Why doesn t the law work in the USA?

From information sources.

 Donald Trump:

 “We have a man who is completely corrupt, he is the worst president in the history of our country, he has cognitive impairment, and he is incapable of leading.

 Now he is responsible for the showdown with Russia and a possible nuclear war, which will be World War III, the most destructive of all previous world wars because of weapons that no one even wants to think about or talk about, but they exist."



 It’s amazing that at the helm of the United States there is a natural criminal, a corrupt official, in addition, he, like a fool-ass, repeats what is written to him on a piece of paper, and American society, justice, democratic institutions, finally, cannot do anything against this, Biden is against everyone and  He literally doesn’t care about everything and doesn’t pay attention!

 And why?

 Because he has a majority in Congress, those who sit there brazenly and shamelessly lobby for the interests of the US military-industrial complex, and this structure, which has essentially seized complete and uncontrolled power in the US and is doing everything that Donald Trump is indignant about, wars and bloodshed  the planet in their hands!

 The faster the Republicans win in the USA, the faster the world will come to peace, because then the US military-industrial complex will move away from undivided power, and reason will prevail over money!
