What is the difficulty of a bright, just future?

 The fact that the future will be, and will be, bright and as fair as possible, none of the smart, educated, enlightened people has the slightest doubt, humanity now has only one task - to live to see this future, to preserve by that time everything that we have achieved, built, accomplished  .

 Why don’t literate people doubt this?

 It’s simple, science always goes ahead of everything, and science showed us what awaits us, revealed to us the real laws of movement and development of human society.

 And so we saw what awaited us, and what happened, we see, like in Krylov’s fable, sweet grapes, but we can’t get them, for us, our capabilities, they hang too high.

 So is the society of the future, now it is not possible to reach it, we still need to go to it for a long time so that all the conditions are ripe for society to transition to new tracks that will lead us to happiness and peace in the world.

 We can only tell young people in general terms about this future, but we won’t be able to give them the opportunity to live in such a new society, it’s not time yet - a lot more water and blood must be shed in order to touch it with our hands...

 Of course, it is very difficult in our time of unbridled reaction, the time of the dictates of bloodthirsty insatiable big capital, giving rise to wars, crises, fascism and Nazism, immorality, suffering for millions, to convince the people of our scientific correctness, the people are deceived by propaganda in which the nouveau riche are investing billions, just to  fool people, instill in them hatred towards each other, and we have empty pockets, meager pennies, what can we do, what kind of audience can we reach with our pitiful material capabilities?

 Only time works for us, the further, the greater the abyss, the bloody age of the nouveau riche will push us into barbarism, we can only wait... and speak, reveal to the people the truth, confirmed by science and practice... and science is reason.  ..
