Is this Ukraine?

 Oleg Noginsky.

 “To talk today about the viability of Ukraine as a state... There is no such state.

 There is, unfortunately, a part of the Russians, the Slavs, who were inspired through propaganda that they were part of some separate nation, and they had some kind of country.

 But this is best demonstrated by the Ukrainian elite.

 None of the elitists of Ukraine, including Zelensky, is going to leave their assets, as well as their families, on the territory of Ukraine.

 Zelensky perceives Ukraine simply as a place where he makes money."



 It’s a difficult question to say categorically right away, but surprisingly, I also think so inside myself, because this is one people, consisting of two parts, and we need, bloody nose, to live together in harmony, that’s why the Bolsheviks are open-hearted  they gave some lands to others, considering Ukrainians as their own.

 But there is a black mark in a family; some kind of infection or damage will always appear in a healthy body, and it will muddy the waters.

 American bankers immediately figured this out and played on it, spared no expense in order to set the Ukrainian Nazis against the Russians for big profits, and then under any pretext, so blood was spilled, which can no longer be crossed, and these nits are rubbing their American hands, making a profit  from this conflict they consider with far-reaching plans... what can I say, abomination and meanness... and capital, especially American, has long stepped over everything human, there is no place to put a stigma on it... scum... there is no such punishment,  punishment on earth, which would be adequate to their countless bloody crimes on the planet...
