The Green Wizard postage stamp. A story for childr

The Green Wizard postage stamp. A story for children about Seryozha.

The absence of the "Mauritius blue" prompted Seryozha to creative searches.

The next day there was a notice on the door of the Philatelic Club: "A creative evening dedicated to the Green Wizard postage stamp. The event starts at 18:00."

Stamp fans began to gather at the doors of the Philatelic Club at 17:00.

At 17-45, Seryozha approached the crowd of philatelists.

He took the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City" from the hands of one of the kids:

- Do you see this book?! The children are reading it!! But where is your interest in traditions?

The kids, and all the other philatelists, turned their eyes to the book.

A large garbage can drove (on wheels) up to Seryozha. An inscription was made on the garbage can: "Designed for spiritually alien ideas."

Seryozha lifted the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City" above his head and showed it so that everyone could see it well.

Then he opened a page with a colored drawing depicting the Wizard of the Emerald City, tore this drawing out of the book, crumpled it and solemnly threw the crumpled page into the garbage can.

Everyone froze in surprise.

- And now I ask everyone to go to the hall where the theatrical performance " The Green Wizard postage stamp" will take place!

Everyone rushed into the hall.

The performance soon began.

At first, Seryozha walked around the stage and thought aloud how to get the "Mauritius blue". Several of his friends were standing on the stage next to him and listening to him.

Then, Seryozha put on one of his friends a green top hat (topper), a green raincoat and handed him green gloves and green shoes.

Solemn music began to sound, which was replaced by an alarming drum roll.

Everyone froze for a moment.

A boy in a green raincoat took off a green top hat and solemnly took out a large postage stamp from it.

- The Green Wizard postage stamp!!! - Seryozha announced. - It was printed in a single copy. A rare thing! This is the only real Wizard of the Emerald City!!!

The stamp depicted a boy in a green top hat, a green raincoat and green shoes.

The final scene took place with the participation of a representative of the capital's post office. A rare postage stamp was cancelled on with a postmark device.

A special leather-bound album, with a single page, was delivered from behind the scenes.

The drumming began again.

A unique postage stamp was embedded in the album.

There was applause.

All the philatelists wanted to take a closer look at the rare postage stamp. But Seryozha's friends politely restrained the crowd and asked the audience to return to their seats.

Seryozha was walking home down the street. He was followed by a car with guards and with the "Green Wizard".

The townspeople, despite the cold, opened their windows and looked at Seryozha with respect.

December 22, 2024, 19:49

Translation from Russian into English: January 22, 2024 20:39
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “ Почтовая марка "Зелёный Волшебник". Рассказ для детей о Серёже ”.

{3463. Почтовая марка "Зелёный Волшебник". Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 22 января 2024 г.
MMMCDXXXIV. The Green Wizard postage stamp. A story for children about Seryozha. - January 22, 2024.

Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
