USA has led planet global crisis of capitalism

The United States has led the entire planet into a global crisis of capitalism.
BRICS must urgently withdraw the UN from the US, abolish the dollar as the world currency and dissolve NATO.

China urgently needs to ban the production of disposable items - it has turned the entire planet into a landfill.

Russia needs to repeal all bourgeois laws since 1990, return the borders of the USSR, return all the laws of 1961, introduce prohibition, close all shopping centers and a million restaurants and pharmacies, in their place open a million dispute centers, where all residents gather on weekends and receive local laws.

They create parties and movements.
They train in polemics and discussions.

Centers of Cicero.

All laws in Russia must be approved by 80% of citizens; today no one is interested in their opinion at all.

TV and media citizens have been turned into slaves of ignorance, idleness, and idleness.

All 20,000 laws since 1990 have been adopted by order and in the interests of a handful of bourgeoisie and bankers.

It's time to write the book "30 Years of Russia at the Bottom."

#usa #china #europe #bbc #russia
