be forbidden to enter the train car. The boatman ran away, hoping to save the boat.

It was necessary to look for a way out of the situation.

Seryozha and his companion walked slowly towards the railway station. They saw an old woman carrying two three-liter bottles of sour cream.

Seryozha and his companion on the train began to beg the old woman. They asked the old woman to show them mercy and give them the three-liter bottles. It was pointless to take money out of pockets, as the money would be stained with fuel oil. They promised the old woman that they would leave the payment for sour cream with the station attendant.

The old woman put the three-liter bottles on the ground.

Seryozha and his companion on the train smeared themselves with sour cream. In this form, they looked more attractive.

The appearance of travellers smeared with sour cream at the station caused a small sensation. A small crowd had gathered.

- We went to Chekhov's places, remembered Chekhov, sailed on a boat (and Chekhov crossed the river on a boat), but here: the incident came out ... - Seryozha explained to the crowd.

Cleaning of fuel oil and sour cream took some time.

Seryozha felt that he smelled of turpentine or something similar.

But the attitude towards him was, on the whole, benevolent. He respected Chekhov! He wanted to be like Chekhov! The people treated Chekhov positively.

Someone, by the way, advised Seryozha to put on a pince-nez - like Chekhov's.

"A good idea!" - Seryozha thought. - “I’ll come, after the trip I’ll definitely find pince-nez, like Chekhov’s, and I’ll wear it!”.

The train was moving quickly across Russian expanses (the money for sour cream was paid out through the station attendant). Chekhov's pince-nez was becoming a close prospect.

July 25, 2023 07:29

Translation from Russian into English: July 25, 2023 09:10
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “ Чеховское пенсне. Рассказ для детей о Серёже ”.

{ 3354. Чеховское пенсне. Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 25 июля 2023 г.
MMMCCCXXVI. Chekhov's pince-nez. A story for children about Seryozha. - July 25, 2023.

Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
