Otherwise you will lose faith in people..

 Otherwise you will lose faith in people...

 No, no, yes, what is happening now on the land of Palestine is breaking through on the Internet, it is better not to see or hear it, otherwise you will definitely lose faith in people... but the numbers alone are terrifying!

 And people do all this?

 I don’t believe people are capable of this!

 Or did someone force them at gunpoint or bribe them with money to commit this natural atrocity, who did it then, who financed this operation, the massacre, who opened the green road for them?

 I know one thing, so that this never happens again in the world, you need to know exactly who did it and how, so that two peaceful peoples, like animals, rush at each other and tear apart the first one they come across!?

  Who and for what purpose set these peoples against each other, who is vile and basely hiding behind their backs and getting their vile gain from all this bloody mess!?

 Who trades in death, who are these cynical merchants of death!?

 First of all, they must be punished, up to and including the gallows, they deserve nothing less!

 Someone wants to argue with me?
