The wolf and the rabbit

The wolf and the rabbit.

Once a wolf was walking through the snowy forest. It was a mature wolf who has seen a lot in his life. He was a good hunter, had quick reactions and knew when it was necessary to act and when to wait. He saw the moon in the sky and was moving towards the cliff where he could enjoy its light alone.
 When he approached the cliff, he saw a white rabbit sitting on its edge, apparently enjoying the view. The wolf was hungry as always, he anticipated a quick attack and usual satisfaction. Then the rabbit turned its head and the wolf saw starry eyes with long lashes and deep look and he got drowned in them.

The wolf froze not able to take his eyes off the white rabbit. The rabbit didn't seem afraid. She calmly looked at the wolf.
- A stunning view, isn't it? - she said.
- It is, - he answered. - I often come here to enjoy peace and tranquility of solitude.
- I have found it quite by chance, - said the rabbit - I just followed the moon.
- Can I lie by your side while you are enjoying the view? - he said.
- Of course, - she answered.
The wolf stretched his body along the cliff.
They talked and talked until the wind covered the moon with the clouds. And when the clouds were gone, gone were the animals. There were a man and a woman instead. They looked at each other and smiled. She rose from the cliff.
- Do you want to follow the white rabbit and see what happens?
- Probably, you and I know what will happen. And we want that to happen.
- Yes, we do.
They left the cliff together walking along the white snow and guarded by the moon.
