The words are right...

 From information sources.

 “The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke openly about corruption:

 - The history of mankind shows that because of corruption, even the most powerful states found themselves on the brink of the abyss.

 Corruption is a threat that undermines the foundations of all humanity, all societies, any state, strikes the economy, destroys the rule of law and sharply reduces people's trust in government policies.

 Currently, the cost of corruption in the world is about 3 trillion US dollars.

 However, I believe that this already huge figure does not fully reflect the true state of affairs and the real extent of the damage.

 The worst thing is that it is impossible to measure the scale of moral harm caused to society.

 We will develop and implement the National Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2030.

 We will pay special attention to further ensuring transparency of activities and increasing the accountability of government bodies, improving the open data system, strengthening the legal framework and institutional mechanisms of the sphere."



 Corruption is the slow death of the state and the murder of its own people...

 Now let's dig a little deeper, let's try to trace the origins and causes of corruption.

 For example, an ordinary person receiving the average salary in the country, who can he bribe a high official with his pennies?

 Fuck you!

 But a rich, well-promoted businessman will be able to give his paw a substantial sum, which will be very difficult for an official to refuse?

 He can and will do it!

 This means that the root of corruption is hidden in the incredible wealth of a person who can afford to buy almost any government official, except, of course, the president; the president is usually incorruptible, unless he is a puppet in someone’s hands!

 That is, in a society where there are rich people, corruption will flourish; jailings alone will not help the cause of improving society!

 It is necessary to equalize the incomes of citizens in order to deprive a person of the opportunity to give bribes, and this can only be done in one way - to transfer society to a socialist track...

 How to do this is a question for the classics... they have already explained everything to everyone from a scientific point of view...
