If only God would listen to our prayers...

 “If God listened to people’s prayers, then soon all people would die, constantly wishing harm to each other.”




 But I think that it is the Almighty who despises us, ignores us, does not answer any of our prayers with a good deed, it turns out there is a reason?

 On the other hand, our God, when he created us in his image and likeness, limited himself to that, and then threw us to the ground to the mercy of fate, get out as you want, no food, no warmth, work by the sweat of your brow, and if you don’t want  work, force others to work for you, or take away your neighbor’s bread and gold, and live like a king on your name day, throwing in a whole bunch of temptations and, in addition, a full cart!

 Isn’t it true, God himself pushed us into crimes with his own hands, for not all of us are kind and affectionate from our mothers; there are, and often among us, scoundrels, rapists, freeloaders, and moneylenders who can spill the guts of everyone they dislike.  , if suddenly what benefit appears ahead?
