The role of new presidents...

 Oleg Yasinsky

 “In contrast, I emphasize, from the pseudo-left demagogues who opened the doors to the presidential palace for him, Javier Miley began his rule of Argentina by honestly (obediently - author) fulfilling his vile election promises.

 Today, his puppet, pro-American government has officially abandoned the country's entry into BRICS.

 The next logical steps would be to send Argentine troops to help the Israeli army or save the United States in repelling the merciless communist aggression from Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

 The worst thing is that the most absurd phrases or ideas a few years ago very quickly become the bloody reality of our days.

 The global experiment has entered a new phase.

 The global tyranny of capital has prepared a fresh project for the collective suicide of countries and cultures.

 And the crazy Javier Miley - a precocious exotic hybrid of Chubais with Zelensky and Pinochet - proclaimed the abolition of the Argentine state, and this should become a new dangerous laboratory for the entire global South.

 Based on this, in the coming months Argentina promises to become one of the main fronts of the world war against humanity."



 In order to save their skins and their billions, the owners of these billions are ready to hand over the role of presidents to crazy people all over the world...

 Do you want specifics about who these owners of billions are?

 These are the owners of the US military-industrial complex, the US Federal Reserve...
