I breathe Korean perfume. Paektusan


 My Paektusan , do you remember that winter?
 The trees groaned and the animals wept,
 It was cold, it was anxious
 They whispered to the spirits: "Hide before the deadline!"
 My Paektusan, do you remember that summer?
 The grasses burned, the earth trembled,
 We were suffocating, we were dying
 They whispered to the spirits: "Hide before the deadline!"
 My Paektusan , isn't it time to go back?
 Winters are gone and summer is over!
 This spring I would like to wake up
 To rush like a bird to fun and light.
 My Paektusan, people left us,
 Tales are forgotten, legends are not remembered,
 Only now you know, the child was born,
 The shaman shouted, the spirits can return!
