Nothing is eternal under the Moon...

 "Nothing is eternal under the Moon..."




Only elementary particles are eternal...

Have you ever thought that you consist of those same elementary particles that are eternal?

In this sense, it turns out that we are eternal?

That is, a certain set of elementary particles (I can’t even say approximately the number, no one has counted it yet, well, let it be a hundred billion, the essence does not change) of which we are composed will remain in this world for centuries, they will never disappear.

And, if you place them in a separate flask, then they will exist there forever, you know, forever?!

But the whole catch is that these, personally, elementary particles are absolutely no different from the hundreds of billions of elementary particles from which other people are created, the only difference is that they are arranged differently, as it turned out when assembled.

That is, if we, for example, take from nature a certain number of elementary particles necessary to create a person and begin the process of creation, a kind of artificial birth of a person, then it does not matter at all what elementary particles we take, they are twin brothers, an absolute copy of each other friend!

But let’s say we have such an opportunity to somehow magically mark all the elementary particles from which you are created and composed, and in the future it will be possible to trace their path in space and time, then in billions of years it will be possible to discover your personal elementary particle on the other side of the world!

That is, what you are now created from will be scattered throughout the Universe in an absolutely chaotic order, but it will exist forever...

Does this make any sense?

I'm afraid that it is not possible to find even the slightest meaning here, except to state this fact as a given of this amazing world... you can break your head if you think about who and why invented it as such, and even if this material world no one created it, it exists this way forever, like our same elementary particles, then you involuntarily ask the question why it exists exactly like this!?

After all, nothing would prevent this world from existing in others, where we would never happen, what would prevent such a world from existing without living matter, without mind, without man, what would change from this, because nothing would change?

That is, our appearance in general is not a prerequisite for the existence of any material world, but it is precisely in our world, consisting of this specific set of elementary particles and the laws of interaction between them, that our appearance is absolutely natural, the world and we are always interconnected substance of material existence.
That is, initially material existence is tailored for our appearance.
And, let’s think, could this world exist if we took it and changed something there just a little bit, well, some kind of law, some kind of Planck’s constant?

It turns out, no, the world can only exist in the form that is now presented to us, we are not given anything else!
This means that the world eternally exists for you and me, for humans, for life, for the mind, for the flesh, for love, for everything that is inherent to us humans and nature - plants, animals, cells, viruses, bacteria, our feelings, emotions, thoughts, achievements, discoveries, well, literally everything that surrounds us and that we create is for you and me, we are the top of the universe, we are the meaning and purpose of the universe, it exists only for us, because it cannot be otherwise!
We are the top of this world!
Someone may mention artificial intelligence... but this is a continuation of you and me... this is the creation of our hands, our minds...
Well, how do you feel now about your own peak, your natural universal greatness!?
Are you satisfied?

If matter cannot be destroyed, then it exists forever... it simply always exists: it was, is and will be...
The universe exists for the living... and at the top of the living stands the human mind...
The meaning of the existence of the universe lies in the emergence of life, in man, the human mind, cognizing and changing this universe for itself...
