Is this normal... is this possible?

Recently, Vladimir Vladimirovich was asked by our meticulous, finger-in-mouth, patriotic journalists, how is it that we are at war with Nazi Ukraine, but they buy our gas, we sell it to them?

- So they don’t take it for nothing, they pay and pay well, thereby filling our budget and supporting it! - our president answered calmly, thereby dotting all the i's.

So don't ask such stupid questions!

By the way, probably friend Erdogan also answered friend Putin in the same way when he asked him about the Bayraktar brand of unmanned vehicles that are being sold to Ukraine without hindrance - business, nothing personal!

And then I began to daydream, since this is the case, since the president allows business to be done with just anyone, including enemies, then it’s normal, is it possible for us, for example, to buy Leopard tanks from Germany?

Well, they offered them a good price, they wouldn’t refuse, aren’t they fools to lose that kind of money?

Further, more, it would be possible to quietly buy shells and long-range guns from the Americans, firstly, Ukraine would get less, and secondly, our firepower would increase significantly?

And the Americans, cunning guys, will sell their own mother for a nickel, you need to try, maybe it’ll give you a ride, the crests will go for nickels!

It’s good for everyone, no matter where you look, we sell energy resources, and with the proceeds from them we buy NATO weapons, replenish our own, and with great zeal we destroy the Nazis in Ukraine for how much in vain!?

What fun, NATO weapons are fighting on both sides, although American businessmen will receive twice as much profit from such a deal!

Why not raspberries!?

The war goes on as usual, and business does not lag behind, it should not stand still, it must move, spin, earn money in your pocket from the arms trade, and with whom you trade, this is no longer anyone’s business, the main thing is that the profit flows like a river into your personal pocket!?

Oh, and blood also flows like a river at this moment, when deals are being made?

So it flows like a river not among businessmen, but among ordinary mortals, why count it when it brings profit?

Who is counting it, look at the neighbors, Israel puts thousands of people in the Palestinian land, doesn’t even spare children, buries thousands in the ground, just doesn’t notice this horror, like, these are collateral victims, natural losses necessary in a war of such a scale, but  At this time, American military factories are rubbing their hands with pleasure, in this case of a new conflict, shells are needed like air, you can organize three shifts, churn out millions of them, making billions in profit!

Thank you, Hamas, for making a bloody attack, thereby provoking Israel to an equally bloody response, now American workers have jobs in military factories, there is less unemployment and profits flow endlessly into the bins of the US military-industrial complex!

What's bad for them?

Oh, yes, I completely forgot, people are being chopped up there, like in a meat grinder, so there is overpopulation on the planet, less people - more oxygen!

And this has been going on for several years now, everyone is engaged in their craft, their own business, some thresh each other, put thousands in the ground, while others make money from this, nothing personal, business, that’s how the world works, and nothing can be done, even if you crack  !

Well, peace negotiations there can be started after a while, when rivers of blood have already been shed, that’s ahead, the main thing now is to seize the moment, to fill your pockets more tightly with this unfortunate blood!


Damn you all, with such a selfish world, and with such a blood-based business, that’s what I’ll tell you... there is no limit to the meanness and baseness in this, if humanly, according to conscience, according to God, all this is scoundrel,  look at this monetary abomination...

My soul does not accept this... does not accept... does not accept...
