Camel Blanket

- I have a wonderful camel blanket!
- Oh, really, a camel one...
- A camel one! Do you know how warm it is!
- A blanket doesn't warm.
- Then who does warm?
- You do. Unless, of course, the blanket is electric.
- So, when they say in the store: "a warm blanket," are they joking?
- What's there not to understand? Cover a corpse with the "warmest blanket" - it will always be room temperature underneath. A blanket doesn’t warm. A blanket retains and accumulates your warmth. As long as you are warm. And medicine doesn’t cure. Nor does a doctor.
- I don’t get it! What are you talking about? Then who cures?
- You. Yourself. The doctor helps - like a blanket. And medicine helps.
- Then why do they look for "the best doctor"? The most expensive medicine!
- To help better. Like a camel blanket. If a person has that very lousy disease, where the immune system shuts down, then no medicine, no doctor will help. Understand?
- Seems like I got it...
- So, does the blanket warm?
- Turns out, it doesn't.
- And a sleeping bag?
- A sleeping bag does warm!
- Goodbye!
