
 From the Internet...

 American journalist Edgar Snow:

 - “Only a blind man (or a liar - author) can now deny that the triumph of the Red Army was the triumph of Soviet socialism, Soviet planning, a just Soviet system, a great socialist homeland.”


 What did this simple-minded American understand?


  On September 1 last year, our president, at an open lesson “Talking about Important Things,” told why the USSR actually won the Second World War.

 He told the children about his grandfather’s letter addressed to his son, a front-line soldier, and concluded that the reason for the victory was family values ;;and a special attitude:

 - “By the way, when I read my grandfather’s order to his son, I understood why we won the Great Patriotic War. It is impossible to defeat such a people with such an attitude.
 We were absolutely invincible and still are.  An extremely important thing.
 This is just one sketch from the history of a family, and we have the vast majority of such families.  It is very important".


 Correctly-minded individual families won the war, do you understand?


 But this doesn't count?

  - Thanks to industrialization and collectivization, the Soviet country has become a powerful industrial power!

 Tens of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty and illiteracy.
 Millions of children of worker-peasant origin sat down at their desks, were engaged in flying, marksmanship training, and studied the basics of military affairs in Osoaviakhim.

 Is this down the drain?

 Unprecedented scientific and technological progress, economic planning, the absence of a parasitic class of nouveau riche who would endlessly appropriate the product of social labor, did all this not matter?

 It turns out that family values ;;and attitude are the main thing, the rest doesn’t matter!?

 You’re ready, and you can, like in Mikhalkov’s film, go on the attack with a Checherenka against machine guns and cannons, a fascist enemy armed to the teeth?

 The American war machine, without a special attitude (only for money), how many countries has already destroyed, destroyed, enslaved, colonized, only due to its military power!?

 If the cowardly crests of the Nazis did not have piles of American weapons, they would have raised their paws long ago!

 So, without an economic basis, factories and advanced science, we will not see victory over American imperialism with just one attitude!

 It is necessary that our oligarchs, who have billions in their personal pockets, give 90% of their profits to the state treasury for the economic development of our country in this extremely difficult period of opposition to American imperialism, which surrounds us with military bases on all sides!
