Tribune of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin...

 Tribune of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin...

 11/02/24, in the Sunday edition, visiting Vladimir Solovyov, Margarita Simonyan noted, not without pride, that according to the calculations of her always efficient and honest employees, the interview of Vladimir Putin, which he gave to the popular American journalist, Tucker Carlson, was viewed by more than a billion people around the world  !

 You won’t believe it, you can delve into my previous articles, and you will find where several years ago I turned to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with advice, find a way to speak before the whole world, before all peoples, especially the American people, and tell the whole truth about  Russia, about our international politics, about what is happening now in Ukraine and why it is happening, so that all the peoples of the world finally learn the truth, and do not swallow those lies, do not accept those spreading noodles that have been hanging on the ears of the Western man for so many years,  to Western society their fast-paced media.

 And now what I was talking about happened!

 Can you imagine how incredibly happy I am about this now that it happened, and I have the feeling that I was heard above, read, that my words were not drowned in a stream of endless information, my efforts and efforts were not in vain, it is not in vain that I write, think, think  , I worry about the fate of the world!

 I am happier than ever, my desire, purpose, to make this world a better place, to find ways to save this world, are becoming visible!

 You can’t imagine how light, airy this feeling is, as if I’m flying over this world and I see how it’s changing for the better, the world’s eyes are opening!

 When a person's dream comes true, he is happy!
