Dark matter...

 I listened to a lecture on the Internet on YouTube by the well-known popularizer of science, in particular physics, Alexey Semikhatov, and what would you think, he discovered America, namely: everyone is looking for dark matter, but they can’t find it, because it doesn’t react to light,  photons do not notice it, but it still interacts with matter through certain forces, introducing its own rules of behavior for the same galaxies.

 But our dear and beloved space that surrounds us is the same dark matter we are looking for, space does not come into contact with anything, all elementary particles rush through space at the speed of light, and so on.

 But space surrounds us everywhere and affects matter in that part that our valiant physicists have confidently discovered and proven for some time now; they didn’t take it out of thin air - formulas, but what could be more accurate than mathematical calculations?

 Numbers are the iron pillars of science, proven by practice.

 So, my dears, write down my discovery on the tablets of history, as well as in all the patent agencies of the planet, I am the author and all the laurels belong to me, and with them the dividends...

 Consider this article of mine as an application for discovery, for intellectual property, and my name should be written in golden letters in the pantheon of science and human civilization!

 That's it, gentlemen, and nothing else...
