Scenarios for the enslavement of countries from th

 Oleg Yasinsky:

 “First, a country is selected with the required resources, the desired geopolitical location and a government that, like most others, has corruption, injustice and abuse.

 A country that has until now been stable and has tried to develop.

  Then the “serious press” begins to produce a daily obligatory dish of truths, half-truths and lies (the ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous, digestible mass is obtained, with flavoring additives in the form of heart-warming stories beloved by viewers of the series).

 Funding and various media support are provided to human rights and dissident forces and organizations in this country, the media turn a handful of oppositionists into “revolutionaries” and “freedom fighters.”

 At the next stage, when the first “spontaneous” protests are held, it is necessary to ensure their brutal suppression (sometimes thanks to agents embedded in the government of this country) in order to give rise to the expansion of protests “against tyranny” and its overthrow.

 At this stage, armies of fighters for democracy armed and trained by us will appear out of nowhere.

 Grateful for the support, yesterday's "revolutionaries" come to power and become "strategic allies" (a euphemism for the concept of "puppets").

 Thus, a country that is not of interest to us and its territory and resources that are of interest to us completely come under our control.

 Intractable revolutionaries (rarely, but they do happen) die at the hands of “agents of the overthrown tyranny” and become national heroes.

 And the cattle will see on TV what they should see and think what they should think.

 Then its surpluses, which we do not need, will die out from the “optimization” of the social programs of our democratic governments or will die in military operations under their own flags for our interests."



 The US CIA is a well-funded agency of the US military-industrial complex, so it works tirelessly... it is their vile methods of seizing power that are given above... and then the enslavement of any country... Europe and Ukraine are the next victims...

 What is the US state now?

 This is a conglomerate of big American business and government officials obedient to them.

 Capital merges with the state machine into a single whole, and such a state begins to work for big business, that is, if war is beneficial for business, then the state will unleash this war by any means!

 Now do you understand the origins of US armed incursions into other countries, tidbits for American business?

 Until humanity destroys large capital on the planet, that is, abolishes private property, we will not see a peaceful sky above our heads!
