For what?

 Here you are all educated, smart people, smart guys, tell me, based on my text below, why did the admin delete me from the chat in one telegram channel popular among communists?

 Your versions?

 So, here are my thoughts there, for which I was banned.

 “They don’t joke with fascism, since it appeared, it means it needs to be destroyed, even if it appeared in a once friendly country and not by the will of the ordinary people of Ukraine, but by the purposeful work of the CIA with the financing of the US military-industrial complex, therefore, naturally, the main enemy of Russia and  there is the US military-industrial complex...

 In the future, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus must become one country, together we are strong, no one will break us, conquer us, or bring us to our knees, and our strong president is the guarantee of this...

 It’s strange that you don’t understand, if we don’t respond to aggression against Russia, we will be made economic slaves of the United States...

 The President is always voluntarily, by the will of his heart, at the forefront of the struggle for the existence of our state...

 What would you order the president to do if our country is simply besieged from all sides: do nothing and watch as the noose around Russia’s neck is tightened?

 The truth is a bitter thing, even for true communists... and it, the real truth, is on the side of the actions of our president.

 Do you think our president doesn’t want peace?

 He would with great pleasure sign this peace treaty with the West, but his hands are tied by aggression from the Ukronazis, bought by the US military-industrial complex...

 If American capital raised its hand against Russia, the president simply has to respond to these challenges, and not give up, as Gorby and Yeltsin did!?

 In this case, Lenin would not have had any special complaints against our president, understanding that it was American big capital, and specifically the US military-industrial complex, who forced him to respond, isn’t that clear?


Even a schoolchild understands this, but you, who consider yourself communists, cannot understand and accept!?

 Do I really deny that it is insatiable capital that is to blame for everything, in our case it is big US capital!?

 War is a continuation of competition between large capitals, but the aggressor in this case is American capital in the person of the US military-industrial complex!

 This is elementary, but you (chat participants), like sheep, are stubborn and do not accept the real picture, it does not contradict Marxism, then why are you stubborn, not wanting to admit the scientific truth of the existence of selfish capitalism?

 The same war between Palestine and Israel was also unleashed with the financial participation of the same US military-industrial complex through its structure - the US CIA!

 Since the war is profitable, gives enormous profits to large capital, it will be unleashed by any means, in our case it is happening all over the world due to the fault of the US military-industrial complex!

 This is hard to understand, gentlemen, pseudo communists!?

 Lenin saw the future... he knew that he would rule Russia better than the Tsar, and he proved it!

 And who now can rule the country better than our current president in such difficult conditions of aggression against our Motherland, there is no one like that!?

 If the American people do not stand in the way of US aggression around the world, then for now it is necessary to defend against this aggression within the framework of Russian capitalism, having in mind that with the collapse of world capitalism, the people of Russia, like it or not, will go over to the bright side of truth and justice  ...

 There are no people like Lerin in America yet... I don’t even know when a new Lenin will be born in America!?

 While communism is losing to capitalism, this is worth recognizing... but this does not mean that the hour will not come when the peoples of the world will turn away from capitalism!

 For what reasons will the peoples of the world turn away from capitalism?

 These are economic crises of overproduction, bloody wars, fascism, hatred, unemployment, poverty, immorality, corruption, crime, militarization of the economy, the insatiability of capital - and these are all the generic incorrigible stains of capitalism... antagonistic contradictions of the capitalist mode of production and distribution..."

 All you (the inhabitants of the chat) can do is cringe... can’t you reasonably, scientifically object to me?

 Once again, carefully read everything that I wrote above, and you will side with my words... even without at all denying communism as the future of the entire planet, for this is the law of development of human society!”


 That's all my arguments and thoughts, is there really a crime here, why should I be urgently removed from the chat?

 Answer!  I'm completely perplexed!
