Lit dialogues from a novel The Karmazov Brothers

The Lit dialogues from the novel
"The #Karmazov Brothers" (Dmitry, Ivan, Alex, Paul) or briefly: #Karmazov Lit.

'Lit' is here polysemantic:
as a slang 'cool'; or burning, illuminated; or abbr. literary.

To be continued.
New dialogues at the top.
#Karmazov Lit.

Dmitry: "Don't assess a success of progress
from position of an ass".
Ivan: - "Ass" is a polysemantic word, what meaning do you mean?

- The oscillatory process with the formation of standing waves occurs when several coherent waves interfere, - Ivan continued in a lecturing tone.

- For example, in the Earth's atmosphere - these are Schumann waves.

In the Solar System, standing waves can arise from the interaction of cosmic and solar radiation and its reflection from the planets. Figuratively speaking: this cosmic process is like on reflection of candles' flames by system of mirrors.

"The world is a Theater, and all the men and women are actors," - the great poet and playwright William Shakespeare asserted in the comedy "As You Like It."

And I will say:

- The world is a Theater, and all the men and women are actors and spectators simultaneously.

That is, observers!

And each living being sees its own picture of the world.

Sees, or rather, feels the world with all its senses, as fully and as completely as its senses and the ability of its brain to think allow it to.

Each being hears the music of the celestial spheres in its own way, - Ivan finished thoughtfully.

- The World is a Fun House!
 The World is a Hall of Crooked Mirrors!  I've been saying this for a long time, - Dmitry laughed.

Gautama Buddha:
'The world is a looking glass.
It gives back to every man a true reflection of his own thoughts. Rule your mind or it will rule you'.

World is Theater of Shadows.

'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players'.

#Karmazov Ivan:
The lights of the Sun and luminaries are the interaction of their own and reflected energies radiated by them, and human observers perceive waves and corpuscles as white light - the world.

The Almighty embroiders the world with a cross stitch on the canvas of matter.

The World is a Fun House of Mirrors.

It's a metaphor for what is real and what is illusion.
But people here don’t laugh at the distorted reflections of themselves and everything around them, considering this the norm.

- Head of a person to plot a crime, but handcuffs will be putting on the hands.

From the novel of
#Karmazov Brothers by
#GennadyZherebilov ,
Nowdays, from the point of view of some scientists, from position of quantum mechanics and waves-corpuscles duality:
 God the Father is the origen and the observer;
 God the Son is a flesh, a corpuscular hypostasis;
 God the Holy Spirit is a waves spectrum hypostasis.

 Brothers #Karmazov Ivan:
 Creation of the world as a "pass over" from non-existence to existence, from a multitude of potential possibilities, from superposition (via determination by the Observer) into a certain sequence of events (due corpuscular-wave dualism as the quantum "uncertainty principle") is described in Bible, New Testament, Koran...

See Genesis:
3. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

New Testament, John Ch.1:
In the beginning was the Word...
Everything came into being via Him...
And the light shines in the darkness...

John Ch.1:
1. In the beginning was the Word--
3. Through him all things came into being--
5. and light shines in darkness, and darkness could not overpower it.
9. The Word was the real light that gives light to everyone;
14. The Word became flesh...

Ivan: - Flash?
Alex: - Flash became flesh...
See Koran:
"Allah created the universe by saying: "Be"!
Drops of sweat (corpuscles)
based on light - nur.

Dmitry: - The Light, in Slavic, means the World .

Ivan: - Moirai, the Greek goddesses of fate, weaving the thread of life, condense the flesh (turning wave energies into corpuscles), and unwinding the thread of life, split dense matter back into waves of energy, light.
And go on and on...

The fragment from the philosophical-adventurous novel Brothers #Karmazov chapter #TheThirdTablets #TTT

The Heavenly Office reports with the note “urgent”: “Instead of “The End of the World / Life / Light ” you should read “The End of Darkness”.

#Karmazov Alex: #TheThirdTablets
The essence of the danger for global civilization today is a large lag of morality (especially among the oligarchs) from the technological breakthrough (figuratively: the gap between omniscience and omnipotence).  The trial and error method is too dangerous now.

#TheThirdTablets #Karmazov Alex:
To whom it may concern:
'The World isn't so much for you, as you are much for the World'.

#Karmazov Alex:
Peoples should not fall into the sin of superiority of some peoples over others, some countries over others, some peoples over others, as has already happened in world history, when even those peoples who were themselves previously oppressed fell into this sin.

#Karmazov Dmitry:
In the #EraRA - during the heyday of #Robotics & #AI ,
high examples of the achievements of human intelligence with 'lamp worldview' will continue to be valued, just as in the era of digital techno music, true connoisseurs prefer the classic “tube” - warm, rich, soulful, bright musical effect.


Meta Empire /
The Magic Majestic Magenta Empire
is The Ethic Imperatives Imperium with the 'Imperator in law', elected for 7 years.

Dante placed traitors in the 9th circle at the bottom of hell.

Publican Saul was seen as an apostate among the persecutors of Christ, but the followers of Christ see Apostle Paul as a person have regained sight of verity.

The #Karmazov brothers
Transfiguration, probably, is the process of transforming the essence from a corpuscular form - flesh, into a wave form - light, spirit.
Alex: - And before that, the flash became the flesh?
Ivan: - Yes.



I am flash,
Became flesh.
I will grow,
I will rise,
I will learn,
I will love
I'll be loved,
I'll be wise...
I was, I'll be,
I am. Amen.

The neologism "peerson",
formed by combining
the meanings of the words "peer"
as a personality of equal status
or abilities with other individuals and "person" as a reasonable human being.

Karmazov Dmitry:
A world problems, such as Climate Crisis are similar to when the roof of a multi-storey building leaks: till the residents of the lower floors don't have dripping from the ceiling, they aren't in solidarity w/ the residents of the upper floors who're heavily flooded.
Let's discuss:

The egg-dance
for people / challenge is to make arrangements to avoid a generative #AI from leading us to a degenerate humanity.
