I sat with anger long enough

I sat with anger long enough
Until the anger told me
“I’m grief”.

Why aren’t we supposed to learn 
How to acknowledge our inner worlds?
I would prefer to check the mood
Instead of constant “read this book”.

The teachers were teaching us:
“Be kind, be smart and shut your mouth.
Oh, you are so sad?
Have no idea what to do?

Forget, forgive and set it fire
Don’t let the feeling ruin future!
You are to be the strongest ever been!
Don’t be so childish, grow up!”

Now I’m 40, a business person, have 2 kids
The youngest, 13 years, talked to his friend
I’ve heard “I’ll grow and leave this house
I’ll be a painter, so I’ll be money poor, but rich in soul”.

I cried, I’ve spend so many years to earn the life
That no one wants to have.
I spent so many nights by recreating “childish soul”
So I forgot how to be ME.
