Forbes list...

What is the Forbes list?

 Who doesn't know, these are the richest people on earth.

 If someone ignorant is still wondering what a world government is, who exactly rules the world, who is responsible for everything, then there is nothing complicated, it’s easier than a steamed turnip to answer this question, open the list of Forbes magazine, and you will recognize everyone by name...

 Really, you exclaim, is the blood of millions of mere mortals on the hands of these fat idiots?!

 Yes, imagine, it is in the hands of these insatiable monsters, non-humans in human form, that the blood of the children of Palestine, Israel, Donbass, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Syria, Afghanistan...

 Why hasn’t anyone grabbed them by the balls yet, you ask indignantly?

 I answer as it is...

 And in order to call them to account, it is necessary to disarm the army, the police, dissolve the CIA, the State Department and establish the power of the American people, who, in turn, will order a trial of these scum, and, naturally, they must be put up against the wall without hesitation, because for these colossal  crimes against humanity, they are entitled to one, but fair punishment - to hang the first bitch, so that others would be discouraged from investing money in hatred, fascism and blood!

 This is how it is, and no other way, according to the proletarian, according to conscience, according to morality!
