You will soon call me God...

 ...but it will be too late...


 I wrote a lot of things, often persistently and persistently repeated a lot of things several times so that it would get to you, but still, judging by the results, it didn’t get through and still doesn’t get through, I don’t even want to figure out why it didn’t get through, because I wrote and write  I am speaking the truth, and I am speaking, relying on science, on the shoulders of the geniuses of science, about what awaits us, what will happen to us, to the planet, to all the peoples of the world, but time passes, and the hour will soon come, the world is being set on fire by capital  all sides - Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan, more and more, and it won’t stop, and you still don’t wake up.

 But, when everything happens as I said, warned, one might say, shouted, when bombs rain down on your heads, only then will your eyes open in fear, and you will call me God, because I saw this many years in advance,  and brought it to your attention, but you didn’t listen to me, sometimes you laughed and arrogantly despised, mocked, and now, when it hurts you, you are ready to pray for me and listen to me with all your ears, but it will be too late when the sun is covered by a nuclear  the physical dust and cold in you will be equal to the cold of horror in your souls, your awakened consciousness, and all this because of your well-fed and contented inaction...

 If you don't want to save the world, then the world won't save itself...

 I sincerely feel sorry for you, humanity, your stupidity and satiety, together with comfort, will kill you... I don’t know, maybe there’s still time for you to be saved, I don’t know... but I see one thing, that it’s almost impossible to wake you up, I’ve been here for more than ten years  wasted my time...

 You yourself signed your own death sentence, I, even being God, cannot save you... for the hands of God are your hands... and they are now busy with something else - pleasures... and this is a direct road to hell...
