What kind of world have we built!?

 “We all knew that there would be an ammunition crisis in the winter, and here it is - the crisis has arrived.
  We gave Ukraine what was easy to give, now we are “reaching into reserves” to give at least a little more - but not all!
 We cannot produce ammunition quickly and in the required quantities until at least 2025.
 In 2024, no one will have enough ammunition."

 British academic, Michael Clarke



 Is anyone lamenting about the shells at this time!?

 And this is what they call it, people!?

 A normal person will lament the death of thousands of ordinary people, but they worry about shells, well, aren’t they bastards!?

 They are non-humans!

 What kind of world have we built, where a piece of iron has become more valuable than a person’s life!?
