What kind of world should we strive for?

 “I am very sensitive to the main values.
 Maybe this is wrong, but I don’t think that the norm is when a person is good.
 Who said that people must always be good, honest, and sincere?
 Normal is when people deceive, dissemble, and look for some benefits for themselves.
 And then everything else that goes beyond this norm - when a person said “thank you”, didn’t lie, supported you, did something good, although he might not have done it - causes great joy, rejoicing, and generally makes the world beautiful  ..."

 Sergey Bodrov



 So, according to Bodrov, what makes the world beautiful are exceptions to the rule, deviations from the norm?

 Or maybe it’s better for us to strive for a world where good is the norm and evil is the exception to the rule?

 Do we need a world in which a person does not need to pull evil out of himself, he simply does not need it, he will calmly and confidently survive in the new world and with goodness in his soul, without using violence and his own bad qualities?
