Artaxerxes Literary Workshop. A story for children

Artaxerxes Literary Workshop. A story for children about Seryozha.

After school, Seryozha invited friends to a cafe-pastry shop to collectively eat a beautiful cake.

There are no free cakes in the pastry shop. Even for a literary oligarchs.

But the literary oligarch has an advantage: he has the right to create a Literary workshop.

- Come on, guys, let's quickly create Seryozha's Literary Workshop, - Seryozha announced to his friends. - The workshop will be called Seryozha's Literary Workshop "Artaxerxes".

- Why "Artaxerxes"?

- We are the heirs of the cultural traditions of mankind. Artaxerxes - it was such an ancient king (tsar). In ancient times, he created a huge library containing many clay tablets. They have been discovered by archaeologists in our time, - Seryozha confidently explained.

- What will our initiative look like if a Literary institute already exists?

Seryozha narrowed his eyes slyly:

- We have to declare ourselves. Nothing lasts forever under the Moon, not even the current rector of the Literary Institute!

The friends looked at Seryozha with respect. It would be nice to carry out another renovation of Herzen's Moscow mansion. But with a new leader.

The timid voice of one of the friends was heard:

- And who will be the iconic figure at the opening of the Literary Workshop?

- I will invite one of the famous Literary Figures close to the Department of the Criminal Subculture and the Green Leaf (Zelenolistnaya) Literary Factory. Last year, he visited the Zelenolistnaya Literary Factory, breathed in the air that great and famous writers breathed, wrote the script "Amalia Karyatinina", sold it to the Central Film Studio. The film was shot, - based on this scenario. At the expense of the Film Financing Fund. Can you imagine who he knows? - Seryozha pointed upward with his palm.

- Good idea! - friends approved. - What will be the tuition fee?

- No! No tuition fees! First, aspiring writers are ambitious. They are ready to pay any money for the publication of their works. Secondly, I, Seryozha, am a well-known philanthropist. On one of the letters I received, was indicated the addressee (recipient) : "To Seryozha, the Director of the Good Affairs Foundation." If we are going to raise money, it will be only as intermediaries for almost free publications of books and collections, or as organizers of charitable financing of good causes.

- Okay!

Soon, an announcements about the beginning of the work of Seryozha's Literary Workshop "Artaxerxes" quickly were hung throughout the school. At the opening of the Literary Workshop, a well-known writer with huge connections in the highest administrative circles will speak. He is the author of the script for the film "Amalia Karyatinina" as well as of the novel "Turtles" published in 5,000 (five thousand) copies.

The school hall was full.

Seryozha began his speech by explaining that it impossible to teach to write (to write literary works). You can only teach to read.

Next, a well-known Literary Figure (with connections in higher administrative circles) spoke.

This Figure wished those present that today's schoolchildren would confidently go through a life. And for this, the fire of creativity must burning in them. It is necessary to remember the traditions of the ancestors, who examined (under the light of luchin - a burning thin wood chips) the birch bark letters found, written by literate people of the Novgorod Republic.

Next, the school students read their favorite passages from Fadeev, Fedin and Fonvizin, and discussed the texts they had read.

Some school students wrote brief notes about the event (about the Literary Workshop "Artaxerxes"). They received praises from Seryozha and from the well-known Literary Figure (with connections in higher administrative circles).

The event ended with a fundraising for charitable financing of good causes.

Seryozha had a short private conversation with a famous Literary Figure.

After that, the Figure publicly shook Seryozha's hand, wished him success in public activities, and left in a huge foreign SUV (apparently imported by gray import).

The work of Seryozha's Literary Workshop "Artaxerxes" was completed. If any decisions about the leadership of the Literary Institute will be prepared, then, now, "there" they know about Seryozha and his friends.

- Well, now, I invite you, guys, to the cafe-pastry shop! - Seryozha announced to his friends. - A honestly earned fresh cake is waiting for us! Do you remember "When the watchful breguet [a pocket watch, with a loud ringing; watch were named after its creator, mechanic Abraham-Louis Breguet] suddenly will ring him about lunch" !? [Александр Пушкин "Евгений Онегин": "Пока недремлющий брегет не прозвонит ему обед"]

Seryozha and his friends headed to the cafe-pastry shop.

February 22, 2024 09:41

Translation from Russian into English: February 22, 2024 19:29
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “ Литературная мастерская "Артаксеркс". Рассказ для детей о Серёже ”.

{3478. Литературная мастерская "Артаксеркс". Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 22 февраля 2024 г.
MMMCDXLIX. Artaxerxes Literary Workshop. A story for children about Seryozha. February 22, 2024.

Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
