And Tucker Carlson again...

 Our Russian President, Vladimir Vladimirovich, during a sensational interview, listens to Tucker Carlson’s claim, namely, why Russia does not want to resolve controversial issues with Ukraine at the negotiating table?

 Vladimir Vladimirovich, answers, tells in detail that a peace treaty with Ukraine had already been signed in Istanbul, but then the extremely smart former British Prime Minister, Mr. Johnson, arrived and vetoed (not in his pants) these peace agreements, Zelensky, as usual for  He took the junior in rank under his thumb and, with his tail in the air, without hesitation, accepted Johnson’s offer to continue shedding the blood of Russians and Ukrainians.

 Tucker immediately asked in confusion:

 - Why did Johnson do this?

 The answer from Vladimir Vladimirovich did not take long to arrive:

 - Who the hell knows!?

 And then I tried to find an explanation for this in more detail:

 - Maybe because they all had the impression that Russia could be defeated on the battlefield, out of arrogance and a small mind.



 Oh, Lord, again I have to intervene, well, it’s clear to the horse that the continuation of the war means endless profits in the pocket of the US military-industrial complex, why should they stop this massacre, provoked by them, if it brings so much money!?

 Johnson is a puppet of the United States, and the United States, in essence, is the selfish interests of the US military-industrial complex, we say the United States, we mean the US military-industrial complex, what’s not clear?

 I don’t know what the intelligence of Johnson and the American owners of the US military-industrial complex is like, but they take great pleasure in counting the free money that ends up in their insatiable pocket at the expense of other people’s blood!

 There is no such crime on earth that capital will not commit if it has a profit of three hundred percent!  - it wasn’t said by me, it was definitely noted.
