When will the Ukrainian tragedy end...

 Oleg Yasinsky:

 “When the Ukrainian tragedy ends, who will answer for what and to whom?

 Who, from the very beginning of the Ukrainian unrest, has been hiding behind the backs of the Ukrainian Nazis, who is now standing behind the puppet, comedian Zelensky, who is directly to blame for what is happening now in Ukraine (in Palestine), that blood has been shed in the Donbass, that hatred has been fueled between  Russians and Ukrainians?

 This is directly and specifically the American financial corporation Black Rock, as well as the US military-industrial complex corporations together with the CIA, which have completely seized power in America!

 It is not possible to list the names of the owners of these corporations; they hide their filthy faces from society because they are afraid of future justice.

 These people know very well that the fate of petty political swindlers (Turchynov, Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko, Zelensky) in the service of foreign superpowers automatically ends with the role of policemen and executioners of their own people.

 But they are too busy worrying about war propaganda and their money and profits to notice such trifles.

 Therefore, we understand well that the real authors of the Ukrainian tragedy are others, and of course these are not the “Turchinovs, Yatsenyuks, Poroshenkos and Zelenskys”, these are pawns, bloody perpetrators, and the customers are completely different guys.

 Of course, I do not hope for someone on earth to judge them, the secret owners of American corporations.

 But I would like to believe that as we finish this current Ukrainian tragedy, no one on our side will think of smiling at them, shaking their cold, sticky hands.



 They will shake, and they will shake more than once, the raven will not peck out the crow's eye... the big capitalists do not touch each other, they throw their armies into battle and destroy the armies of the competitor, the enemy... along with the accompanying civilians...
