Nostalgia for the USSR...

 Oleg Yasinsky.

 “Today is the 101st anniversary of the birth of the greatest project in human history.

 By the very fact of its yesterday’s existence, the USSR remains the most terrible threat to the globalized international mafia ruling the “civilized world”.

 The Soviet Union was not and could not be an ideal society; many of its shortcomings, mistakes and contradictions are obvious, they are now being used by bourgeois defenders.

 But still, his real achievements, as well as the scale of his goals and the greatness of the values ;;he proclaimed, are unparalleled.

 That is why he still interferes with all sorts of “decommunizers” who selfishly parasitize on the fears of the elites and the ignorance of the masses.

 The great idea of ;;human brotherhood and equality cannot be replaced by any “multipolarity” or “protection of traditional values.”

 The difference in scale between a situational necessity and a strategic dream is enormous.

 Both the destruction of Western imperial tyranny and the protection of the cultures of our peoples is an important dual task of our time, but without the great ethical universal idea of ;;socialism it is impossible.

 Therefore, our red Soviet flags will always remain in the hands and hearts of those fighting today against NATO and Nazism."



 The only place where I was truly happy in all human senses was the country of the USSR, even despite the shortcomings that came from the degenerated power of pseudo-communists who had become disconnected from the people...

 As a young boy, I went out into the street in the morning, and the smile of joy and bliss never left my face, because living in a fairy tale is tantamount to spreading your wings and flying across the sky!
