The vast majority of humanity...

 The most dangerous thing is that the overwhelming majority of humanity is thoroughly poisoned by liberal lies... and therefore does not see, does not know, does not guess who their main enemy and killer is!

 And how now to enlighten this deceived people?

 It won't work!

 Only then will the people begin to see the light and rise up, when capitalism begins to roast the peoples of the world on the nuclear pyre of world carnage!

 The apocalypse is already close... but people laugh in my face, or answer stupidly, like:

 - The human mind will not allow the use of nuclear weapons!

 What can I say to this, naive, ignorant idiots, fools!

 They do not understand the most basic thing - it is not the human mind that makes decisions on earth, but capital, its bloody, greedy objective essence that is pulling humanity into the abyss!

 It is necessary to deprive capital of its power, namely, to liquidate it, to replace the institution of private property with public, people's, state property!

 And what is happening now is like a boa constrictor and a rabbit, the boa constrictor looks bloodthirsty at the rabbit, and the rabbit understands that its death is close, but still, under hypnosis, it moves towards its death!.
